
Marvel NOW! Relaunch

Started by Tony Stark, October 12, 2012, 07:50PM

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Quote from: Hyperman360 on December 23, 2012, 08:46AM
I do wish that they wouldn't get rid of Peter and the classic red-and-blue suit.
I dunno, I'm diggin the new threads (I mean every hero in Marvel and DC got a redesign for their suits, but Spidey still had the old threads. I dunno I just like to see different looks I guess) but I'm with you on the whole "I wish they didn't get rid of Peter" thing, it's ridiculous. The only places we can find Peter is on Ultimate Spider-Man (the tv series, and there's no way I'm going near that train wreck) and the movies (ASM ftw!)

I dunno it's just... I am very affected by this event. I've been a Spider-Man fan since I was 3 years. I grew up with him, I looked up to him, I'd talk about him every day I was probably the Nr. 1 Spidey fan in my whole country. Even now I have a poster of him on my wall ( The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Poster ) and I still read his comics and watch his shows and everything! And here comes Marvel switching him with one of his deadliest foes who turns out just wanted to be Spider-Man all along and now he becomes a good guy... Why? What's wrong with Peter Parker being Spider-Man!? Why do they have to constantly replace him?! I honestly hope they won't hold this up for long and eventually bring Peter back somehow or atleast make another universe like I dunno an "Earth-Two" mabye or something like that where Peter gets his body back and continues being Spider-Man.

If Star-Lord & Thanos is still alive, then where's Nova Richard Rider went to after escaping Cancerverse?
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Quote from: xXScarletSpiderXx on December 23, 2012, 08:13PM
I dunno it's just... I am very affected by this event. I've been a Spider-Man fan since I was 3 years. I grew up with him, I looked up to him, I'd talk about him every day I was probably the Nr. 1 Spidey fan in my whole country. Even now I have a poster of him on my wall ( The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Poster ) and I still read his comics and watch his shows and everything! And here comes Marvel switching him with one of his deadliest foes who turns out just wanted to be Spider-Man all along and now he becomes a good guy... Why? What's wrong with Peter Parker being Spider-Man!? Why do they have to constantly replace him?! I honestly hope they won't hold this up for long and eventually bring Peter back somehow or atleast make another universe like I dunno an "Earth-Two" mabye or something like that where Peter gets his body back and continues being Spider-Man.
I know that feeling, I too looked up to Spider-Man. He taught me a great many things growing up (Great power comes great responsibility, to fight for what's right, and to never give up no matter the odds.) It hurts, honestly it does. Some might say we don't have a life because we look up to these characters and feel like this, but these characters have been a part of our whole lives.
It's not the best solution, but go to Spider-Man and go the to forums and visit the subforum labeled "Crawl Space comic" (or something like that) and you'll find a fan "comic" (it's really only scripts that they wrote because if they had pages it'd be copyright infringement) That "undoes" the damage caused by OMD and BND and has spun off into some good stories (I won't spoil them, they really are good.) And they're working on a new issue as we speak (after a lengthy hiatus.)
It isn't much, but hopefully like me, it'll help ease the pain.

December 24, 2012, 04:44AM #64 Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 04:50AM by DeeDooo
All I can say is thank god they're finally doing something interesting with Spider-Man. I love Parker as much as the next guy (I really do) but they've kind of entirely ruined the character. It doesn't help that whenever anyone tries to do something new and exciting with him, the fans who are far too stuck in the past create this massive backlash. "How dare you try and ever have any creative license with the character! Don't you know we're the fans? OUR WORD IS LAW!!11!!!!11" They won't kill Parker forever. I mean really, look at this logically: he's profitable and interesting and pretty much everyone's favorite but he got too big (mister member of every team ever) and too complicated. If you kill him for a bit and then bring him back he can start over again and be truly interesting and a good character again. This is what's best for Parker. Keep your minds open :)

Edit: This article kinda says what I said but it also has some other interesting points if you're interested:

Edit 2: I admit it is entirely possible I'm wrong and they don't know what they're doing. I'll gladly eat my proverbial hat if that's the case. But just give them a chance to prove it first before you go all apesh*t rabid fans on them, please?

Quote from: DeeDooo on December 24, 2012, 04:44AM
All I can say is thank god they're finally doing something interesting with Spider-Man. I love Parker as much as the next guy (I really do) but they've kind of entirely ruined the character. It doesn't help that whenever anyone tries to do something new and exciting with him, the fans who are far too stuck in the past create this massive backlash. "How dare you try and ever have any creative license with the character! Don't you know we're the fans? OUR WORD IS LAW!!11!!!!11" They won't kill Parker forever. I mean really, look at this logically: he's profitable and interesting and pretty much everyone's favorite but he got too big (mister member of every team ever) and too complicated. If you kill him for a bit and then bring him back he can start over again and be truly interesting and a good character again. This is what's best for Parker. Keep your minds open :)

Edit: This article kinda says what I said but it also has some other interesting points if you're interested:

Edit 2: I admit it is entirely possible I'm wrong and they don't know what they're doing. I'll gladly eat my proverbial hat if that's the case. But just give them a chance to prove it first before you go all apesh*t rabid fans on them, please?
Don't worry, we aren't THAT crazy (note to self: cancel sniper team outside of Dan Slott's house, lol)
At least for me, I don't mind if they try something interesting with Spidey (honest to goodness) but there are honestly a few things in the way of me actually enjoying this "new" direction; the main one is that I don't care what went down (because like you, I doubt it's gonna last..... at least I hope so) but how it went down. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but in 700 the last few pages/panels felt like a knife in the heart mostly because of the characterization (the two main characters didn't act like themselves. That's why Chris Yost's Avenging series is going to do great, because the main character acts like you'd expect them to.) That's what I think a lot of fans are upset about, Slott took one of the defining traits that the Spider-Man had and shoved it down the toilet because it fit his story and is ridiculing everyone who calls him out on it (the sane fans at least, we all laugh at the ones who are giving him death threats).
I mean, almost the same thing happened to UCSM, when Bendis killed Peter off and introduced Miles (Not on the same scale though. btw, anyone notice how that got national news coverage, while this one isn't?) Some fans didn't want a new guy in the Spider-Man suit.
But it was different, because of how it played out. Peter didn't go out with a whimper, he went out swinging, defeating the Green Goblin and saving his family (I cried when he passed, true story. Many manly tears were shed that afternoon.)
Forgive the rambling, and frankly long post (I'm in a talkative mood right now). In my honest to User opinion, it's not what happened in the story, it's how it was told and how the writer is acting about it (belittling the fans who are actually giving just criticisms and not showering him with praise.)

A certain Randy Kemp commented this on the link DeeDooo wrote here, and I think it's just the best thing I read about this thing, so without wasting more time, I shall copy it here :D (BEWARE OF POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

"If you Google the World Wide Web, you'll find out what happens online in issue 700. Someone leaked the ending.

Suppose they are correct. Doctor Octopus has been inhabiting Peter Parker's body – at least it has Doc's brain waves. We find Peter's brain waves trapped in a dying Doc Ock body. What does Peter do? He gets some old villains to break him out. Then he tried to reverse things – within 700 minutes (about 11.67 hours). But Doc has traps, measures and counter measures in place. Here's my objections:

What does psychology and psychiatry say about different personalities inhabiting a body? Isn't the personality of Otto Gunther Octavius radically different from that of Peter Parker? Just look at any book on personality disorders (i.e. The Three Faces of Eve).

Even if someone can superimpose their essence into another body, they won't be able to control their daily routine like the original person. A case in point is any version of the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Even though the alien spore took over the body, those close to them complained they were somehow different.

This inhabited Spiderman body is subject to others sensing something is wrong. Any of the science types might start a scientific investigation – Reed Richards, Max and his brainy crew, his former detective girlfriend, etc. How would this invader shield himself from any of the Marvel universe telepathic mutants or mystic types (i.e. Doctor Strange)? And wouldn't Daredevil sense lies via the heartbeat?

Would a leopard suddenly change it's spots? Why should Doc Ock become "good" just because he can be Spiderman? Otto was doing bad things all though issue 700 and prior issues

How would Otto as Peter Parker shield himself from scientific, telepathic and mystic/magical probes?

What would I do if I were Peter? I know that Doc Ock has many contingency plans. Remember the old saying – the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Why didn't Peter just contact his enemy the Jackal? Then he could just transfer his brain waves into a clone? Then he could work with the Jackal to defect Doctor Octopus. After all, the Jackal is also brilliant. I'm sure the Jackal would help – for a price. This would also allow Peter time to defeat both enemies. Why didn't Peter think of that?

Frankenstein is now a hero in the DC Comics world (DC gives the creation the same name as the creator). Suppose Bruce Wayne decided to retire as Batman. He wants to focus on business and humanitarian endeavors. He asks Frankenstein to take over the Batman mantel, while he finances everything.

Would the old Batman audience be happy? Can the old Spiderman audience be happy with rumors of leaked endings – if true? One could argue that the composite knowledge and intellect of Otto and Peter is one smart dude."

What I'm asking is what would stop Ock from forgetting his so called "promise" to Peter and become a villan again in Spider-Man's body? The scans of Superior Spider-Man clearly show him fed up of fighting crime and leaving the gang do as they please...

Quote from: xXScarletSpiderXx on December 25, 2012, 03:38AM
What I'm asking is what would stop Ock from forgetting his so called "promise" to Peter and become a villan again in Spider-Man's body? The scans of Superior Spider-Man clearly show him fed up of fighting crime and leaving the gang do as they please...

Pete should've called his Avengers teammates in a 1st place. Especially Steve Rogers, Logan, Cage, Danny (feel sorry Tony since he's on a way business with Guardians, i hope they met Rich Rider, not sure he's retire or having vacation on the other universe or planet). Be strong Peter Parker
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Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on December 25, 2012, 04:34AM
Pete should've called his Avengers teammates in a 1st place. Especially Steve Rogers, Logan, Cage, Danny (feel sorry Tony since he's on a way business with Guardians, i hope they met Rich Rider, not sure he's retire or having vacation on the other universe or planet). Be strong Peter Parker

I think that he should have called Logan. Lizard was able to sniff out the "Peter Parker" inside Octavius' body and Logan can "smell a lie" if he atleast let Logan know he would have had a chance.

I finally got to read ASM 700. I almost cried at the end. What really bugs me here is they took Peter out. Octavius may be a good guy now but he's not trying to be Parker. He's a very different person, and doesn't really feel like Spider-Man. Peter was a joker, a guy who tried to take things lightly. Octavius looks like he's going to be more of a serious and creepy Spider-Man.

They could easily fix this. All that's needed is to say something like Peter's underlying body chemistry didn't like Ock's brain, so it fixed his brain and brought back the dormant part of Peter Parker's mind. It might be more interesting to see Peter fighting Ock inside the brain for control of the body. (Peter should win, of course, eventually.)

December 31, 2012, 09:24AM #71 Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 09:31AM by mj fan
Agreed But honestly i'll wait and try if the story is going to be better cause right now i am so angry
They just killed one of the best characters For what? In many scenarios across the comic book genre, superheroes or villains have been killed plenty of time off only to come back to life a few issues later or like jean grey to make us wait and act like "i want her back!" and make us sad but the result is that i honestly don't buy their comics anymore Looks like garbage to me. They die and then, return thanks to some amazing miracle or twist in the storyline..that's soo boring  :mad: I am mad, sooooooo mad right now..Hate otto He acts like a pervert
C'm on! With Mj?!?


I don't know who heard this, but I think in January, Daken also dies.

I think it'll be better if Peter & Ock should stick together, like Ling Yao & Greed in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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That would actually be an interesting concept. As in the two personalities changing up once in a while