
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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September 04, 2018, 02:46AM #1606 Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 09:03AM by Outsider

Before I head to work this morning, I thought to go ahead and introduce to you the Native American shaman of Mortal Kombat known as Nightwolf. He has all of his signature moves and some cool features to make him an interesting mod to say the least. Check him out.

UPDATE: Added MKX & Circle of Shadows skins & HUDs. Herostat has changed.

-4 powers, 2 boosts, and a Fatality.
-Ability of Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality.)
-4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, icons, loading screen, mannequin & sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #27 (shares with Rescue, will clash at mannequin).

1. Mystical Arrow: Creates a mystical bow and fires arrows at enemies.
2. Hatchet Uppercut: Pops an enemy upward with his axe.
3. Reflection: Will reverse all attacks, especially projectiles and beams back at attackers.
4. Shaman Charge: Charges forward with mystical power, knocking down enemies in his path.
5. (Boost) Power of the Spirit: Will augment team's healing and even revive fallen allies.
6. (Boost) Animality: Will morph into a large werewolf with double strength and defense.
7. (Fatality) Tribal Light: Summons the light of his ancestors to horribly burn enemies.

-Nightwolf's taunt can actually inflict some damage on enemies that are close to him.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, HUDs, icons, loading screen, sounds, hex-editing, effects recolor, etc.
Andersonbrazil - Skins (MK9, MK3)
Escanor610 - Skins (MKX, Circle of Shadows)
Aventureiromax - Skin re-texturing, werewolf skin, mannequin
UltraMegaMagnus - Bow, axe, and arrow boltons

None so far.


Very nice work Outsider! Excited to see your next mods!

Only correcting a small detail  :chuckle: I just re-texturized the skins of Nightwolf which was converted by AndersonBrazil  :thumbsup2:

Good job BTW ;)
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Quote from: Outsider on August 31, 2018, 11:38AM
Where does the game crash? Does it crash when you try to select her?
That means that maybe you didn't select which 21705 skin you wanted and placed it in the actors folder before playing the game. It was mentioned in her "Read It" file.

If that wasn't the reason for the crash, let me know in detail what happened.

I sure didn't, but the game still crashes when I did put a skin in the actor folder. I select her from the select screen, and then it just closes without anything. I'll try out a few more things and let you know

EDIT : Installed spider-girls again. Worked, tried Silk, worked. Tried MJ and now she works too.. lol idk, but cool mod :)

Quote from: Outsider on September 01, 2018, 08:35PM
MODOK is possible as long as some of the default animations (run, walk, etc.) are replaced with flying animations, as he is floating on his chair. Some other default animations (use_button, levelup, etc) are replaced with his idle animation, as his arms are too short to perform those. He also won't be able to pickup any weapons or objects. Fighting animations could be replaced with short power pulses using his idle animation instead. Needless to say, he falls under the "quite difficult" category. Not impossible, but may not be worth the effort.

I actually got pretty far with a MODOK mod, I'd estimate about 45%-ish, but yeah, you'd need to replace a lot of animations. MODOK actually has two animations that I used for combo'ing. An animation in which he kicks, and a headbutt. Two kicks and one headbutt was the default combo and then I'd use blasts or whatever for stun, trip etc.

Don't underestimate how many animations would have to be replaced though, if you dont want him growing legs out of nowhere, quite a lot..
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Quote from: Polygone on September 04, 2018, 09:12AM
I sure didn't, but the game still crashes when I did put a skin in the actor folder. I select her from the select screen, and then it just closes without anything. I'll try out a few more things and let you know

EDIT : Installed spider-girls again. Worked, tried Silk, worked. Tried MJ and now she works too.. lol idk, but cool mod :)

I actually got pretty far with a MODOK mod, I'd estimate about 45%-ish, but yeah, you'd need to replace a lot of animations. MODOK actually has two animations that I used for combo'ing. An animation in which he kicks, and a headbutt. Two kicks and one headbutt was the default combo and then I'd use blasts or whatever for stun, trip etc.

Don't underestimate how many animations would have to be replaced though, if you dont want him growing legs out of nowhere, quite a lot..

Yeah, the game does some weird stuff sometimes, but good to hear they are all working now. As for MODOK, that's precisely why I never attempted him, and let's not forget there are times when the game itself will take control of a character's animations, such as when heroes grab the four swords to crack open the Destroyer Armor in "Valhalla." Would look very awkward for MODOK.

Quote from: Aventureiromax on September 04, 2018, 05:58AM
Only correcting a small detail  :chuckle: I just re-texturized the skins of Nightwolf which was converted by AndersonBrazil  :thumbsup2:

Good job BTW ;)

OK, I've edited that. Hope the credits are correct.

Quote from: TheMK on September 04, 2018, 04:29AM
Very nice work Outsider! Excited to see your next mods!

I know you are, indeed. One thing is for certain -- I will make sure we all reach a full roster of Mortal Kombat warriors.

Quote from: BaconWizard17 on September 02, 2018, 09:04AM
Cool mod! I had no idea he hadn’t been made yet

It was surprising for me to learn as well, as Crimson Dynamo wasn't hard to create at all, and his history with Iron Man and the Winter Guard certainly warrants him getting his own mod. And unlike fellow Iron Man villian MODOK, at least his model is normal-sized.

Love your work mate!

oh and I also forgot to thank you for helping me mod my game. I finally got it to work a while back when you were helping me with the engb file problem I was having.

September 06, 2018, 06:39PM #1612 Last Edit: August 29, 2024, 11:29PM by Outsider

So now, here comes the mod of the four-armed female Shokan bodyguard of Sindel known as Sheeva. Don't worry -- while she has the Teleport Stomp just like Goro, she plays nothing like him. In fact, you'll be quite surprised by how she plays. Not much more to say, other than... check her out.

UPDATE: Added MK9 Alt, MKA & MK11 Alkahina skins.

-4 powers, 2 boosts, and a Fatality.
-Abilities of Might and Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality.)
-5 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons, loading screen, mannequin & sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #141 (shares with Dr. Voodoo, will clash at mannequin).

1. Seismic Stomp: Leaps into the air and comes down, causing enemies to pop upward.
2. Rapid Quakes: Sheeva pounds the ground rapidly, impacting all nearby enemies.
3. Fireball Stream: Launches a projectile with smaller projectile trailing it, causing multiple damage.
4. Teleport Stomp: Teleports high and reappears stomping an enemy hard.
5. (Boost) Shokan Synergy: Gains extra points in strike, body, focus and defense for a time.
6. (Boost) Friendship: Somehow creates a rainbow, convincing enemies to become friends with Sheeva and attack her foes instead.
7. (Fatality) Body Breaker: Moves rapidly to each enemy and buries them hard into the ground hard, shattering spinal cords.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, retextured skins, HUDs, icons, loading screen, sounds, hex-editing, effects recolor, earthquake script, etc.
Andersonbrazil - Skins (Modern & Klassic), mannequin
Escanor610 - Skins (War Garb, Savage & Alkanina)

None so far.


Damn, Outsider, you've been on fire, lately! Popping out mods left and right, lol!

Loving this, and excited to see everything you do next :)

Everyone, the following mods have been updated (I've erased the post and posted it again because more updates happened so nobody gets left out):
John Blaze: Now has a mannequin.
Secret Mod 4: Now has a mannequin. (To find the hidden chamber where the secret mods are, look somewhere in the 1st post...)
Darkhawk: Added Tommyboy's 10 new skins and changed some animations.
Mantis: Added Julio Cabral's new movie skin & HUD, and UltraMegaMagnus' mannequin.
Arachne: Updated Anderson's skins to his new textured skins.
Crimson Dynamo: Now has a mannequin.
Ultron: Added Julio Cabral's MCU Ultron skin & HUD.

And... there is a HUGE update for Star-Lord adding Julio's MCU skins, Nick's voice file, and a new boost using music from the Vol. 2 soundtrack! Now you can play music from both soundtracks!

It is important to use the updates I provide, as I make certain that all newly released skins have been hex-edited to avoid problems at Murderworld or while shape-shifting. Here's the link for Crimson Dynamo:

Also, I see that the writing is on the wall that people want to see Yondu created. I'll think about it, but I can't promise anything. Plus, my focus right now is on Mortal Kombat.

Quote from: TheMK on September 06, 2018, 08:19PM
Damn, Outsider, you've been on fire, lately! Popping out mods left and right, lol!

Loving this, and excited to see everything you do next :)

Well, Sheeva wasn't all that hard to do, so I got her done relatively quick.

Quote from: JohnConquest12 on September 05, 2018, 12:04PM
Love your work mate!

oh and I also forgot to thank you for helping me mod my game. I finally got it to work a while back when you were helping me with the engb file problem I was having.

Thanks for that. And it's no problem.

Everyone, I'm focused on Mortal Kombat right now, but I have been thinking about a character that may or may not get a mod in the future.

For those of you who have seen Thor: Ragnarok, I ask a question: Should Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie (Scrapper-142) gain her own mod? Or should her outfits only be alternate costumes for my Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) mod?

I guess that all depends on whether you believe that Scrapper-142 is Brunnhilde or not. I say while she is undoubtedly a Valkyrie, she isn't Brunnhilde. And that has nothing to do with race (bear in mind that I am black). In the movie, there was a scene of the Valkyries vs. Hela, and ...well, you saw what happened. (Don't click the following link if you didn't see the movie.)

While I can't say that I completely enjoyed the movie, I did like Tessa's performance as Valkyrie. She seemed so much different than Brunnhilde. She's a heavy drinker, a bad-ass, and uses a lot of tech and guns.

Her version of Valkyrie was also introduced in the Marvel Comics universe in their Exiles comic while Brunnhilde is now with the new Asgardians Of The Galaxy. I say she's strong enough to be her own character.

But is it racist for her to have her own mod from Brunnhilde? It may be if she is Brunnhilde, but we don't know if she is. It didn't say she was in the movie credits. We have more than one Nick Fury mod. We have more than one Thor mod ...somewhere. Should there be more than one Valkyrie mod?

I left a poll for you all to decide -- it'll be up for seven days. Feel free to sound off.

I for one would welcome her as her own mod, I think you're right and that she is 100% a Valkyrie but I also don't think she's Brunnhilde.

It's probably not essential, but she does have some differences that could set them apart and make a fun variation.
Also it could be fun to have both of them team-up on a team together with separate mods.

Either way I'm excited to see whatever you come out next.

Go for it. She's pretty much a different character, even if she's the same person (if that makes sense)

Eh, why not? We already have a lot of clones of existing characters, so what's wrong with adding one more?

I voted yes because she is a different character from Brunnhilde. It's been a while since I've seen it but I'm pretty sure Brunnhilde sacrificed herself in Scrapper-142 flashback.