
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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Quote from: Outsider on April 27, 2020, 09:28AM
There is a way  -- I can add more package files to it, but the problem is that there are no skins out there that have the same amount of skin segments as that one, so other skins aren't really compatible with it. Glad you're enjoying it, though.

P.S. My bad that I had to "censor" your message, as I didn't want the surprise to be spoiled.
Ahh ic i think its my bad i open the spoiler hahaha sorry! :D Ok first of all thank you very much for ur reply! ^_^ second almost all of my booster and new characters its all from yours how can im not enjoying it :D and all ur mods is always my fav tbh ehehe.. ^_^ and third bout Star-Lord booster i still dont know how to change the music (boost skill) and yes i saw the (Music Details) on the details skill panel but dont know how to change it though, can u help me?
"If you're poking around in my mind, I will Portal you in front of a moving truck" :blink:

Quote from: Clarice on April 28, 2020, 03:33AM
Ahh ic i think its my bad i open the spoiler hahaha sorry! :D Ok first of all thank you very much for ur reply! ^_^ second almost all of my booster and new characters its all from yours how can im not enjoying it :D and all ur mods is always my fav tbh ehehe..

I dig hearing comments like these. :fro: It's part of why I've done this for so long -- people enjoying them, especially during this dark uncertain time in the world. Hope you've managed to discover some secrets while at The Crypt...

Quote from: Clarice on April 28, 2020, 03:33AM
^_^ and third bout Star-Lord booster i still dont know how to change the music (boost skill) and yes i saw the (Music Details) on the details skill panel but dont know how to change it though, can u help me?

To change the music of any of my mods, you'd have to create a new sound file with the music that you want. Take a look at my sounds lesson in "The Outsider's Guide to Modding." It should help you on that. It's a bit technical to learn, but practice makes perfect.,10705.msg198299.html#msg198299

And if you haven't already, feel free to join us on our Discord server. You can chat with modders, skinners, and other members in real time!

April 28, 2020, 08:00AM #2237 Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 09:32PM by Clarice
Quote from: Outsider on April 28, 2020, 06:26AM
I dig hearing comments like these. :fro: It's part of why I've done this for so long -- people enjoying them, especially during this dark uncertain time in the world. Hope you've managed to discover some secrets while at The Crypt... sweett! i nearly cry to read this :') i know it must be hard for u like how u try to manage ur time for modding ur brain and etc and i believe its really such a hardwork for all ur creation untill now, but please keep modding and keep bring us your amazing work like always i really appreciate all ur time and ur hardwork too..and i really hope you stay safe & healthy out there! ^_^
Love from Indonesia! ^_^

Quote from: Outsider on April 28, 2020, 06:26AM
To change the music of any of my mods, you'd have to create a new sound file with the music that you want. Take a look at my sounds lesson in "The Outsider's Guide to Modding." It should help you on that. It's a bit technical to learn, but practice makes perfect.,10705.msg198299.html#msg198299

And if you haven't already, feel free to join us on our Discord server. You can chat with modders, skinners, and other members in real time!
Wow thank you it works! yay..! (^_^) didn't realize there was a tutorial for this i thought we just simply can change it on game or maybe there's a hotkeys for it, phew need a little effort to learn this out.. Now i would like to ask bout 1 thing more hehe.. its about Cloak&Dagger Booster  :cd: why is Cloak cant teleport my team even Dagger with his teleporting skill? he just solo teleport himself even there's animation like he is trying to teleport team member along with him and then he just still solo telepoting himself XD is there any way to fix this? cuz this is one of my Fav booster from u (i think all of ur booster is my fav lol XD)..
"If you're poking around in my mind, I will Portal you in front of a moving truck" :blink:

Everyone, :cd: Cloak has been updated, as Clarice brought to my attention that he couldn't teleport someone with him. Having seen what the problem was, I've corrected it.

Quote from: Clarice on April 28, 2020, 08:00AM
Now i would like to ask bout 1 thing more hehe.. its about Cloak&Dagger Booster  :cd: why is Cloak cant teleport my team even Dagger with his teleporting skill? he just solo teleport himself even there's animation like he is trying to teleport team member along with him and then he just still solo telepoting himself XD is there any way to fix this? cuz this is one of my Fav booster from u (i think all of ur booster is my fav lol XD)..

Thanks for bringing that issue to my attention. He's been fixed now. Download him again -- it should work fine now.

I'm just throwing this idea in, because I think this would be awesome: Would it be possible to create an animated cloak bolton for Cloak's teleport power? I believe I read somewhere that thetommyboy's Angel wings are animated boltons. But I don't know who of the active modders would have experience in that...

Anyway, nice updates!

Since the new voice updates for Cloak and Dagger, I took on the quest to convert Dagger's MUA2 voice and power sound files. Not that I don't like Johnnydragon's sounds...
I think I can create a full sound/voice set with it. Cloak has a few lines (from the hub conversations) too, but it isn't nearly enough and it sounds very different from his tv voices. The effects from the cutscene are not good, because there's too much music in the background.
Btw. I noticed that Dagger's first power doesn't have animations. Is that just my game doing this? Because of this I created (a few months back) fix that reverted the animations of her first two powers back to sbarth's version, but with better timing and additional sounds. Some sounds in the fix are custom sounds, but since the update and me working on the new voices, I want to make an update for it. Actually, I can't imagine that no one woud've noticed the missing animation... so, is it working for you guys and the fix is not needed?

April 30, 2020, 02:14AM #2240 Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 02:18AM by Clarice
Quote from: ak2yny on April 29, 2020, 11:41PM
Btw. I noticed that Dagger's first power doesn't have animations. Is that just my game doing this? Because of this I created (a few months back) fix that reverted the animations of her first two powers back to sbarth's version, but with better timing and additional sounds. Some sounds in the fix are custom sounds, but since the update and me working on the new voices, I want to make an update for it. Actually, I can't imagine that no one woud've noticed the missing animation... so, is it working for you guys and the fix is not needed?
yeah i notice that too, i think Dagger doesn't have animation now, for some reason she just standing while doing her skill, i thought it just me so i just replace the Dagger instead with the old default one and it works for me since there is not much skill change for her so i think its fine. But if the modders or maybe someone want to fix it i think thats much better. :)  :cd:
"If you're poking around in my mind, I will Portal you in front of a moving truck" :blink:

Quote from: ak2yny on April 29, 2020, 11:41PM
I'm just throwing this idea in, because I think this would be awesome: Would it be possible to create an animated cloak bolton for Cloak's teleport power? I believe I read somewhere that thetommyboy's Angel wings are animated boltons. But I don't know who of the active modders would have experience in that...

Well, an animated cloak is certainly beyond what I can do. As you can see, currently he has a cape. If someone is willing to create a full cloak for him -- animated or not, they are certainly welcome to do so.

Quote from: ak2yny on April 29, 2020, 11:41PM
Btw. I noticed that Dagger's first power doesn't have animations. Is that just my game doing this? Because of this I created (a few months back) fix that reverted the animations of her first two powers back to sbarth's version, but with better timing and additional sounds. Some sounds in the fix are custom sounds, but since the update and me working on the new voices, I want to make an update for it. Actually, I can't imagine that no one woud've noticed the missing animation... so, is it working for you guys and the fix is not needed?

Quote from: Clarice on April 30, 2020, 02:14AM
yeah i notice that too, i think Dagger doesn't have animation now, for some reason she just standing while doing her skill, i thought it just me so i just replace the Dagger instead with the old default one and it works for me since there is not much skill change for her so i think its fine. But if the modders or maybe someone want to fix it i think thats much better. :)  :cd:

I just checked her in my game, and she's fine. She's doing the animation for her first power. And I didn't touch her animation files -- that's why she doesn't have any new anim files in there. So I honestly don't know why you two are having that problem.

Although I wonder... do you two have the Gold Edition Content mod? That mod has been recalled, as it is known to cause problems with the animations of other mods. If you have it, then that's what is causing it. Get rid of that ASAP.

And just so y'all know, going back to the default Dagger changes a lot of things, including losing the "Divine Pairing" boost, her new Xtreme, and references to what they did on the show in the talent descriptions.

Quote from: Outsider on April 30, 2020, 02:50PM
Although I wonder... do you two have the Gold Edition Content mod? That mod has been recalled, as it is known to cause problems with the animations of other mods. If you have it, then that's what is causing it. Get rid of that ASAP.

And just so y'all know, going back to the default Dagger changes a lot of things, including losing the "Divine Pairing" boost, her new Xtreme, and references to what they did on the show in the talent descriptions.
Nope i think i dont have Gold Edition Content i just installed Official character..Srsly this is confusing XD and the worst is i already try to fix it but its just same and it i think i will just use the old one for now..  :cd:
"If you're poking around in my mind, I will Portal you in front of a moving truck" :blink:

Quote from: Outsider on April 30, 2020, 02:50PM
I just checked her in my game, and she's fine. She's doing the animation for her first power. And I didn't touch her animation files -- that's why she doesn't have any new anim files in there. So I honestly don't know why you two are having that problem.

Tried her on a new installation and on top of the OCP. Still no animation, with the original even less so (like missing smash animation). Tried using the original 2006 version of the default fightstyle and got the same result: even less working animations. I suspect the fightstyle being the problem, since this is a thing you changed from the original mod, which used a custom fightstyle. I am using the default fightstyle of the OCP, dated 07-28-2007. What is your version?
I got the original mod (a prerequirement) from here:,8142.msg145755.html#msg145755

I don't mean to be rude, but... I am listing reasons why I still believe in my fix (just went over the data files today and noticed many improvements over your original booster and my fix):
- Animation of power 1 needs to be updated to be working on top of original MUA with installed OCP.
- The animation for power 2 looks like she throws the dagger in an upward kinda arc but the animation is a horizontal arc. Looks way better with the original animation. Either change the animation or the effect.
- Selection Stage effect (in herostat) should be removed, because (especially together with Cloaks effects, who needs them) it makes my game very slow. Low priority, because herostat edits are easy.
- The sreenflash effect on the xtreme is just too much. Cloak is ok. Dagger is way worse, having multiple flashs twice. And both together (people don't want to use them seperate) are too much on the eye, too much disturbing the picture and you just think: "what the..." The Idea is nice though. Maybe you can just reduce how many times the effect occurs (I counted three deatheffect entries for each thrown dagger). Or another effect? I recently encountered an effect where everything on the map turnet into a certain color (seen the same in two different colors), kinda like Sin City, looks very neat. This together with bigger explosion effects? Just an Idea.
- I believe the power sounds need an update. Since I already did that and am working on MUA2 sound conversion who have some power sounds, I could bring you that if you're interrested.

I understand if you want to leave her in the current stage, because the booster's working and it's an actual booster (improvement) too. But do I have your permission to release my fix then? And should I post it on it's own release thread?
One more thing: I would prefer to include all the files of your booster: skins, hud, effects, script mannequin, loadscreen.

Sorry to be so critical. It just bugged me.

OK, I finally found time to address this. Here we go...

Quote from: ak2yny on May 01, 2020, 05:36PM
I don't mean to be rude, but... I am listing reasons why I still believe in my fix (just went over the data files today and noticed many improvements over your original booster and my fix):
- Animation of power 1 needs to be updated to be working on top of original MUA with installed OCP.

That was the problem that you and Clarice reported already. Here's the thing about me: I don't just give up if I can't see the problem right away. When someone reports to me that there is a problem with one of my mods or boosters, I look heavily into it, and that takes time. When I mentioned that I couldn't find the problem, I meant that I did a quick test and I couldn't find the problem yet. I mentioned the recalled GEC because I first have to troubleshoot with you both to see if the problem is not caused by my mods -- and usually it isn't.

What you may not know is that on our Discord server, I was asking members if anyone else had this problem, because I was still looking into it. (Oddly enough, nobody answered, but I know that C&D were downloaded.) I have since found what the problem was -- turns out that while I didn't touch her original animations as I said, I had replaced them and forgot to include the files. My apologies, as when you've done 250+ projects as I have and are still currently doing things, it's hard to find time and keep track of everything. Read your next quote to see where my "Ah-hah!" moment came from.

Quote from: ak2yny on May 01, 2020, 05:36PM
- The animation for power 2 looks like she throws the dagger in an upward kinda arc but the animation is a horizontal arc.

This. I knew at this point that animations had to be the problem ...because I didn't give her an upward arc animation. In mine, she's shooting them kind of like Black Widow.

Quote from: ak2yny on May 01, 2020, 05:36PM
- Selection Stage effect (in herostat) should be removed, because (especially together with Cloaks effects, who needs them) it makes my game very slow. Low priority, because herostat edits are easy.

I have to question your computer's strength then, because it hasn't slowed my game at all. Nor has it in Anderson's videos. Don't take that as an insult or anything -- I just find that ...odd. But like you said, you can just delete that in your game if you need to.

Quote from: ak2yny on May 01, 2020, 05:36PM
- The sreenflash effect on the xtreme is just too much. Cloak is ok. Dagger is way worse, having multiple flashs twice. And both together (people don't want to use them seperate) are too much on the eye, too much disturbing the picture and you just think: "what the..." The Idea is nice though. Maybe you can just reduce how many times the effect occurs (I counted three deatheffect entries for each thrown dagger). Or another effect?

The xtreme is designed so that every time a light dagger hits an enemy or bounces off of a wall, you see the screenflash. So, the more enclosed a space is, the more you see it. I'm sorry you don't like the effect, but that's more of a personal preference. Others have messaged me saying they love the effects, as the perfect compliment to Cloak. But I'm open to ideas, so read on.

Quote from: ak2yny on May 01, 2020, 05:36PM
I recently encountered an effect where everything on the map turnet into a certain color (seen the same in two different colors), kinda like Sin City, looks very neat. This together with bigger explosion effects? Just an Idea.
- I believe the power sounds need an update. Since I already did that and am working on MUA2 sound conversion who have some power sounds, I could bring you that if you're interrested.

If I recall, you once informed me of a problem with the gun effects in my Cable booster. You offered a fix, I looked at it, I liked the fix, I included it, I gave you credit for it. So like I said, I am not above listening to ideas or suggestions -- as long as they are mentioned respectfully.

Quote from: ak2yny on May 01, 2020, 05:36PM
I understand if you want to leave her in the current stage, because the booster's working and it's an actual booster (improvement) too. But do I have your permission to release my fix then? And should I post it on it's own release thread?
One more thing: I would prefer to include all the files of your booster: skins, hud, effects, script mannequin, loadscreen.

Sorry to be so critical. It just bugged me.

No, I'd rather not have my stuff in your fix, as it negates the purpose of my booster. It comes with Cloak, so people will download it regardless. Having people download the original Dagger, then my booster, then your fix is too much running around for people. It's better to have all boosters and fixes in one place. Therefore, I have a better idea -- just like you did with Cable, send me your stuff (via PM), I will look at it, and if it's good, I'll include it. But first, I ask you to download Cloak & Dagger one more time, as I have added the animation files that were evidently missing. Take a look at it, then tell me any ideas -- this time via PM. For example, the effect you're talking about? Send it to me. (It has to be all white though, to compliment Cloak's pitch black effects.) Your sound files? Send them to me.

And as for being critical, don't worry about it. I have thick skin, and I can handle constructive criticism. I know that no one mod or booster can please everyone, and no modder is perfect. Mentioning a problem or two here is fine. However, in the future, if you're going to make a whole laundry list of the many things you don't like about my offerings, then I'd rather you send me a PM about it instead of putting me on blast. That's a more respectful way to handle it. Just tell me what's up in private, and I'll hear you out.

That goes for everyone, by the way. If anyone has a technical problem with any of my offerings, feel free to tell me. If no one reports anything, then I will think that everything is fine. Just tell me what's wrong in a respectful manner, and I will listen. (Example: When Clarice mentioned that Cloak can't teleport someone with him, I did a quick test and saw she was right. I then fixed it.) All I ask is that you troubleshoot before coming to me, as that will save us both a lot of time.

(1) Check if you started a new game after the changes. You'd be surprised how common people don't realize that was the problem.
(2) Check if you uploaded everything in the package to your game. Some don't ...for some reason.
(3) Check if you followed the instructions in the Read It files. It's important to read, folks.
(4) If you recall getting the Gold Edition Content mod (which is known to cause problems), get rid of it.

If you've checked all of that, and you still have the problem, then tell me what the problem is and that you did troubleshoot. I could have made a modding mistake or forgot to include something, so it could be my fault. Report the problem -- I'll look into it when I get a chance, and get back to you. But I won't know what's going on if no one tells me. To quote a popular phrase in New York City, "If you see something, say something."

Quote from: Outsider on May 02, 2020, 03:32PM
No, I'd rather not have my stuff in your fix, as it negates the purpose of my booster. It comes with Cloak, so people will download it regardless. Having people download the original Dagger, then my booster, then your fix is too much running around for people. It's better to have all boosters and fixes in one place. Therefore, I have a better idea -- just like you did with Cable, send me your stuff (via PM), I will look at it, and if it's good, I'll include it. But first, I ask you to download Cloak & Dagger one more time, as I have added the animation files that were evidently missing. Take a look at it,
eurm...Guys? Sorry for disturbing both of your arguments, i just want to give some information for any people who want to download Cloak&Dagger Booster from Outsider :cd: that Cloak & Dagger now is work "PERFECTLY FINE" yay! ^_^ first of all thanks to Outsider who has been realeased this amazing booster and he never stop trying his best he can do to fixing both animation of Cloak & Dagger, now Dagger is work really fine as the Cloak and i think there is no need any others fix for both of them so far cuz for me this booster is already PERFECT, so once again thanks to Outsider. ^_^
"If you're poking around in my mind, I will Portal you in front of a moving truck" :blink:

Everyone, I am working on Mortal Kombat's Cassie Cage right now, but she's taking a while because I've embarked on something new... and I am glad to report that I have officially converted my first skin!!!! Are you shocked? Yeah, so am I. Model converting is not an easy task -- particularly the biped rigging and the physique weighing. That said, I must give props to BaconWizard17 for his excellent modelling (skinning) tutorial. I had some questions here and there, but I can confirm to you that it works, having done it myself. (That's why you saw me online all this time recently.) So, if any of you ever want to learn how to be a model converter, that is where you go. I fully endorse it. (You can find it in the Knowledge Base tutorial section.)

In addition to Cassie, I am working on some other things as well. So, as always, boys and girls, stay tuned... :king: (evil laugh)

Quote from: Clarice on May 03, 2020, 12:07AM
eurm...Guys? Sorry for disturbing both of your arguments, i just want to give some information for any people who want to download Cloak&Dagger Booster from Outsider :cd: that Cloak & Dagger now is work "PERFECTLY FINE" yay! ^_^ first of all thanks to Outsider who has been realeased this amazing booster and he never stop trying his best he can do to fixing both animation of Cloak & Dagger, now Dagger is work really fine as the Cloak and i think there is no need any others fix for both of them so far cuz for me this booster is already PERCFECT, so once again thanks to Outsider. ^_^

No worries, Clarice. It wasn't an argument. Good to hear that it's working fine now. I'm glad these errors were brought to my attention.

Oh, yes!!! I'm so excited for Cassie Cage, and the rest of the things you have planned for Mortal Kombat!!!

This is especially exciting news because Cassie Cage has really, really great costumes! I don't know if there's a way to get them all in, but whichever ones you pick, I'm sure they'll be awesome!

Thank you for all your hard work Outsider! :)

May 11, 2020, 04:43PM #2248 Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 04:46AM by Outsider

It has been a long while since I've done mods of characters from Mortal Kombat, but I promised you all that there would be a roster of at least 36 genuine MK warriors. And I will deliver on that promise, as I'd like to see it myself. So, here comes the new commander of the Special Forces, Cassie Cage. I figured that anyone who is strong enough to defeat the fallen Elder God Shinnok... deserves a mod. The daughter of Johnny Cage & Sonya Blade (who thought that would ever happen?) is a lot of fun to play as, and it features my first ever converted skin -- her "Harley Quinn" costume from MK11! #FTW #checkthismodout #outsider #thatsenoughhashtags

UPDATE: Added Soccer Game skin & HUD, changed menu animations. Herostat has changed.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and a Fatality.
-Abilities of Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality), Ex Appeal (all of her powers have EX versions) & Leadership.
-6 hex-edited skins (including Outsider's first!), HUDs, icons, 2 loading screens, mannequin & sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #49 (shares with Odin).

1. Shots Fired: Shoots from her guns in a semi-circular motion.
   (EX) Fires around in a 360-degree spread for more damage.
2. From The Page of Cage: Performs her version of the Shadow Kick, stunning an enemy.
   (EX) Follows up with two more in a Shadow Kombo.
3. Snap, Chuckle & Pop: Snaps a pic on her phone with the flash stunning enemies.
   (EX) Throws up a few grenades, blasting enemies upward.
4. Love Letter: Stylishly flips her guns up and shoots enemies in their hearts.
   (EX) Backflips and fires with 20% critical chance.
5. Glow Kick: Uses her green energy to rise and kick an enemy upward hard.
   (EX) Spins in mid-air while kicking multiple enemies.
6. (Debuff) Sassy Cassie: Taunts nearby enemies to force melee and lower their defense.
7. (Boost) The American Way: Leads the team as Commander. Increases melee damage and momentum for the team.
8. (Fatality) Comin' In Hot: Commands her drone BLB-118 to fire large beams down on enemies from the sky.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, Cassie Quinn skin, HUDs, icons, loading screens, sounds, hex-editing, cell phone bolton, etc.
UltraMegaMagnus - All skins (except Cassie Quinn & Soccer Game), mannequin
Julio Cabral - Sounds resource for MKX sounds
Escanor610 - Soccer Game skin

Special thanks to BaconWizard17, Julio Cabral, and UltraMegaMagnus for their collective advice & support, as I embarked on model converting & boltons for the first time.

None so far.