
The Outsider's Crypt (MUA)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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May 04, 2014, 11:52AM #240 Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 05:51PM by Outsider

Get ready for one of the most fun mods ever, as I am proud to introduce the genius-level hitman with the sick and twisted sense of humor - :laugh: Arcade. I have combined his classic character of carnival-themed tech and traps, with his new battery-powered skills from Avengers Arena. While it is unknown if it's really him, or just a really convincing android he's controlling while he watches from somewhere, talking via speaker... One thing is certain - this hysterical mastermind is a really fun mod. Give him a shot and let the enemies see what it's like to play with his various death traps. Have fun.

UPDATE: Fixed bumper car ability; removed "Miss Coriander" boost to make his mod less convoluted and lower his trigger count.

-6 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Bumper Car and Dominance.
-4 hex-edited skins, 2 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file featuring unique sounds from classic video games.
-Uses assigned number #130.

1. Pinball: Throws and can control a large pinball at enemies. Makes classic pinball sounds as it bounces off walls.
2. Tag... You're It!: Basically, this is telekinesis. Can move enemies or objects.
3. Hammer Time!: Swings his large circus mallet at enemies in a radial attack.
4. Breaking Wind: Releases a stink bomb that makes it look like nearby enemies just farted. They get stunned in surprise then run in humiliation.
5. Share Bear: Throws a cuddly soft toy bear... that explodes like a time bomb.
6. Carnival Beam: Fires a beam of energy that causes damage and a chance to turn enemy into an arcade machine.
7. (Boost) Hot Hands: Team gains extra fire melee damage and fire immunity, and Arcade can launch fireballs. Inspired by a certain gaming icon...
8. (Boost) Speed Demon: Team gains hyper speed, momentum gain, and immunity from stun, grab, & slow. Inspired by a certain gaming icon...
9. (Xtreme) Game Over: Releases a massive wave of energy while eerie music plays...

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, skins, HUDs, icons, loading screen, sounds, etc.
Julio Cabral - Mannequin
Cates - Apocalypse effects
MUALover - Thanos effects
idrinkdrpepper - Mysterio effect

When starting the Bumper Car the 1st time, it may get stuck at times. Do it a 2nd time, and it should drive fine.


Ahh now we can bring Murderworld home with us. Will download soon
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

I'm stupid and new to this modding scene. Successfully decomiled/compiled herostat.engb and added Winter Soldier and gave him menu location 6 (over Cap). Half his animations/attacks don't work. Am I missing required files or something?

Quote from: pepsiguy_2 on May 07, 2014, 03:51AM
I'm stupid and new to this modding scene. Successfully decomiled/compiled herostat.engb and added Winter Soldier and gave him menu location 6 (over Cap). Half his animations/attacks don't work. Am I missing required files or something?

Have you started a new game? You should start a new game whenever you add new characters to your character roster.
Phoenix Force :phoenix: and the Merc with a Mouth :deadpool:
ReverbNation Profile
My Releases
My Workbench

You should probably download the offical character pack :)

Great job on Arcade, a fun mod indeed! Bumper car abillity is awesome!
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

May 11, 2014, 10:36PM #245 Last Edit: January 21, 2023, 04:26AM by Outsider

Introducing a mod of Marvel's interpretation of the Devil himself - renamed as Mephisto. As you would expect, his powers are downright nasty... and familiar. You can now perform all of the same powers that his unplayable boss version can do, and then some. Play as him now, and starting ripping the astral spirits out of enemies.

UPDATE: Added Future Fight skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme. Includes his in-game boss powers.
-Abilities of Boss Resistance, Might, Flight, Healing Factor, Dominance, and Resurrection.
-Uses his in-game skin, HUD, and loading screen. Plus 2 skins, 2 HUDs.
-New sounds, icons, mannequin, and herostat.
-Uses official number #79.

4th skin and HUD

1. Unholy Blasts: Fires quick bolts of dark magic that causes powerful knockback. (In-game boss power.)
2. Flames of Fear: Teleports in a column of flame that damages enemies and invokes fear. (In-game boss power.)
3. Devil's Contract: An enemy or two makes a bad bargain with Mephisto to be twice as strong. He grants it, but with a heavy price...
4. Soul Drain: Levitates nearby enemies and drains their health before releasing a violent blast. Even works on some bosses. (In-game boss power.)
5. Armageddon: Commands blasts of Hell's fire to rain down on enemies.
6. (Boost) Master Shield: Uses his force shield to block all attacks for a short time. (In-game boss power.)
7. (Boost) Living Hellfire: Engulfs himself with Hell's fire. Burns enemies near him, and increases his attack damage.
8. (Xtreme) Hell On Earth: Unleashes a mighty powerful blast of Hell's fire on all enemies.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, icons, sounds, HUDs, hex-editing etc.
UltraMegaMagnus - Mannequin, Mephisto sword
ZuluViking - Contest of Champions skin
Smile - Future Fight skin

None so far.


After putting off modding for a while, I just tried your Agent Venom and Rescue mods. They're AWESOME!!! The only thing I noticed is that with Rescue's second attack power there's no effect. Does she use something from Fantomex?

Quote from: Techon 7 on May 12, 2014, 10:32PM
After putting off modding for a while, I just tried your Agent Venom and Rescue mods. They're AWESOME!!! The only thing I noticed is that with Rescue's second attack power there's no effect. Does she use something from Fantomex?

Thanks for the compliments and the report. Her 2nd power? Nothing from Fantomex. Hmm... according to her powerstyle, she uses Iron Man's p5_power. That must have came from an Iron Man MUA2 booster, and I forgot to include it in the mod.

It was this Iron Man booster:,3554.msg59950.html#msg59950. I'll update it and add Nowhere Man to the credits.

Quote from: Polygone on May 12, 2014, 10:02AM
Thanks for the realese! Downloading now!
Quote from: Owl City on May 12, 2014, 02:46PM
Great release!

Thanks a lot, fellas. Plenty more lurk at the Crypt, waiting to be discovered...

I love your Mephisto!  So much fun to play as him, Thanos, and Mistress Death.  Let the heavens tremble!

May 24, 2014, 05:25AM #251 Last Edit: May 18, 2024, 10:40PM by Outsider

A long while back, a modder by the name of Darkmythology attempted to create a mod of The Mandarin. And while it had unique shape-shifting abilities, it was unfinished, using a lot of Nick Fury's stuff, and freezing the game after a while. Fast forward to years later, The Outsider decided to build a new version of Iron Man's main arch-nemesis from scratch. This mod features skills from all 10 of his alien rings, giving you full control and variety of his power. I made sure that each power corresponded to the correct ring on the correct hand. (I used Marvel's website and this pic for a reference.) Now, go do your thing and check out the Mandarin's bling.

UPDATE: Added two skins & HUDs. Herostat has changed.

-6 powers, 3 boosts, and an Xtreme. All based on his 10 rings.
-Ability of leadership.
-Uses his in-game skin, HUD, and loading screen.
-4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, icons, 2 loading screens, 2 mannequins, and sound/voice file.
-Uses official number #72.

1. Impact Beam: From Influence ring. Fires an impact beam of energy, causing popup and knockback. (In-game boss power.)
2. Levitation: From Daimonic ring. Lifts and throw objects or enemies. Press and hold.
3. Whirlwind Vortex: From Spin ring. Creates a fierce whirlwind that traps enemies in its' vortex. (In-game boss power.)
4. Poison Cloud: From Remaker ring. Unleashes poisonous gas into the air that attacks enemies for a time.
5. Ice Blast: From Zero ring. Fires a beam of ice that can freeze multiple enemies instantly. (In-game boss power.)
6. Star Flame: From Incandescence ring. Hurls a fireball that sets the ground on fire, burning enemies that come in range.
7. (Boost) Psychic Shift: From The Liar ring. Projects a short-range psionic beam to temporarily control an enemy.
8. (Boost) High Voltage: From Lightning ring. Discharges electricity, giving team added melee damage, and he can throw lightning projectiles.
9. (Boost) Black Light: From Nightbringer ring. Releases darkness around himself, dealing damage to all enemies within radius gradually, and reduces damage taken by 25%.
10. (Xtreme) Disintegration X: From Spectral ring. Releases a powerful disintegration beam all over the area, killing all enemies.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, HUDs, icons, loading screens, sounds, etc.
UltraMegaMagnus - Wenwu skin, Mannequin
Enchlore - Ceremonial skin
Escanor610 - Modern & Makluan Armor skins, Makluan Armor HUD, alternate mannequin
Dihan - Elixir effects
MUALover - Storm/Thor entities

None so far.


Updated Mandarin is cool. For skins though you can download Edwards XML2 mod of him and copy the skins over. All the one i've tried for all are the kind that are compatible in both games.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

May 31, 2014, 12:13PM #254 Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 12:00PM by Outsider

Presenting a mod of Cal'syee Neramani, the winged warrioress from another galaxy known as Deathbird. She's known to be violent and aggressive, so I gave her a moveset that promotes her prowess and fighting skill, also using her in-game boss powers. She fights like she truly is the Empress of the Shi'ar. I think she came out very well. But don't take my word for it - check her out yourself.

UPDATE: Added Marvel Duel skin, added mannequin and mixed menu animations. Improved grab smash. Moved flying effects to powerstyle file to shorten herostat.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme. Ability of Flight.
-Uses her in-game skin, HUD, and loading screen.
-3 skins, 2 HUDs, alternate loading screen, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #56. (NOTE: Beta Ray Bill was moved to #114 as a result. Use Outsider's Fix to alter.)

1. Javelin Throw: Throws javelins of energy at enemies. (In-game boss power)
2. Air Raid: Uppercuts an enemy upward, then flies and knocks them away in a vicious combo.
3. Bird of Prey: Flies fast and charges at enemies, knocking them back.
4. Shock Therapy: Throws special electrical javelins that stun enemies for a time.
5. Energy Wave: Jams her electrified javelins into the ground, releasing a wave of radial power. (In-game boss power)
6. (Boost) Ferocity: Uses her sharp talons in battle. Extra melee damage and speed.
7. (Boost) Shi'ar Shield: Converts Energy damage into Health. Added defense and reduced energy cost.
8. (Xtreme) M'Kraan Crystal: Releases a blast of cosmic energy from two shards of the powerful crystal.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, icons, loading screen, sounds etc.
UltraMegaMagnus - Marvel Duel skin, Mannequin, animation mixing
Lionsden99 - Cerise and Retro skins
Dihan - Blink javelin model

None so far.