
Generic Unit's Work Corner

Started by Generic Unit, August 06, 2019, 10:25PM

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June 29, 2020, 05:40PM #75 Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 05:53PM by Jack of All Trades
So, I just tried out your X-Men Legends 2 mod for Gamecube and it works pretty well. It's pretty slick how you got the 20th Character in. Is there any way to change out the NPC version of Sabertooth in the opening? Possibly with Storm? That way, there's not two of him running around?

Barring that, would you consider releasing a version that doesn't add a 20th member? I just can't look past the two Sabertooth/disappearing Storm thing from the tutorial stage but I would still love the chance to use the rest of the mod.

Quote from: Jack of All Trades on June 29, 2020, 05:40PM
So, I just tried out your X-Men Legends 2 mod for Gamecube and it works pretty well. It's pretty slick how you got the 20th Character in. Is there any way to change out the NPC version of Sabertooth in the opening? Possibly with Storm? That way, there's not two of him running around?

Barring that, would you consider releasing a version that doesn't add a 20th member? I just can't look past the two Sabertooth/disappearing Storm thing from the tutorial stage but I would still love the chance to use the rest of the mod.

Thanks for letting me know of the issue. I might have forgot to replaced the tutorial map in the download when I removed a bunch of unused files to free space for the assetsfb, where Storm replaces NPC Sabretooth in the tutorial. I'll post up a download link for the correct tutorial map as soon as possible.


Here's a link to the fix. It should be corrected now with Storm being over NPC Sabretooth.

How do I install this? I'm not seeing this file anywhere on the ISO?

Quote from: Jack of All Trades on July 03, 2020, 06:52AM
How do I install this? I'm not seeing this file anywhere on the ISO?

You'll have to right-click -> open archive on your assetsfb.wad with winRAR or 7-zip. If your assetsfb is not laying anywhere on your desktop, right-click and export it out of your ISO first.

The tutorial map is located under:
packages -> generated -> maps -> act0 -> tutorial.

Then drag and drop to replace the tutorial1.fb in the archive with the fixed one from the link above. After you're doing the following, open your ISO with GCN Rebuilder and right-click -> import your updated assetsfb.wad over the old one in the ISO and you should be ready to go.

I made sure to double-check I uploaded the correct file. Let me know if Storm still doesn't appear.

It totally works and I'm dumb. I didn't understand your readme and I had no idea how to insert the file or that it was 7zip compatible.  Sorry about that. Now that I know how to actually do this.., About a million years ago I made a deadpool booster to bring him inline with the other broken characters in the game for PC. Are those PC boosters compatible with console? If so, has anyone made a set that balances the characters all out?

Quote from: Jack of All Trades on July 03, 2020, 12:56PM
It totally works and I'm dumb. I didn't understand your readme and I had no idea how to insert the file or that it was 7zip compatible.  Sorry about that. Now that I know how to actually do this.., About a million years ago I made a deadpool booster to bring him inline with the other broken characters in the game for PC. Are those PC boosters compatible with console? If so, has anyone made a set that balances the characters all out?

For the most part, you can port anything from PC over to console (except for sounds; each console uses its own format that's distinct from PC, and besides PC, only XBOX is compatible with the sound editor). The only drawback for GameCube, however, is the memory limits. While the GameCube will support PS2 (PNG8) skins, they're generally too big for the GameCube, so it can't take a bunch of them. To port a mod or booster to consoles, you'll need to build the fb packages for the character.

As for boosters that balance the characters out, currently, several members (myself included) are working on the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch, which will iron out a lot of the shortcomings of the base game. Character fixes, new and updated visuals, and lots of quality of life improvements. Stay tuned for that! It'll be coming to consoles as well hopefully.

Quote from: BaconWizard17 on July 03, 2020, 07:23PM
As for boosters that balance the characters out, currently, several members (myself included) are working on the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch, which will iron out a lot of the shortcomings of the base game. Character fixes, new and updated visuals, and lots of quality of life improvements. Stay tuned for that! It'll be coming to consoles as well hopefully.


Glad everything worked well! As Bacon mentioned about the ultimate patch, once it's finished and released to public, all the elements and features I included in my current pack for consoles for will also be shifted over into the ultimate patch to keep itself steady with the PC's.

Shared Talent: Hologram Heroes

Introducing an upcoming shared talent that will soon be an exclusive feature for the gamecube port and will also be likely included in the Ultimate Patch. This little feature will serve as a nice in-game element for a lot of our PC converted heroes for the mean time.

What's a Hologram Hero?

A hologram hero is an aesthetic talent that's goal is to pose as an in-game element as if it was an official thing. To express my creativity, it makes a hero into a faded figure, and have them assume the position of being a mere reflection of the actual being. Due to the lack of voice modding for the GCN, certain heroes if I plan to convert over from the PC port will have this talent included in their herostats, and make it more appropriate for them as being muted characters for the mean time. Not to worry, the shared talent won't change any play style on a hero's power moves, just their appearance.

Video preview below of Cohollow's Beast, along with Jubilee and Magma (two test characters) as Hologram Heroes.

Sentinel X

My next hero that's in the process of being released. Actual game play has been posted in the discord server and many of those who are more active on there have already seen some of his performance. Although, that's not what his actual size would be in the game, his model will be much larger in scale when he's released. There will be certain cut scenes where he's forced to use shared animations with the rest of the team that will cause is model to clip through the ground. Nothing game breaking will come to it, but his character will be fully functional like any other. Due to his large model not being able to work with any of the fightstyles, his play style will be completely different from the other heroes.

I've got a few other mods I have yet to put a download link for as well. Been delaying myself on that because I'm putting some of the finishing touches on my XML 2 mod pack that will contain a huge ton of updates with the removal of unnecessary files, arranging stuff around to give heroes lower packaging sizes and allowing more modded characters to the console. I've been doing another play through with the new mod pack I'm currently assembling so I can encounter any problems and make fixes before releasing the final build. This also applies to the release of my playable Sentinel because some of his files will be read through a different source instead of his package file, so the two things will be released at the same time. The mod pack will have to be REQUIRED to download in order for the Sentinel to have all of his necessary features. The release to my mod pack's update is NOT an Ultimate Patch update, but the features and arrangements from it will be moved over to the GCN's version of the Ultimate Patch when it is finished.

Just a quick small update on my two soldiers while Jayglass is working on a menu portrait for my Sentinel X at my request, and who will soon be released. With my Version 2.0 mod pack now being active, the two of them have received file arrangements in their packaging and minor updates.

Combat Soldier:
- Removed Texture effects from his packaging
- GRSO Soldier skins can now run on PS2 textures

Combat Elite
- Name has been officially set as Combat Agent
- Removed Texture effects from his packaging
- Sentinel Advanced has been removed (as I have future plans for it)
- Projectile Specialist had incorrect level and didn't increase critical hit chance upon leveling. It is now fixed.

Combat Soldier:

Hero Information

Combat Agent:

Hero Information


All of my modified maps have been updated as well.

Sentinel X

Apocalypse: "I have an army."
Heroes: "We have a Sentinel."

Either Bolivar Trask was desperate and lent one of his Sentinels to aid the mutants just this once, or Forge found this Sentinel, destroyed, near the X-Mansion and patched him up with his modifications. Regardless of how it made its way into the hero's team, the mutant exterminating robot can finally take the field.

This character requires the X-Men Legends II - Version 2.0 Patch to be installed to avoid any missing texture effects for his powers.



- He appears small in the preview images, but his actual size is larger in game and Team Menu.
- The Sentinel uses two different animation skeletons for his character.fb and character_nc.fb. The _nc skeleton is only meant to allow me to set a menu_action and menu_goodbye for him. His main skeleton is used in his normal .fb that operates in combat maps. His PC conversion will not have this feature and is only exclusive for the GameCube.

Skin 1
Skin 2
Skin 3
Skin 4
Skin 5



Energy Beam: A beam blasted from the Sentinel's eyes.

Coil Restraint: A projectile that wraps around it's victim, immobilizing them for a short time. Can shoot more at higher levels.

Sentinel Stomp: Heavy stomps the ground, knocking surrounding enemies away. Can put out fires.

Drone Gun: Deploys a tiny drone that fires at nearby targets.

Device Barrier: Drops a machine on the ground, creating a forcefield to prevent enemies from engaging.

Missile Launcher: Shoots homing missiles from both hands that targets victims. Also causes explosion damage.

Artillery Fire: Fires high-powered rounds into the air. Hailing into enemies and surrounding objects


Insulation Shield: Reflects a proportion of damage taken back at enemies. Also damages enemies that come in contact with the shield.

Threat Detector: Scans the surrounding area revealing enemy threats, decreasing their ATK and DEF.


NEUTRALIZE: Generates large amounts of energy causing a devastating explosion. Nullifies enemy powers temporarily.

RAMPAGING ROBOT: Power level rises to it's highest. Breaks through objects effortlessly, and defeat most enemies with one hit


Learning Program: A special program that gives advantage when fighting enemies. Increases $AR and $DR

Sentinel Mk Upgrade: Adds damage and critical chance to all power attacks.

Mechanized Armor: Increases resistance to elemental, radiation, and mental attacks and reduces physical damage taken.

General Information:


Sentinel X focuses mainly on projectiles and beams despite being a Bruiser. Due to his bulk and slow attacks, projectiles were the perfect way to go to get him to defend himself before he gets swarmed by enemies. His Sentinel Stomp will provide the most support for himself as it's the only AOE power that will help shave off the nuisance that try to gang up on him. He runs on his own unique play style compared to the other heroes. His herostat uses the Fightstyle_Wrestling just to give him damages of a Bruiser. However, none his basic attacks uses anything from the fightstyle_wresting kit due to his model clipping through the ground when he does any animations from it. His button combination in his basic attacks are also reduced due to me having to limit myself using certain animations for them. They're also reused FightMoves that were renamed to allow him performing more events like removing enemy buffs that require certain button combinations. I gave him a double jump mechanic because I didn't want him to perform the double-axe handle in the air, and removed his eligibility in doing it. It didn't feel right having a large character like him performing it. Finally, his hurt box is the same size as all default heroes, despite his large model. Setting his hurt box larger wouldn't have allowed him to walk through doors or small gaps.

Assembling his fightstyle was the most difficult task for me. It caused a ton of errors that led to other characters not working properly due to his large file sizes limits. It almost drove me to the point of scrapping this mod entirely, but after I figured out and fix his problem, i was able to finish and release his character. Most of the files in his data folder, as well as his entire character packaging seem pretty close to their limits that would've had him causing issues in the game, had I not made the final adjustments. But I'm glad I was able to get his character to run properly for the console version, and also shouldn't have any problems for the PC version as well.

Overall, I hope you enjoy him. I took a lot of time and effort using what he has in his animation kit to get him to perform like a playable character.

Button Combination List:


Below is a list of button combinations in his fightstyle to understand how he performs.

Attack+Attack+Attack -> Triple Attack
Attack+Attack+Smash -> Pop Up Combo (does not send opponent flying)
Attack+Smash+Attack -> Attack Trip (can trip opponent)
Attack+Smash+Smash -> Attack Knockback (does not knock opponent down)
Smash+Smash -> Attackheavy1 and 2
Smash+Attack+Smash (OR Attack) -> Attack Stun (can stun opponent)

Gameplay Mechanics:


- Can Double Jump
- Capable of pushing heavy scripted objects (ex: those that have X logos on them)
- Cannot pick up objects, but immediately launches them upon initiating the GUARD command next to it
- Grabbing opponents is replaced with triggering the FightMove attacklight1.
- His large size can destroy small objects just by walking over them, and can push friendly NPCs around.
- Collision is the same size as all other heroes despite his large model, so heroes can jump and clip over him. If attempting to set it higher, he wouldn't be able to progress through doors or small gaps. His collision will remain this way till I figure out a better solution which increases his collision and able to walk through smaller areas.

Jayglass for making the character select portrait.

Angel (By Cohollow)

This is a direct port of Cohollow's Angel mod from the PC version with his necessary files, as well as optimized models and power icons packaged into an .fb for him to be fully playable. This post contains mainly previews on his skinset and other miscellaneous for him to work in the game. Selection of Angel's skins may differ compared to the PC version's, but his play style remains as fun as he is on the PC!

For more information about his powers and other things, be sure to check out the original mod on Cohollow's thread about Angel.

This character requires the X-Men Legends II - Version 2.0 Patch to be installed to avoid any missing texture effects for his powers.



Click on image to enlarge:



- Has power icons and character selection portrait included in his pack
- Angel uses Archangel's power sounds as placeholder for his powers. A guide will be provided on how to insert it into your ISO.
- Lacks an actual sword for his Blessed Blade talent due to me not knowing how to optimize texture models yet. He wields a kunai knife as a placeholder for the time being.

Future Updates:


- Inclusion of custom voice set and proper sound effects when it becomes possible to modify them.
- Proper floating head models and HUD conversations for each skin.
- Replacing the kunai knife with his proper sword model. (Any volunteers on optimizing his sword model from the PC for console purposes will be much appreciated!)



Cohollow - Creator of the Angel Mod
BaconWizard17 - Angel's skins, conversation textures, 3D floating head model, and power icons.
Jayglass - Optimizing BaconWizard's Angel skins and floating head

And anyone else that assisted with the original mod that I forgot to include.

Updates have been added on to my two playable soldiers.

Combat Soldier:
- Has been updated with two new powers (one replacing an old one, and the other being a brand new separate power) to give him a total of 7 offensive powers.
- Updated effects,
- New Xtreme ability
- Now has power icons, custom conversation portrait for each skin, and slightly updated Character Section Portrait.
- Now uses an echoing XTREME voice clip as a placeholder sound that plays when performing Xtreme abilities. 

Combat Agent:
- Now has power icons, and his own Character Section portrait.
- Now uses an echoing XTREME voice clip as a placeholder sound that plays when performing Xtreme abilities. 

For more information, click on their icons below to be directed to the character, as well as their download link.

October 24, 2020, 09:12PM #89 Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 09:27PM by Lags
Blob - Preview

Although there are already two Blob mods in the vault (Nodoubt_jr's and Cohollow's respectively), I wanted to have my own take on him as well. Initially, this was meant to be a private mod I wanted to keep to myself, but as I was modifying him, I ended up making more changes to him than I had planned, and turned him into somewhat of his own separate character with his own playstyle. He'll still has some assets borrowed from both Nodoubt_jr's and Cohollow's versions (since there's not much I could change due to the limits on XML animations besides damage output and affectors), so the two will be given credit upon his release, as well as others who've helped with the original mod.

For now, this Blob Mod will remain exclusive for GameCube download only since I don't have any plans setting him up for the PC version. This doesn't mean I won't allow anyone who's interested in converting him over on their own free will. When he's released, this mod will be free for anyone to port him over for their preferred platform of XML II. Just be sure credit my name (for making this version of Blob) and those who helped the original mod if there any means to released on the other ports. :)