
50 / 36 / Vital Roster Hack - "The Holy F**kin' Grail"

Started by Outsider, December 25, 2019, 04:54AM

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Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the entire Marvel Mods community, I present to you "The Holy F**kin' Grail" that was many years in the making -- the Roster Hacks. Remember that time we all thought that having 27 characters was "hard-coded" and could not change? We sure kicked that theory's ass. Through years of research, testing, and coding work, we have made it possible to have as many as 50 playable characters on the roster! Though this hack was the work of Nikita488, UltraMegaMagnus and myself, it was the brainchild of many minds here in this forum. This is a true paradigm shift in the way that MUA will be played from now on. Download any of these awesome hacks and see for yourself. And, feel free to give props, criticism, or feedback.

Before using any roster hack, you MUST first have the latest OCP installed in your game. Go here:,11037.0.html. Please note that all of these Roster Hacks are only compatible with the original 2006 port of MUA. It will not work on the "remastered" 2016 Steam version. Also, you must have a 64-bit computer, as it will also not work on 32-bit computers.

When downloading a roster hack, some antivirus software may say there's a trojan, virus, malware, or some unsafe file in it. We can assure you that all of the files are completely safe. We have many users who use these and can confirm that. So beforehand, add your entire MUA folder to the exclusions list of your antivirus software such as Windows Defender, Norton, McAfee, etc. Also, the roster hacks will not work with Linux.

-Some characters will have all of their outfits locked, including the one they are wearing. Fortunately, the "Unlock All Costumes" cheat code will fix that.
-When not using all official characters, the last two or three characters may not have a blue circle on their first power. The "Unlock All Powers" cheat code will fix that.
-All spots must be filled on a roster. Otherwise, game saves won't work.

-Please don't just blindly install it. Read the instructions and notes first.
-For the 36 and 50 Roster Hacks, the green markers under the characters have been removed to keep things more realistic-looking. If you want to keep them, however, download this 7z package:
-Do not use cheat tools such as unl-muatrn.exe. Also, delete or rename the game save folder, under Documents\Activision\Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and create new "settings.dat" file, as leaving an old "settings.dat" file can cause minor issues.

There are three types of roster hacks. Choose the one that best suits what you want.


The 50 Roster Hack offers the most, with the ability to have 50 characters playable on your game's roster, as well as modder-friendly features. It also comes with the 36 Roster Hack, and batch files so you can switch between the 50 and 36 Roster Hacks at any time, so essentially you have both. However, having 50 characters (depending on your chosen mods) can cause some issues in the game, including when combined with the new Expanded Game (EXG).

FEATURES (v3.0):
-50 heroes are now playable, extending the roster to almost twice the vanilla roster. All can level up and use items with no problems. Saving data is not a problem either, as the game's memory has been increased. (NOTE: All 50 spots must be filled for game saves to work.)
-Can now switch effortlessly between 36R and 50R, just in case you want less characters for a certain roster. (You do not need to use the switch batch file if you don't plan to shorten your roster.)
-New awesome-looking character select stage with double platforms.
-Pause menu now has world map access, can change your team, revive fallen allies (after they're fully rested), and can save games from anywhere.
-Adds an extraction point to first level.
-All characters and extraction points unlocked. Extraction points now coincide with the new EXG.
-New pictures for new extraction points, including better pics for Stark Tower and Castle Doom.
-All extraction points can now extract to other locations. (Previously, some SHIELD points couldn't extract elsewhere.) Only the "Command Deck" point cannot be extracted to, but can be extracted from.
-Green markers under characters are now gone.
-Hard difficulty unlocked.
-The MyTeam feature is unlocked at the start of the game, with all passives unlocked.
-New accurately-sized mannequins of Luke Cage and the Thing.
-Pre-made newbie-friendly herostat with all official characters in alphabetical order.
-Optional Gold Edition stage with original game mannequins & herostat (36R ONLY).
-Added optional Gold Edition team stage with original mannequins & altered herostat. (For the 36 Roster Hack only.)



The 36 Roster Hack offers the ability to have 36 characters playable on your game's roster -- which is more than 27, as well as modder-friendly features. It is less than 50 characters, but because less characters are being loaded, the game is still stable and have relatively no issues, even when combined with the new Expanded Game (EXG).

FEATURES (v3.5):
-36 heroes are now playable, extending the roster by 9. All can level up and use items with no problems. Saving data is not a problem either, as the game's memory has been increased. (NOTE: All 36 spots must be filled for game saves to work.)
-New awesome-looking character select stage with double platforms. Menulocations #23 and #42 are no longer facing awkward directions.
-Pause menu now has world map access, can change your team, revive fallen allies (after they're fully rested), and can save games from anywhere.
-Adds an extraction point to first level.
-All characters and extraction points unlocked. Extraction points coincide with the new EXG.
-New pictures for new extraction points, including better pics for Stark Tower and Castle Doom.
-All extraction points can now extract to other locations. (Previously, some SHIELD points couldn't extract elsewhere.) Only the "Command Deck" point cannot be extracted to, but can be extracted from.
-Green markers under characters are now gone.
-Hard difficulty unlocked.
-The MyTeam feature is unlocked at the start of the game, with all passives unlocked.
-New accurately-sized mannequins of Luke Cage and the Thing.
-Pre-made newbie-friendly herostat with all official characters in alphabetical order.
-Optional Gold Edition stage with original game mannequins & herostat.



The Vital Roster Hack offers the ability to have 50 or 36 characters playable on your game's roster but without all the extra stuff. It's a simplified roster hack that features everything you need, and nothing you don't.

FEATURES (v1.0):
-Up to 36 or 50 heroes are now playable, extending the roster to almost twice the vanilla roster. All can level up and use items with no problems. Saving data is not a problem either, as the game's memory has been increased.
-Can now switch effortlessly between 36R and 50R via batch files, just in case you want less for a certain roster. (50 is the default.)
-New awesome-looking character select stage with double platforms.


Nikita488: Limit Adjuster plugins, dinput8.dll, debug mode
UltraMegaMagnus: Team stage makeover, green marker removal, improved mannequins, zoneshot conversion, remastered interface
Outsider: Extraction point alteration, 50R & 36R Switch batch file, altered pause menu, herostat set-up, zoneshot creation, Iceman script change, Doom & Galactus loading screens, pre-made herostat

Scottsum: Switch_to_36R & Switch_to_50R batch files
Emanuel(MUAXP): Default team stage
brandonmeek: Extraction point at first level
Canino & Cyborg Sun: MyTeam feature at start
Krisan Thyme: Character unlock script
ak2yny: Optional GE Stage for 36R

Nikita488 - Discovery of herostat & select screen codes, mlm_team_back file hex-editing
Outsider - 28 Roster Limit Hack modification & research, project testing and analysis
Krisan Thyme - 11-NPC & 39-Character limit discoveries
Teancum - Extensive research of game engine & PY scripts found at Knowledge Base
Tommyboy2002 - NPC>27 project research and game-breaking limit experimentation

Also, thanks to everyone who volunteered to test out the 50R & 36R in its early stages, and of course everyone who did research throughout the years to help make this happen.

Wow. Thank you all so much, this is the best present I've had in years.
Literally one of my dreams since 2006 come true.
There are not a sufficient number of superlatives to describe this.
Thank you thank you thank you.

I just come on to wish everyone a happy holiday, I didn't expect to have my mind blown.

Amazing! Hoping in the future that this can also be accomplished for the X-Men Legends games.

spot 56 dos not show, what ever character I set in that spot it is just not there so I can only have 49 characters
In Dedicato Imperatum Ultra Articulo Mortis

Quote from: dantles1992 on December 28, 2019, 06:11AM
spot 56 dos not show, what ever character I set in that spot it is just not there so I can only have 49 characters

dantles1992, I call to your attention to a quote from the first post...

Quote from: Outsider on December 25, 2019, 04:54AM

... And if there are any problems or questions, please don't post them here. Post at the technical problems section.

The Technical Problems section is here:,17.0.html. When you post there, explain what you've done in detail and the problem you're having in detail. We'll see if we can help.

I reiterate to everyone -- if you're having problems or have questions, please do not post them here. I don't want anyone thinking that the 50R or 36R doesn't work, when it's been tested by multiple people (myself included) and has been confirmed to work. Not to sound rude, but if it's not working for you, then you've done something incorrectly.

Unbelievable Jeff!

I haven't touched the game in a while but I'm thinking I'm back...

This was the best thing to happen to this game in a long time, I'm amazed by this. What's next, 100 characters? So amazing you're incredible, works perfectly

You did the inpossible, who are you?  Seriously shocked wow and I know this act of kindness will be blessed thank you x100.  :bowdown1:

Holy moly bologna! This is a dream come true. Now I really need to re-buy the game somehow. Great job everyone. Happy New Year!

Hey guys, OpenHeroSelect's been updated to work with this 50-character hack! I haven't tested it yet, so consider it something of a beta release. It should work fine though, happy modding!,10597.0.html

And great work on this hack!

That's some Amazing, Spectacular, Uncanny, Incredible work you've done there guys!

I was wondering - does this memory increase also increase the limit on things like simulator missions (game = 34 if I'm not mistaken) and reviewable loadscreens (game limit = 64)?