New downloadable content

Started by aerophex, January 25, 2007, 08:09AM

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Quote from: BliZZ on April 03, 2007, 04:48PM
Apparently they couldn't think of any alliteration for Magneto :rofl:

Haha, they could have just used "Magnetic Makeup" or something... :D

Playable Doom could be that human stand-in, (Kristof, was it?) he's relied on in the 1980s who rebelled aaginst him afterwards - The Punisher sure had fun harassing the both of 'em during Acts of Vengeance...

Or maybe he's a clone Reed Richards and Hank Pym made that will go postal and-- Alright, alright, I'm off to get my pills now.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Or Maybe at the last second an alternate Wolverine who becomes Cable in the future comes back in time and teleports Doom out and and a Doombot in and informs Doom that unless he stops himself from succeeding, Odin's power will be transferred to Apocalypse who will be devoured by Galactus who will team up with Thanos who will destroy the Multiverse. And of course Doom doesn't want the multiverse destroyed, so he will heed alternate Wolver-Cable's advice.

Or maybe Doom shouldn't be playable :laugh:

Gentlemen, honestly, we all know that this can be solved by the simples axom of the Marvel Universe. That's right folks, "Wanda did it"....

:wtflol:  So true...  :rofl:
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

I like the Reprogramed Doombot theory.  Sounds alot more plausible and doesn't have to ruin the story.

It looks like Hawkeye HAS been tweaked.... supposedly his xtreme is many arrows, and Ultimate is now an alternate costume. Looks like we WILL have to re-do him.

If "Doom Bots" works the way it reads (summons a small army of maniacal mechs), then maybe we can find a way for Madrox to spawn more than one dupe.  I recall seeing a thread about that somewhere.

I got Madrox to spawn multiple dupes. I just haven't found a way to make them disappear yet unless they're killed, which causes all sorts of bugs..

For those of you who have an X-Box360 with an X-Box Live connection there is an awesome Free trailer with the 8 new Characters.

April 06, 2007, 12:57PM #134 Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 01:29PM by iammingy
um... I don't... lol
For those who don't have an XBOX360, you can see (online) or download the "On the Spot - 04/05/07" here:
You must be a gamespot member in order to download it and the size of the clip is 441.5MB. You can see the new characters at 45:29.

"Will this content pack come out on any other platforms?"
"Possibly... PS3?..."

Venom and Nightcrawler!!!!!!!!!!!

"Venom looks totally badass, but you may be surprised by what you find as you go through his skins."

I can't wait to see Venom's skins!!! :chuckle: