New downloadable content

Started by aerophex, January 25, 2007, 08:09AM

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Hate to sound like a jerk, but they don't care.  Plus, it's possible they approached Sony about PS3 DLC and they said no.  You assume way to much.

March 29, 2007, 03:15PM #91 Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 03:18PM by Londonmark6123
Quote from: Ebak on March 29, 2007, 09:11AM
I think it is a...pardon my language F****** disgrace that X-box 360 gets the patch and PS3, PC, and all the other consoles are left out of the loop, personally Activision is makine a BIG mistake making it exclusive, they can count on me not getting their next game.

People asking for DLC on other systems: I'd say definitely no to PS2 and Xbox. Since DLC was unplanned on Xbox there'd either have to be an in-game menu to download or they'd need to release a booster disk like DoA3 (already not worth the trouble) that would trick the game's cache, but it would all depend on how it was programmed. PS2 memory cards simply can't fit it. I'm unfamiliar how PSP and GBA work so i can't guess there. Wii doesn't support DLC yet via their online store and PS3's online infrastructure is supposedly lacking.

The PC isn't really a viable solution either since in reality the console versions sold much better.

I agree.

Besides, it's way too easy for people to crack the PC patch(es) and transfer them between PCs.  In this case, Activision isn't gaining any profits.

I just hope there is a crack in the wall so we can add more char's, I know the 360 is not the same but it may give a starting point huh.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

I also hope we can crack the 360 models. This is giving me a second (small) hope of having bump-mapped Hawkeye! :hawkeye: Oh, yeah, and Cyclops with individually mapped fingers! :cyclops: And HULK! :hulk_icon:

March 29, 2007, 07:03PM #96 Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 07:09PM by cvc
Other games I've messed with had no problem with giving even makeing tools so you could play around a bit but this one is bullit proof like Hawks one boob man bra, witch btw I think is pretty cool.And oh yeah hope you guys can get that hulk out of it so far out of the pics I have seen I think he looks the best.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

I still think it's silly for them not to release DLC for PC.  I'm no coding expert but i don't believe it would take that much work to port of the new content to the PC.

Think we could atleast petition for them to give us a danger room like XML2 has?  If the PC version was just a port from the console why'd they have to cut so many corners when making it?  They don't risk loosing any profits by it so there was no reason not to add the stuff XML had.

*rant off*


Another reason we don't get the DLC: MUA PC can be modded.

Yes, but seriously, this is a lame excuse for them. If we were discussing Quake, then yeah, THAT game can be modded. What we're doing here is a gaming equivalent of how backyard surgery done with a glass shard, fishing line and a sewing needle would appear to a januwine docktor. It does get the job done, but causes immense pains to the patient and certain discomforts to the operator.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

At least you got me laughing again :laugh:
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Quote from: Noelemahc on March 22, 2007, 08:55PM
QuoteNow what we need is for Noel to rundown exactly what we can and can't get out of the 360 version...
Skeletons, icons, portraits, sounds (not as ZSS, but as WAV - we can't do duck about the ZSS yet). Effects, powerstyles, etc.
Textures for the models (but not the models themselves, sorry).

I'm getting my hands on the full X360 data today, expect more news on this later.

If that helps, there is ZSS / ZSM convertor available here:

BTW: Good work, I really enjoy Next-gen mod. Moon Knight is great  :venom:
I hope you will be able to port DLC from X360 somehow.