X-Men Ultimate Alliance (Current Poll: Bishop)

Started by lostfaust, July 22, 2008, 07:12AM

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Quote from: nodoubt_jr on August 13, 2008, 01:14PM
so will you be doing all those characters over? or are you keeping the official characters like they are and using existing mods? i dont really get what you are planning on doing.  Have you done a mod before?
Quote from: Midnight Curse on August 13, 2008, 07:17PM
He wishes to create them over so he can give them the exact abilities in mind. I don`t think he has made a mod for XML2 or MUA yet.
It all depends on whether the character could be improved or not.
Maybe I'll make a poll for each character and what abilities people liked the most...or hated most.

I haven't made a mod for either game yet, but I am working on it. I've also am waiting to hear back from a college about a video game design course to learn more about the structure/scripting of games.

Quote from: the master$$$ on August 14, 2008, 01:01AM
hey lostfaust if you do new dialogs u could extract all the sounds of the chars heroes villains from gameplay,brefings,boss dialogs ect and combine the words to create new frases and stuf
That's a great idea. Thanks. I'll certainly look into that.

I'm all ears if you need ideas for powers, and the brainstorming stage.

Quote from: Midnight Curse on August 14, 2008, 09:17AM
I'm all ears if you need ideas for powers, and the brainstorming stage.

Oh sure. If anyone has any power ideas (or just cool names), feel free to list them.
I'm looking at maybe 15-17 powers per character.

The PC only supports 10 total, then you run out of keys to use.

This sounds very good.
I can't wait but I guess I'll have to. XD

Quote from: Teancum on August 14, 2008, 09:35AM
The PC only supports 10 total, then you run out of keys to use.

Really? My computer doesn't support XML2. (Yes, that's right. My computer blows!) so I didn't know that.
Does that mean the characters don't have all their moves from the console versions?
I plan to use a controller when I play mine. Can you have more then or can you still only have 10?

Sorry for tossing my questions into this thread, but...meh. LOL.

Ah, I lost track.  At one point he said it was going to be X-Men in MUA, but now it looks like MUA in XML2 with MUA levels.

Wow, I'll be really straightforward.  I've been modding 10+ years and I can tell you right now this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to big of a project for a first project.  Learn to do a new character before you commit to something like this.  Even if you have the commitment and time this isn't a one-man project.  This project is huge beyond huge, almost to the scale of the X-Men Legends PC project, which has multiple people working on it, most of them veterans.

August 14, 2008, 10:59AM #21 Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 11:01AM by Norrin Radd
If you plan on removing or adding some moves to Bishop in MUA, and you are using the existing MUA mod to do it, it would probably be polite to ask the people who worked on it first. I think it might be frowned upon to take someone elses work, modify it slightly and then release it without their permission. If you are planning to convert him yourself (or any other characters) or are using the XML2 version then its a different story

if the first post means that you won't be using MUA then you can ignore the comment, but if you're going to be modifying other existing mods like angel or beast for XML2, then it still applies

August 14, 2008, 11:06AM #22 Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 02:53PM by nodoubt_jr
yes i agree, if you are going to be using any of my mods, id rather you leave them as they are, and just tell me what you feel they need. i worked really hard on them.

i personally would prefer if new comers worked on new mods, theres tons of x-men related characters that havent been modded, so theres tons of possibilities.

also if you are transferring levels from mua to xml2, let me just tell you its hard and some maps cause run time errors.  not impossible, but hard.  this is not to discourage you from doing it, just to let you know some stuff since you seem to be new.

if i were you i would try my hand at a mod first before making all these plans, just to see if this is going to be easy for your or hard for you.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

not be mean, But please! If you haven't started modding at all I don't think you should be planning something that's not gonna happen. I agree 100% with Teancum.

August 15, 2008, 07:16AM #24 Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 07:36AM by lostfaust

How did we get to this point? Here's what I plan on doing.

I asked people to choose X-Men that they would like as part of an X-MEN: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE.
I had originally planned on using MUA to do it but then decided I would use XML2 and save MUA to make X-MEN: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 2.

I never mentioned anything about customizing others mods or swapping/converting levels.
If I wanted to change someone's Mod, I would most definitely ask them.

If anyone would like me to include their mods into this project, just let me know.

All I am attempting to do is change the roster, the villains and most likely the dialogue of XML2 to create X-Men Ultimate Alliance.

I hope that clears everything up.

ALSO: I've reset the poll and decided it would be easier if people chose the skills they liked.

NOTE: I did not include Gun Mastery and Mutant Mastery because everyone will have skills like these to boost their attacks and EP.

Quote from: lostfaust on August 15, 2008, 07:16AM
I asked people to choose X-Men that they would like as part of an X-MEN: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE.
I had originally planned on using MUA to do it but then decided I would use XML2 and save MUA to make X-MEN: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 2.

But that still doesn't explain what you want to do.  Is X-MEN: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE an all X-Men mod for XML2, and X-MEN: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 2 an all X-Men mod for MUA?

Quote from: Teancum on August 15, 2008, 08:16AM
But that still doesn't explain what you want to do.  Is X-MEN: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE an all X-Men mod for XML2, and X-MEN: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 2 an all X-Men mod for MUA?

All the NPC's & Villains will be changed.
Also, I plan to change the storyline/dialogue and reskin levels.

what do you mean by reskin levels? do you mean edit some of the textures in the level igb's or edit textures of all the models within a playable map (for example barrels, etc.)

Man, if you want to reskin the levels themselves, then I feel for you.  That's a daunting task.

You may as well make a new game.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.