Most disappointing Characters

Started by jonchang, January 03, 2008, 10:51PM

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LoL.  But Bishop and Toad were also kind of odd to play with.  Bishop only did energy and gun type damages and sometimes it wasn't useful.  The only time Bishop would be useful is when you need to charge or overcharge a device that is hindering you from reaching yoru goal.  Toad was jsut annoying.  his powers were underdeveloped and were a challenge to use.
Give your life meaning when you come to Xaviers Institute.  Join us so that we can develop your mind as well as those devious powers that you may have ::wink::

I disagree. Out of all the characters I felt that Toad and Bishop were one of the better ones and great surprises.. They were developed extremely well. A lot of thought went into Toad. Chosing between his spit mastery and tongue mastery was an example of how well fleshed out he was, with also a unique double jump. He was a lot of fun to play with and so was Bishop. Great versatility of gun attacks and his passives were great too. His greatest weapons were his Energy absorption boost ability. It was fab. I hardly lost any health when it was activated. He became a regular on my team with Storm, Jean and Sunfire. Although sometimes I would trade him for Xavier.

The most disappointing character was Scarlet Witch in my eyes. She could have been so much better. Rogue as well was slightly disappointing.

Rouge could of had a power that takes other people's powers or could change her powers into something else for instance four different powers:
1) Fire Based Powers (sunfire/pyro)
2) Aggresive Based Powers (sabretooth)
3) Shape-Shifting Based Powers (mystique)
4) Earth Based Powers (avlanche)
And changes her icons into powers based on it. For instance let's take mystique for example:
1) Changes arm into a claw and scratchs enermy
2) Changes foot into a massive leg and kicks the enermy
Life, it's a simple thing; it doesn't shout or scream or even ignore you. No life takes what it gets, it expects that it is fate, it expects that the only thing stopping it's self is its self. But what if, what if the only thing stopping you from becoming you is some-one you love. That's my life...

uhm Unknown, i think that this would have been a little bit to complicated to have of those type of animations in the game.  Just my opinion, i think hat it would get a little bit confusing?
Give your life meaning when you come to Xaviers Institute.  Join us so that we can develop your mind as well as those devious powers that you may have ::wink::

Probably but what they had was time...
Life, it's a simple thing; it doesn't shout or scream or even ignore you. No life takes what it gets, it expects that it is fate, it expects that the only thing stopping it's self is its self. But what if, what if the only thing stopping you from becoming you is some-one you love. That's my life...