Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Started by ragincajun, March 28, 2010, 10:16AM

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Sorry, I badly expressed myself :(
The 360 is cheaper than the PS3, but as you said, there is material for play online and that balances the price, so consoles are equals ^^
But what do you mean by "quality" ?

You said, that I shouldn't talk about which is better. The only way to know which is better, is to know, which is better quality

For me both consoles are also good, only the exclusivities are different (regrettably :( )

Yes, but happily for me, Fable is Microsoft exclusive, which makes me totally happy :)

Fable is a very cool game ! I have Lost Chapters on PC and it's awesome^^^
Fable III looks incredible ^^

Yes, and it will come to PC aswell. But I will play it on the Xbox 360. Though, I will have to wait for a GotY edition or a Gold edition, as I don't like this DLC downloading stuff.

I don't like DLC too, but sometimes you feel obliged to buy it ! (Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 pack for example ^^)

Well, if it's not fake, than I can only tell, that I was sure about this the whole time. Is there any Spider-Man game, which didn't come out to PC? (Not counting handheld-only games and such)

No I don´t think so lets hope it´ll be a good port

August 18, 2010, 01:11PM #131 Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 01:14PM by marvel1404
No it isn't. Looks like any of them came out except the oldest one's that didn't have the 3rd dimensions graphics but that was from 10 to 20 years ago. But the Wii version is quite good to. I has the same gameplay engine. The only difference is the graphics and the control input. So it's quite good to have a backup version of the for those who has only Wii and PC like me.
We all have secret. The ones that we keep. And the ones that are kept.

Just like a good ol WOS. Wii has every graphic from both PS2/GC/XBOX (liked MUA1-2) & PS3/360/PC (liked RE5, REC). & i have to say that Activision has reused MUA Classic/Amazing Spider-Man (seen on intro cinematic) & Ultimate Symbiote Spider-Man & Carnage (a remastered from Ultimate Spider-Man game while in gameplay).
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Well there is no doubt that this game is going to pc, but it's going to be delayed
And maybe that isn't a bad thing, might come with aditional content.
If you want proof then go to Suigetsu's link above and here: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/spidermanshattereddimensions/index.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B0