Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Started by ragincajun, March 28, 2010, 10:16AM

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I agree, Specially since the web site got the Games For Windows logo on the bottom. You heard what i said! Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions will be on PC! It is finally a 100% official! And it is on the September 7th, Not sure about the PC version date but i'm sure it will be the same date or one week later but we will see the epic PC version.
We all have secret. The ones that we keep. And the ones that are kept.

We're not sure if the game can be mod or not. Well, let's find out soon enough.
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:

I thought it was said a while ago...

I wasn't aware if it was.

'Sides, it gives you a good look at him and his level if you haven't seen them before.

Now this is new to me: according to Wikipedia, the whole Ultimate Universe will only appear on Wii, Xbox 360, PC and PS3, which means, the DS players won't get to play there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man:_Shattered_Dimensions#Characters

September 07, 2010, 12:59AM #141 Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 01:04AM by LarsAlexandersson
All Alternate Costumes has been revealed. THX to me & anyone who play the game.


Alternate Costumes:
Amazing: Bombastic Bag Man > Secret War > Scarlet Spider
Noir: Original Red and Blue Concept Art > 1602 > Negative Zone
2099: Flipside > Armored > Iron
Ultimate: Original Red and Blue > Insulated > Manga

& at last, we do know that 4 Cosmic Spider-Man's are a DLC pre-ordered pack.
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:

Yuppie! I mean, I just can't wait to play this game :D

Quote from: Suigetsu on September 05, 2010, 07:46AM
Now this is new to me: according to Wikipedia, the whole Ultimate Universe will only appear on Wii, Xbox 360, PC and PS3, which means, the DS players won't get to play there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man:_Shattered_Dimensions#Characters

In the ds trailer ultimate was never mentioned so yeah :P
Quote from: Carnage_Rules! on September 03, 2010, 11:46PM
Helllllll yes, Ultimate Carnage as a villain!

Good catch although this is not new, this site got some cool pics, including the merch with a mouth :) http://uk.comics.ign.com/dor/articles/1115287/the-deadly-villains-of-spider-man-shattered-dimensions/images/the-deadly-villains-of-spider-man-shattered-dimensions-20100827013916481.html

Well guys, if i need to believe marvel, Spidey is now OUT FOR SALES!, i must say this game was really quick in developent, if thats a good thing or a bad thing, ill find out soon enough, im only living in europe, so i guess i have to wait a bit :P

I rented and played this game for the 360 yesterday, and I've gotta say so far I'm not disappointed at all. The 4 dimensions definitely have a unique feel to all of them, Noir has got to be my favorite so far, but I'm a big sucker for stealth action. Can't wait for this game to come out on PC, I'll definitely be picking it up then.

Nobody knows :P
But im sure it wont take long, since its probally a port from ps3 and Xbox 360

I think it will come on the same date. Some game pages said so. And Activision would add a special release date for the PC version so people know when it comes. I even found a torrent for the PC Version. But do not download it. It doesn't work anymore.
We all have secret. The ones that we keep. And the ones that are kept.

Right now, i believe its not on yet, and a torrent seems a bit to quick, to be honset, i dont think we even have to wait a week, so a little patience is at place here :P