
The Marvel Mods Solo Tournament

Started by Cates, August 04, 2010, 06:03AM

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I got to level 43 by taking advantage of all the characters that you kill and keep re spawning, like in mephistos realm: the slow guys right before you save jean or nightcrawler. As well as in the side missions I keep killing the characters till about 3 mins left and then I work on the boss. The little orbs add up after awhile. ( I only played each mission once.) Moonstones phasing ability has been whats helped me out a lot. I phase out, walk into a wall and just keep hitting till they die. They cant reach me nor touch me. :)

Mmmm interesting... I wont forget that next time that I play Mephisto's realm ^^
Just a little advise, phasing is a dangerous power, be carefull, since you can pass through the floor and die, that's why I removed that power on my personal version of Moonstone u_u
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Same here ^^

Ok and about this:
Quote from: whiteking on August 16, 2010, 04:59PM
By the way I'm going to free Heimdall(?), mmm the god with a horn, If I remember a non-flying character can't access to the area where the horn is located, so can I choose anohter hero only to this mission or continue without this mision??

I have 2 options.
a) Use another hero and count like if I was on those points where you need 2 heroes to finish your mission.
b) Stay with Em and do not finish this mission :(

I say option a) I'm not the only one who is using a character that can't fly, so this is important to the other heroes ^^
Hurry! I just need to know so I can continue :D
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

My vote goes for a), since the reward for that mission is significant (free level up).

I think you missed my update:

Quote from: fox456 on August 13, 2010, 07:36AM
Update for me (last one for awhile since I won't be at my home computer to get to play):
Fox, Captain Marvel, Level 43 (I've played 3 missions and hung around quite awhile in Mephisto's Realm with those reincarnating Demon Leapers -- hoping that it helps!), Just got to Valhalla.
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927

OMG!!! Yes I defeated Mephisto!! Level 36! Moving on to Vahalla right now. :)

August 16, 2010, 10:35PM #142 Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 11:55PM by whiteking
Ops, sorry, updated the table again.

------      ----------      -----      -------------
Whiteking      Emma Frost      42      Nifelheim
edward         Cable           32      Atlantis
Fox456         Captain Marvel  43      Valhalla
Marvelfan12345 Jean Grey       30      Stark Tower
Cates          Mr. Fantastic   33      Temple of Negrete     
storm305       Moonstone       43      Asgard
Me             Sabertooth      36      Valhalla
------          -------------      -----      ----------------
Fox456          Human Torch      30      Killed following the fight with Radioactive Man/W. Soldier
Cates           Mr. Fantastic    30      Killed by health regenerating Doombot on helicarrier.
Monitor         Vision           30      Bullseye
Dihan           Iceman           30      Bullseye
Gevth           Dr. Doom         30      Bullseye
Gevth           Magneto          30      Dead Dum Dum Dugan
Cates        Hulk        31    Killed by Krang and Byrrah
Cates      Dr. Strange    31    Dead Dum Dum Dugan
Fox456          Human Torch      32      Killed by Krang and Byrrah
Gevth           Dr. Doom         32      Killed by Krang and Byrrah
Gevth           Hawkeye          32      Killed by Krang and Byrrah
mccordlarsen Hope Summers     30      Phased through the floor
tymaca321       Quicksilver      31      Dead Dum Dum Dugan
Gevth           Magneto          31      Killed by Mandarin's minions
Fox456          Silver Surfer    34      Killed by Mandarin
LegionODoom     Angel            35      Killed by Mandarin

Ok, I'll use anohter character to get that horn and then I'll drop him/her... it's a free level up people!!! :)

EDIT: Emma Frost, level 42, Nifelheim.
I just incresed her level to 40 before the free level up from Heimdall, and then another free level up on the "Volla's ring" mission ^^
Kurse is the "easy" mini boss here since he doesn't have any resistance, so kill him first. The other guy Ulik resist everything except mental lol, just a few close shots with Emma's mental spheres and he was out, still both monsters deals a lot of damage, especially Ulik since he has a knockback and trip attack that makes almost imposible to get close.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Sorry I missed the exchange about the horn problem . . . You made the right call.

The solo restriction is only for combat, so as long as your second character wasn't killing stuff, you're OK.

Good luck -- I'm totally impressed by your progress!

I just arrived at Attilan, Moonstone level 47 (4 side missions done).

I'm going to use a 4 characters team against Loki, not that I can't beat him with just one lol (I already did it) but I forgot that after that fight, when you retrieve the swords for the Armor, in order to obtain one of them, you need your 3 teammates... so I don't think that it's going to be a teamwork anyway, since my 3 teammates are always killed by Loki and it ends as a one vs one fight :P
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Tested it a while back, they give you the rest of the members in the form of viking warriors. Loki can be soloed.

Ohh Muchas gracias por el aviso :)
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

I thought the same thing when I got to Loki (my 3 team mates always also die lol) and about the 4 swords mission and was surprised that the game filled them in with viking warriors. I thought I was going to be stuck or had to select other characters.

Reed has beaten Krang and Byrrah and is headed to the Atlantean Throne.  Had a very, very close call in the Temple of Negrete against one of those "press 4-6-4" Atlantean Champions or whatever. I was pretty much down to one hit, and trying to wear her down with my leap attack instead of doing the combo (Reed's awesome with the popup combo, but I have a hard time with the stun combo). I got the hit in before she did, thankfully.

Mr. Fantastic, Level 32, Atlantean Throne