Which characters were the best to play as?

Started by jonchang, June 29, 2007, 02:25AM

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Deadpool(or wolverine), Iceman, Storm and Colossus(or Juggernaut).

Iceman and deadpool are the strongest characters in xml 2 but in MUA they powers decreases a lot

Hmm. Iceman and Iron Man are the most powerful in XML2, IMO.

In XML2 I consider and always will consider Magneto as the most powerfull(with a little support from Rogue). My team now is Magneto, Rogue, Jubilee and Storm. Magneto's shrapnel sentry for me is unrivaled! But this skill require much EP. Rogue have Heal, which is good when low on health. May be I am a weakling, because, without Magneto I can't play at all :rofl:

Magneto's Magnetic Grasp is pretty addictive. The one where he pulls in objects and enemies. Metal Spikes and Polarized Shield also make him nearly untouchable in this game.

Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Nightcrawler, and Iron Man
What FF character am I?

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII

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Final Fantasy 7

The fire guys (Sunfire and Pyro)were incredibly fun to play as. Ignite was so destructive  :pyro: :sunfire:

I really enjoyed my Magneto solo. It was my first time through the game and it felt so epic using Polarised Shield then floating around using Magnetic Grasp as everything revolved around him in complete pandemonium whilst the enemies are unable to do anything beneath his mighty magnetic onslaught!
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Yes, I LOVED Magnetic Grasp as well. Couple that with Nightcrawler's Sword Whirlwind. Magneto pulls in the enemies to be chopped by a frenzy of slashes from Kurt's fencing foils.

January 27, 2009, 08:25PM #23 Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 08:28PM by warmachine300
I love Magnetic Grasp too but  sometinmes that move would crash my game. I'm such a comic nerd when i play the game. The X-Men Blue & Gold Team would never mix. So the blue team, I'd use Cyke, Wolvie, Rogue & Gambit and the gold Storm, Jean, Iceman and Bishop. Bishop, Sunfire, Storm and Toad were the best characters in Legends 2. Toad in particular really surprised me. Psylocke should have been in that came i don't understand why they left her out. There were just far too many mental dame items lying around to service just two characters.

well, jean grey and pyro were the best, with them together, you could almost beat the game with them alone since they deal alot of damage!
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As for legends 1. Cyclops and Storm always had to be on my team because of their leadership qualities which are so important in bagging ep. Then I'd use Jean and Iceman and sometimes Gambit or Nightcrawler. Iceman would be replaced as soon as I got Emma Frost. I tried my hardest to like Beast but it was impossible. If his Cannoball roll was more like Mr. Fantastics in MUA he would have been great. Psylocke was extremely under developed. They should have given her Beast and Nightcrawlers acrobatic moves automatically

For me, the best characters to play as are Bishop, Deadpool, Juggernaut, Sabertooth and Nightcrawler.

I completed the game with just using Storm. Its all about STATIC CHARGE You ain't seen damage until you've seen that move. Definitely one of the best characters in the game, Along with Bishop, Ironman, Sunfire, Jean, Nightcrawler and Professor X

Personally, I thought Iron Man was the most ownage character of all, even though he has absolutely nothing to do with the X-Men. -.-

In X-Men legends one all of the charecters pretty much sucked compared to XML2 and MUA except Jean Grey who was fantastic and Magma was pretty awesome too! Beast, Rogue and Colossus sucked as they were slow moving.

In X-Men Legends II Magneto was very fun to play with, Colossus was alot better than in the first game as he was really fast, Cyclops was one of my favourites in the sequel, Toad was as somebody said above - very suprising and Storm was great to play as too.

The worst playable charecter in the second one was Scarlet Witch - shes got fantastic powers and is an excellent charecter but she sucked in the game.
:gambit: :jubilee: :iceman: :storm: :wolverine: :nightcrawler2: :mystique: :cyclops: :colossus: :dazzler: :polaris: :havok:  :beast: :shadowcat2: :phoenix: :emmafrost: :cable: :blob:
X-Men - best supehero team ever!