Marvel's Top 10 Greatest In 3 Categories

Started by Kano9, June 25, 2012, 08:09PM

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I was thinking about the biggest & baddest characters that Marvel Comics has produced... this is what i came up with:

MOST POWERFUL                         PHYSICALLY STRONGEST                         GREATEST AGILITY

1. Eternity                                    1. Colossus (With The Crimson Gem)      1. Nightcrawler
2. The Living Tribunal                   2. World War Hulk                                   2. Spider-Man
3. The Beyonder                           3. Cain Marko (Serpent)                          3. Psylocke
4. Death                                       4. Gladiator (Kallark)                               4. Ironfist
5. The Phoenix Force                    5. Thor                                                    5. Black Panther
6. Galactus                                   6. Hercules                                              6. Deadpool
7. Thanos                                     7. Abomination                                        7. Gambit
8. Odin                                         8. Wonderman                                         8. Black Cat
9. Surtur                                       9. Ms. Marvel                                           9. Mocking Bird
10. Molecule Man                         10. The Thing                                          10. Black Widow


Let Me Know Yours?

June 26, 2012, 10:17AM #1 Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 04:26PM by Hyperman360
Actually in terms of power the number one would be the One Above All, as he's essentially considered the "god" in Marvel Comics.

See here:

He has appeared to Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four before.

Also, the Tribunal comes above Eternity, because he's right underneath the One-Above-All in terms of power.

Here's my list for most powerful:

1. One-Above-All
2. Living Tribunal
3. Lord Chaos and Master Order
4. Death, Oblivion, Infinity, Eternity, Entropy
5. Galactus
6. Phoenix Force
7. Celestials
8. Others... ( and
9. Hulks

Note that it is possible that some could be on the same level or reversed after level 4.


1) The Humantorch
2) Magma
3) Sunfire
4) Sunspot
5) Match
6) Pyro


1) Iceman
2) Iceman
3) Iceman
4) Iceman
5) Iceman
6) ... 7) ... 8) ... etc.
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1) Rogue
2) Emma Frost
3) Psylocke
4) Ms Marvel
5) Dagger
6) Madelyne Pryor
7) Black Queen
8) Sage
9) Viper
10) Mystique

I disagree. Most of those don't even have powers to do with fire or heat!
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Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 26, 2012, 10:17AM
Actually in terms of power the number one would be the One Above All, as he's essentially considered the "god" in Marvel Comics.

See here:

He has appeared to Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four before.

Also, the Tribunal comes above Eternity, because he's right underneath the One-Above-All in terms of power.

Here's my list for most powerful:

1. One-Above-All
2. Living Tribunal
3. Lord Chaos and Master Order
4. Death, Oblivion, Infinity, Eternity, Entropy
5. Galactus
6. Phoenix Force
7. Celestials
8. Others... ( and

Note that it is possible that some could be on the same level or reversed after level 4.

Oh wow yours is pretty exact. The only change is that the Phoenix Force has trumped Galactus before (616 and What If? so it's more powerful). Also if you count Phoenix Force as the White Phoenix of the Crown (it's highest level of power) then it would be on the same level as Death, Infinity, Oblivion, etc.

Quote from: Dihan on June 27, 2012, 03:36AM
I disagree. Most of those don't even have powers to do with fire or heat!
Hahahaha :D

June 27, 2012, 09:19AM #6 Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 04:25PM by Hyperman360
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 27, 2012, 08:28AM
Oh wow yours is pretty exact. The only change is that the Phoenix Force has trumped Galactus before (616 and What If? so it's more powerful). Also if you count Phoenix Force as the White Phoenix of the Crown (it's highest level of power) then it would be on the same level as Death, Infinity, Oblivion, etc.

Yeah, I read a lot about this stuff on Wikipedia. Thanks!

I added another into my powers category.

Best (in my opinion):
1. Spider-Man
2. :spidergirl:
3. Web-Head
4. Wall-Crawler
5. Web-Slinger
6. Spidey
7. Peter Parker

June 27, 2012, 04:47PM #7 Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 07:59PM by Nowhere Man
- 10 most skilled hand to hand combatants:
10 Captain America
09 Gorgon (Hand)
08 Black Panther
07 Elektra
06 Karnak
05 Taskmaster
04 Lei Kung
03 Stick
02 Shang-Chi
01 Iron Fist

- 10 most powerful superheroes (stable lvls of power; living)
10 Quasar
09 X-Man
08 Black Bolt
07 Nova
06 Blue Marvel
05 Beta-Ray Bill
04 Gladiator
03 Doctor Strange
02 Silver Surfer
01 Thor

- 10 Smartest characters
10 Mister Sinister
09 Beast/Dark Beast
08 Leader
07 Modok
06 Iron Man
05 Ant-Man (Hank Pym)
04 High Evolutionary
03 Doctor Doom
02 Mister Fantastic
01 Thanos

- 10 most powerful mutants
10 Magneto
09 Mister M
08 Legion
07 Jamie Braddock
06 X-Man
05 Apocalypse
04 Proteus
03 Mad Jim Jaspers
02 Scarlet Witch
01 Franklin Richards

- 10 most important female Avengers
10 Moondragon
09 Mantis
08 Sersi
07 Tigra
06 Photon
05 She Hulk
04 Miss Marvel
03 Black Widow
02 Scarlet Witch
01 Wasp

- 10 most important X-Villians
10 Sabretooth
09 Shadow King
08 Sebastian Shaw
07 Juggernaut
06 Mystique
05 Sentinels
04 Dark Phoenix
03 Mister Sinister
02 Apocalypse
01 Magneto

- 10 most powerful demons
10 Marduk Kurios
09 Satannish
08 Mephisto
07 Shuma Gorath
06 Dormammu
05 Surtur
04 Mikaboshi
03 Set
02 Ch'ton
01 Zom

- 10 most important X-Women
10 Marvel Girl
09 Jubilee
08 Dazzler
07 Polaris
06 Psylocke
05 Emma Frost
04 Shadowcat
03 Rogue
02 Phoenix
01 Storm
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 27, 2012, 04:47PM
- 10 most skilled hand to hand combatants:
10 Captain America
09 Gorgon (Hand)
08 Black Panther
07 Elektra
06 Karnak
05 Taskmaster
04 Lei Kung
03 Stick
02 Shang-Chi
01 Iron Fist

I don't entirely agree; I feel that Spider-Man with his general agile and powerful fighting style, combined with his webs, Spider-Sense, and newly acquired fighter's instinct (courtesy of Shang-Chi) should be somewhere in this list.

Also, I've always thought Spidey was one of the smartest characters as well. But also, the One-Above-All, and the Living Tribunal, at least, would top that list.

June 27, 2012, 05:17PM #9 Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 06:48PM by Nowhere Man
Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 27, 2012, 05:08PM
Also, I've always thought Spidey was one of the smartest characters as well. But also, the One-Above-All, and the Living Tribunal, at least, would top that list.

I was not counting cosmic entities with omniscience-like knowledge, otherwise they'd win nearly every category. Spidey is smart but not on the lvl of the ones I've mentioned. At least not yet. A diamond in the rough, much like Shadowcat.

Quote from: Hyperman360 on June 27, 2012, 05:08PM
I don't entirely agree; I feel that Spider-Man with his general agile and powerful fighting style, combined with his webs, Spider-Sense, and newly acquired fighter's instinct (courtesy of Shang-Chi) should be somewhere in this list.
I'm not counting superpowers here, but fighting skill acquired through practice. The ones I've mentioned all studied martial arts their entire lives. Spider-Man fights well, but his style is mostly instinctual, not perfected by a lifetime of studying and practicing.

Most powerful cosmic entities:

- 10 Most powerful superheroes/supervillians/hell demons, lower cosmic entities, among others (Molecule Man, Thanos, Thor, Mephisto, Hela, Silver Surfer, Proteus, Deathurge, In-Betweener and so on...)
- 09 Greatest Godheads and Demons (Surtur, Odin, Zeus, Osiris, Seth, Mikaboshi, Shuma Gorath, Dormammu, Kronos), Watchers (Uatu, Aron), The Grandmaster (most powerful Elder of the Universe), Eon (and other sons and daughters of Eternity), Atlez (Guardian of the Infinity Abyss), Beyonder (as an incomplete Cosmic Cube or as an Inhuman/Mutant), Sire Hate, Mistress Love
- 08 Elder Gods (Atum, Gaea, Ch'ton, Set, Agammoto, Hoggoth, Oshtur, Belathauzer), Sentient Cosmic Cubes (Kubik, Shaper of Worlds, Kosmos)
- 07 Remaining Celestials, Ego the living planet, Demogorge (Atum, the most powerful Elder God at his most powerful), Zom
- 06 Lord Chaos and Master Order, The Proemial Gods (Diableri, Aegis, Antiphon, Brio, Tenebrous), most powerful Celestials (One-Above-All and Tiamut); the Stranger; Demiurge (Most powerful planet life force), Mad Jim Jaspers at his most powerful
- 05 The 3 faces of the Living Tribunal (Eternity/Infinity, Death/Oblivion, Galactus); The Phoenix Force
- 04 Scarlet Witch and Franklin Richards at their most powerful (who bend, shape, create and destroy entire universes) and the original interpretation of the Beyonder as a universe in one man
- 03 Living Tribunal
- 02 Anyone wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, Nemesis (The sentient entity of the gems) and anyone absorbed by the Heart of the Universe
- 01 One Above All
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

June 27, 2012, 07:09PM #10 Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 07:12PM by MarvelFan12345
One thing to note about Scarlet Witch is her power level has been reduced again. The boost in power she gained was from absorbing a life force which was recently exorcised from her. Her power levels are pretty stable now (until the next writer comes and makes her go psycho again :D)

I noticed a few other people who might go into your lists.

Smartest People: Valeria Richards who is even smarter than her father
Most Powerful Mutants: I notice a lack of three very special redheads ;)

And is Magneto more powerful than Vulcan? I was under the assumption Vulcan is omega-level (which Magneto is not) and able to directly confront Black Bolt. He is definitely at the cosmic-level.

June 27, 2012, 07:50PM #11 Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 07:58PM by Nowhere Man
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 27, 2012, 07:09PM
Smartest People: Valeria Richards who is even smarter than her father
Yes, but in the 616 reality she's still a baby, and that's the reality I'm counting.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 27, 2012, 07:09PM
Most Powerful Mutants: I notice a lack of three very special redheads ;)
Ok, I'll make my case. Since it's a list of MUTANTS, I'm only counting mutant powers. If you count Jean or Rachel Grey as the Phoenix then she's right up there on the cosmic entities list ;). Based solely on mutant powers I've never seen either be on lvl with people as powerful as the others. Jean is more powerful than Rachel and she, along with all other X-Men and many Avengers were subdued by Exodus alone. While Nate Grey defeated him in seconds. Hope I thought of putting, as I did with Mimic who has practicaly the same powers, but since I'm thinking of stable powers I can't count people who depend on who's around in order to have any power.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 27, 2012, 07:09PM
And is Magneto more powerful than Vulcan? I was under the assumption Vulcan is omega-level (which Magneto is not) and able to directly confront Black Bolt. He is definitely at the cosmic-level.
Being omega only means potential power, not actual power. Elixir is omega as well and isn't close to any of these mutants yet. Vulcan is indeed very powerful, but Magneto is far more developed and I've seen him hold his own against people as powerful, if not more so, as Black Bolt. Plus, his powers have limitations, such as the fact that he couldn't stand a blast from Havok after he absorbed too much solar radiation, which means his energy absorbing powers are actually less potent than his brother's. Plus, it is actually stated that Magneto may be an omega lvl mutant. I've seen him withstand blows from Thor, Hulk, resist energy attacks even from Galactus and contain the energy of a Celestial, believe it or not. But you did remind me of omegas Legion and Mister M, who definitely deserve to be in the top 10.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 27, 2012, 07:50PM
Yes, but in the 616 reality she's still a baby, and that's the reality I'm counting.

Actually she's not a baby or at least not anymore. While her emotional matureness is still at the level of her age (whatever that is) her intelligence is far superior than her father and even Dr. Doom. Same scans to show her current age. In other realities besides 616 I don't think she's supposed to be super-smart.

Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 27, 2012, 07:50PM
Ok, I'll make my case. Since it's a list of MUTANTS, I'm only counting mutant powers. If you count Jean or Rachel Grey as the Phoenix then she's right up there on the cosmic entities list ;). Based solely on mutant powers I've never seen either be on lvl with people as powerful as the others. Jean is more powerful than Rachel and she, along with all other X-Men and many Avengers were subdued by Exodus alone. While Nate Grey defeated him in seconds. Hope I thought of putting, as I did with Mimic who has practicaly the same powers, but since I'm thinking of stable powers I can't count people who depend on who's around in order to have any power.
That makes sense...although I would argue that the Phoenix pretty much is part of Jean and Rachel's mutant powers. In Classic X-Men 43, Death told Jean that the power is rightfully hers and will belong to all of her offspring as well. Grant Morrison also revealed that the Phoenix is a secondary mutation of Jean's. However Avengers vs X-Men has screwed up the Phoenix so much that it's hard to know what's canon and what's not when regarding the Phoenix Force.

Quote from: Nowhere Man on June 27, 2012, 07:50PM
Being omega only means potential power, not actual power. Elixir is omega as well and isn't close to any of these mutants yet. Vulcan is indeed very powerful, but Magneto is far more developed and I've seen him hold his own against people as powerful, if not more so, as Black Bolt. Plus, his powers have limitations, such as the fact that he couldn't stand a blast from Havok after he absorbed too much solar radiation, which means his energy absorbing powers are actually less potent than his brother's. Plus, it is actually stated that Magneto may be an omega lvl mutant. I've seen him withstand blows from Thor, Hulk, resist energy attacks even from Galactus and contain the energy of a Celestial, believe it or not. But you did remind me of omegas Legion and Mister M, who definitely deserve to be in the top 10.

Ooh I never thought about it that way before. I only read Vulcan in the Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire, and they make him out to be super-powerful there so I just went by that. I've seen Magneto battle some of those heroes and contain the energy of a Celestial but I never knew he battled Galactus. Do you have an issue # for that because I would love to see those two duke it out XD. And yeah I pretty much consider Magneto (and Storm) to be omega-level as well. Although Storm was actually confirmed in the Origins of the X-Men issue so I suppose she really is one.

You're right regarding Valeria's age, she's about 3 or 4. But I stand by my option to not include her in the list, because she has to prove she's smarter than her father. So far she said she was, but that doesn't mean she is. I'd say diamond in the rough. Same case as Amadeus Cho and Quentin Quire, who are regarded as vastly smart, but haven't done anything that significant to prove that.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

About not doing anything significant, hasn't Spidey invented plenty of things, especially since he started working at Horizon Labs? Not to mention the brilliant idea of curing Spider-Island with Doc Ock's Octobots?