
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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Quote from: Techon 7 on December 21, 2014, 11:43PM
Monica is very fun, makes me wish she got more exposure in Marvel's games.
Quote from: ctepan 89 on December 21, 2014, 09:06PM
Oh yes :) One of the classic comic book characters now in mua !!!

Yes, indeed. It was a LONG time coming, and as powerful as she is, Monica should have had way more exposure. Nonetheless, glad to hear you dig her. :fro:

January 06, 2015, 08:19PM #407 Last Edit: January 05, 2023, 10:31PM by Outsider

This is now a definite booster for :ghostr: Ghost Rider -- I have combined everything into one package for the ultimate experience. And of my own creation (besides the blue flame Hellcycle effect you see in the pic below), I've altered Ghost Rider's voice from UMvC3 and made it darker and more like he should sound!  Check it out. Now, if only we could do jumps or wheelies with the motorcycle....

UPDATE: Replaced primary & Danny Ketch skin, replaced loading 3rd loading screen & mannequin, replaced Hellcycle model & fixed some coding. Herostat has changed.

His special taunts require my special scripts package. Download that here: (If you have the new EXG, then disregard as the EXG has these scripts included.)

-Added everything from iammingy's Ghost Rider upgrades 1.2, then updated them.
-Added everything from UltimateVenom's Daniel Ketch file, then hex-edited the skin.
-New herostat, entities/powerstyle/talents files that successfully add blue flame effects to Ghost Rider's Hellcycle.
-Added 3 loading screens.
-Fixed the requirements of "Hellfire Breath" and "Hell's Embrace."
-Hellcycle now activated by holding block and press jump. He can now double jump again.
-Hellcycle and Grab Smash damage are now upgradeable.
-New voice that is more fitting for Ghost Rider. (His MUA voice is now being used by John Blaze.)
-His Xtreme is now called "Soul Stealer" for the reason above. And made its effect larger.
-Can now taunt. What he says depends on where he's located.
-New primary skin, replacing his in-game one.
-New mannequin, no longer needing his fire effect.
-New Hellcycle and Daniel Ketch models by Andersonbrazil.

Hellicarrier = "This is only the beginning..."
Omega Base = "Now learn why I'm called the Spirit of Vengeance."
Atlantis = "If you value your life... leave."
Valley of Spirits = "Leave the fighting to the experts, fool."
New York City = "The darkness in your soul disgusts me."
Murderworld = "Not so amusing now, is it?"
Mephisto's Realm = "You make deals with the devil... sometimes, you end up with them."
Bifrost Bridge = "Mephisto can't contain me, what chance do you have?"
Asgard = "Forget Ragnarok... I'm your destruction."
Niffleheim = "If you can't handle Loki, I will."
Shi'ar Starship = "There is but one fate for the guilty."
Astral Plane = "Stay in the shadow."
Skrull Homeworld = "I will feast on your very soul."
Latveria = "Hell is calling..."
Castle Doom = "Even gods must answer for their sins."

This mini-booster has Danny Ketch as skin #4 (0604) replacing Caretaker. If you wish to change this, you must alter the herostat and powerstyles file.

Outsider - Coding fixes, blue flame bike effect, Daniel Ketch HUD, loading screens, new sounds, hex-editing, taunt script, etc.
Iammingy - Ghost Rider upgrades 1.2, including original Hellcycle model
Andersonbrazil - New Daniel Ketch skin, new Hellcycle model
Aventureiromax - New primary skin, mannequin
UltimateVenom - blue fire textures, blue flame head effect

None so far.


Nice work Outsider, thank you for this awesome booster.
Click here for my releases.
And here for my workbench.

Hiya Outsider, I've enthousiastically tried out Monica and I'd like to say that overall her mod is really what I was hoping to see for her! Outstanding job, again, I think we should be calling you Outstander!

I do have three hopefully constructive pieces of feedback:

-Her invulnerability while using powers is very suitable but gameplay-wise too overpowered - especially as it extends to the whole length of her boost powers & to her flying.
Perhaps the boost powers would work better if the invulnerability is really only active for a fraction of the total boost length. I'd imagine a power for her where she would turn to infrared light to scan the surroundings, resulting in seeing enemies on the radar and increased critical hit chance for everybody. She might turn red and invisible for a moment but shifts back to human form while the actual boost effect remains for a while. Something to that extent, at least.
Or maybe the invulnerability should not be 100%. I totally understand the reasoning but I think it's too powerful in the game.

-As for flying: Monica's powers are limited by only being able to turn into one type of energy at a time. It seems off that, for example, she'd do a gamma energy smash while flying in her light form. Would it be possible to disable her powers while she's flying?

-The 'Electric Spectrum' power: is it correct that the bolts are not visible, or am I missing an effects file there? The use of the power looks somewhat empty without seeing what she actually does to harm the enemies.

But as I said, it's an excellent job overall. Thank you so much for adding her to the MarvelMods! Mainly thanks to you, it seems to me that the list of available major Marvel heroes is nearing completion.
And I really hope there's a mannequin maker out there who will supplement Monica and your other mods with that last little file..!

Thanks for the compliments, and the feedback. On the "Electric Spectrum" issue, yes, I forgot to include the actual effect. Though you are the first to inform me of it, so I guess others already had it in their games. Nonetheless, I've included it.  And, I actually agree with those comments on her being too powerful in a game that is already not challenging at all, not even in so-called "hard" mode. So, (1) I've decided to make her energy forms nearly immune - 85% instead of 100%. And (2) She can no longer use her powers while flying. You can download her now for the adjustments. And yes, an available mannequin maker is very much needed, as I am unable to make my own, and many of my mods are without one.

Wow, thank you for really taking every one of my comments to heart! She feels completely tailored to my desires now..! So cool!!

January 14, 2015, 07:41PM #413 Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 11:05PM by Outsider

It's my 777th post (that's lucky), and it's a horrible day for the Masters of Evil, as yet another scary character comes from The Crypt. This time, it's the dread lord, the ruler of the Dark Dimension known as :humant: Dormammu. His mod was heavily influenced by his appearance in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 but with some differences. And since his model from that game couldn't be secured (thanks anyway, andersonbrazil), I've decided to attempt a replica of that skin myself, and I think it came out well. His powers are sick with it! You'll have some serious fun playing as this mystical entity. One of the most powerful villains in the Marvel universe is finally here. Check it.

UPDATE: Changed his skin numbers to no longer clash with Jill Valentine. Herostat has changed.

-5 powers, 3 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of might, flight, possession, boss resistance, and dominance.
-9 hex-edited skins, 8 HUDs, loading screen, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file featuring his voice from MvC3.
-Uses assigned number #91.

1. Purification: Releases a beam of dark energy downward that pops enemies up.
2. Chaotic Flame: Releases a stream of Faltine fire that burns and knocks enemies back.
3. Dark Matter: Fires a mysterious beam that leaves enemies immobile and lowers their defense for a short time.
4. Power of Creation: Creates a blue flame spell that can grant him a short boost of invisibility OR can control nearby enemies for a time.
5. Power of Destruction: Creates a red flame spell that can grant him a short boost of damage reflection OR can release a Faltine flame blast.
(NOTE: Both spells can be cancelled. They can also be combined to grant him a healing factor OR can release a devastating mystical storm of dark energy.)
6. (Boost) Teleport: Can teleport himself and allies. Will hurt enemies.
7. (Boost) Entity: Grants himself and his allies fire damage, mind control immunity, and reduction to damage inflicted.
8. (Boost) Nightmare Incarnate: Grows to a gigantic size, increasing his strength and gaining invincibility.
9. (Xtreme) Dark Dimension: Levitates all enemies as he opens a damaging rift to his dimension....

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, Modern alt skin, HUDs, loading screen, icons, sounds, hex-editing, effects recolor etc.
Andersonbrazil - All skins (except Modern alt Classic Alt & Demon)
Lionsden99 - Skins (Classic alt, Demon)
Tien Shinhan - Possession ability
MUALover - Xtreme effects
UltimateVenom - Blue fire texture
????? - Mannequin

None so far.


Well in fighting games they have a term called God Tier and considering this Mods MVC3 inspiration I think the term is more than fitting for this mod. Reminds me of all my times getting my butt whooped in online in marvel vs. capcom but now the shoes on the other foot and I'm the one ravaging all those whose dare cross my path. 

FANTASTIC MOD: PEOPLE GO CHECK IT OUT....... LIKE NOW!  So Fun and Godly Destructive not to mention versatile.  Incredibly impressive especially with how well the spell casting turned out.  Even his taunt move felt very Shao Kahn with you're not even worth me taking interest in this fight....pure supremacy. You Nailed him SIR Well Freaking Done!  I am going to start working on a skin or 2 for him asap as ruler of the dark dimension deserves a full wardrobe.  Which skin did you end up using as I'll use that as a base to keep him looking uniformly. 

He plays like a dream but I did notice a couple of things.  During his nightmare incarnate since he can't jump so going up any stairs is going to be a problem. He gets stuck at the top step. You can always shrink him then make him big again though so it's not the end of the world.

No other hiccups, but my only other thought being that his meteor shower might have been been a better move once you have both the power of creation and destruction. It feels REALLY POWERFUL so having him have to summon twice would make it feel worth the buildup and a little less spam-able.  I think you had to have both in MVC3 first to do it as well but I could be mistaken (been a while). This is purely oping based and of minimalist importance but thought I'd mention it.  Other than that.....

Take a bow, you earned it!

Oh yes ! Incredible cool mod ))) Dormammu is truly strong , at last he conquer universe

Quote from: ctepan 89 on January 15, 2015, 03:12AM
Oh yes ! Incredible cool mod ))) Dormammu is truly strong , at last he conquer universe

Quote from: Lionsden99 on January 14, 2015, 11:33PM
Well in fighting games they have a term called God Tier and considering this Mods MVC3 inspiration I think the term is more than fitting for this mod. Reminds me of all my times getting my butt whooped in online in marvel vs. capcom but now the shoes on the other foot and I'm the one ravaging all those whose dare cross my path. 

FANTASTIC MOD: PEOPLE GO CHECK IT OUT....... LIKE NOW!  So Fun and Godly Destructive not to mention versatile.  Incredibly impressive especially with how well the spell casting turned out.  Even his taunt move felt very Shao Kahn with you're not even worth me taking interest in this fight....pure supremacy. You Nailed him SIR Well Freaking Done!  I am going to start working on a skin or 2 for him asap as ruler of the dark dimension deserves a full wardrobe.  Which skin did you end up using as I'll use that as a base to keep him looking uniformly. 

He plays like a dream but I did notice a couple of things.  During his nightmare incarnate since he can't jump so going up any stairs is going to be a problem. He gets stuck at the top step. You can always shrink him then make him big again though so it's not the end of the world.

No other hiccups, but my only other thought being that his meteor shower might have been been a better move once you have both the power of creation and destruction. It feels REALLY POWERFUL so having him have to summon twice would make it feel worth the buildup and a little less spam-able.  I think you had to have both in MVC3 first to do it as well but I could be mistaken (been a while). This is purely oping based and of minimalist importance but thought I'd mention it.  Other than that.....

Take a bow, you earned it!

See? This is why I like getting feedback on my mods, as something can easily get overlooked, and if I agree with the comments, I try to fix them. (I usually have some time in the morning before work.) Thanks to you both for the compliments. To those who've already downloaded him, just do it one more time, as I've made improvements.

@Liondsen - You're right on the meteor shower. It's very damaging, as well as visually much better than the mystical blast. So, I made a few changes: The attack version of the destruction spell will instead release a radial Faltine flame blast. And the attack version of both spells will summon that meteor shower -- now recolored as "Dark Storm." A visual effect was also added to the attack version of the creation spell as well.
As for the giant form issue, I can't fix that unfortunately. It's tough to go upstairs, and you can forget about doors. I tried to add teleporting to his giant form, but he still won't go anywhere. Evidently, the giant form is only good in open spaces, and I purposely made it so that he can change back and not have to wait for the energy to refuel.
Finally, I appreciate your wanting to make a couple of skins for him, as your stuff delivers awesome results. The skin I used was that of Baron Mordo -- who is ironically his agent/servant.

EDIT: :cd: Cloak has been updated as well, making his "Into The Shadows" boost better. I tried to add a team boost if he and Dagger are on the same team, but to no avail -- unless I change the team bonus file.

Quick question: does your Falcon remix work on its own, or do we need to download the other, older Falcon mod first (like a booster)?
Mutatis mutandis. Si non confectus, non reficiat.

Quote from: LikeAnEagle on January 16, 2015, 01:48AM
Quick question: does your Falcon remix work on its own, or do we need to download the other, older Falcon mod first (like a booster)?

It works on its' own. Tommyboy gave the green light for me to include his material.