
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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Wow, this is really great! I always loved that X-Men arcade game!

I personally think Dazzler is a cool character, but I feel kind of bad for her in this game because I bet she's the one that gets played the least. To be fair, all the other choices are extremely cool as well! I personally always liked being Cyclops, Wolverine, or Nightcrawler.

Thanks for this wonderful mod, Outsider!

Oh my what a amazing holidays gift thank you so much for getting all this together, btw shout out to the mk sounds you are doing everything is top notch! :bowdown1:

Quote from: TheMK on December 31, 2020, 02:51PM
Wow, this is really great! I always loved that X-Men arcade game!

I personally think Dazzler is a cool character, but I feel kind of bad for her in this game because I bet she's the one that gets played the least. To be fair, all the other choices are extremely cool as well! I personally always liked being Cyclops, Wolverine, or Nightcrawler.

Thanks for this wonderful mod, Outsider!

Thanks for that. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't enjoy that X-Men arcade game. And yes, Dazzler is definitely underrated within the X-Men. But thanks to her disco roots, she's becoming popular again.

Quote from: edward on December 31, 2020, 03:38PM
Oh my what a amazing holidays gift thank you so much for getting all this together, btw shout out to the mk sounds you are doing everything is top notch! :bowdown1:

I appreciate the compliment. It was fun doing those retro mods. I'll get back to those MK voices very soon.

January 01, 2021, 04:42PM #2343 Last Edit: July 05, 2022, 06:41AM by Outsider
PREDATOR (Booster)

Here is my first offering of 2021 -- on New Year's Day, no less. Years ago, fellow modder Julio Cabral created this kick-ass mod of the soon-to-be Marvel character Predator. However, he admitted that he had some problems with the cloaking device. So I started playing as the Yautja and noticed a few other things as well. Originally I had fixed him up just for myself, but hey, sharing is caring, right? So, here it is. My booster for Predator. Check him out.

UPDATE: Cloaking device now uses skins to prevent accidental cloaking when visiting new areas.

Altered herostat:
-Lowered his stats so they aren't too high or overpowered for the game.
-Got rid of unnecessary lines such as "Mutant," and "XMen."
-Wrist Blades power now available at start.
-Added the Might ability, as Predator is strong enough to lift heavy objects.

Altered talents file:
-His passives will no longer clash with Iron Man.
-Tuned up damage output, requirements, and powerusage for some powers.

Altered powerstyle file:
-Fixed the cloaking device problem the original mod was suffering from. Now the cloaking device will come off on its own.
-Altered the Self-Destruct Device xtreme so that it doesn't actually kill him, but instead tricks enemies into thinking he died. (I personally don't like powers that kill the character, as then I won't want to use it.)
-Fixed up the icons there so that they match the icons in the talents file.

Altered other features:
-Hex-edited all skins.
-Added a loading screen.

Outsider - Coding fixes, invisible skins, hex-editing, loading screen, etc.
Julio Cabral- Predator mod

None so far.


Very awesome! I love Predator!

I think it would be so badass if Predator became part of the Marvel universe! There's so many cool crossovers and stories they could do with that! Too bad that will probably never happen in the MCU... At least, I think it'd be very unlikely.

January 02, 2021, 12:40PM #2345 Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 04:06PM by Outsider

And here comes another offering that I originally did for myself but decided to share -- a mod (originally a booster) of the king of the Inhumans, :blackshake: Black Bolt. I just added a few things to further represent the fact that his voice is so powerful that it can destroy planets. Actually, it makes me wonder what would happen if let's say Thanos or Dark Phoenix destroyed parts of Attilan, and Black Bolt became so pissed that he finally spoke a whole damn sentence at them... catastrophic! Anyway, check it.

UPDATE: Added missing interact files, fixing his grab smash.

-5 powers, 3 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Might, Flight and Leadership.
-3 hex-edited skins, 3 HUDs, icons, 2 loading screens, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses official number #87.

Electron Blast: Channels electrons, sending a wave of energy at his enemies.
The Master Blow: Black Bolt channels energy into one massive punch.
Whisper: Lets out a whisper so quiet that humans can't hear it, but it creates a series of stunning shockwaves.
Forceful Blast: A concussive blast of energy that radiates in front of Black Bolt.
Sonic Disintegration: Sends out a concentrated beam of sonic energy that destroys matter.
(Boost) Inhuman Boost: Channels electrons, boosting strength and agility, increasing speed and damage.
(Boost) Electron Field: Alters electrons in the area to grant his team a chance to deflect all projectiles, and grants a small boost to speed.
(Xtreme) Quasi-Sonic Scream: Shouts the word "yes," sending earth-shattering shockwaves of energy on all enemies.

Outsider - Mod recreation, coding fixes, loading screen, etc.
UltraMegaMagnus - Redone animations
sbarth13 - Stuff from original Black Bolt mod

None so far.


Very nice work! Happy to see Black Bolt's power fully realized :)

January 06, 2021, 04:57PM #2347 Last Edit: October 29, 2023, 10:13PM by Outsider

Here comes two mods of mine. One is of (in my opinion) the sexiest superheroine in comics -- Elizabeth Braddock, known as the kick-ass British telepath :psylocke: Psylocke. The other is of her underrated Japanese "body twin" ninja Kwannon, known as :revanche: Revanche. Currently in the comics they are back in their original bodies, but for a VERY LONG time, their bodies switched and are forever intertwined to each other regardless. Both have psychic powers and are skilled in the martial arts. Originally boosters, now both X-Men are full mods  and have been really tuned up to damn-near perfection. Double your pleasure, double your fun, and check these girls in action.

UPDATE: Both are now full mods!

-6 powers, 3 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Triple Jump and Mental Immunity (immune to mental damage and mind control).
-6 hex-edited skins, 6 HUDs, 6 loading screens, icons, 3 mannequins, and sound/voice file.
-Uses official number #30.

-6 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Triple Jump and Mental Immunity (immune to mental damage and mind control).
-6 skins, 6 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, mannequins, and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #245.

Cerebral Bolt: Shoots out a burst of psychic energy in the form of a butterfly that will seek out and stun enemies. Also strengthens grab smash.
Shatter Psyche: Attacks the enemy's nervous system with a psy-blade in a combo attack, stunning them and slowing their movements for a time.
Psychic Knives: Throws multiple psychic bolts in an arc at enemies.
Telekinetic Explosion: Releases a furious explosion of psychic energy to all enemies within a short radius, knocking them back.
Psychic Thrust: Hurls forward with an enlarged psychic knife while surrounding herself in a torrent of psionic energy, finishing with lethal kicks.
Butterfly Swarm: Generates swarms of telepathic energy in the form of butterflies that seek out enemy targets and burst upon impact, stunning them briefly.
(Boost) Psy-Blade: Summons her signature blade of psychic energy to slice through the minds of her enemies, drawing in energy with every KO. Gains special attack during Blitz.
(Boost) Mental Shroud: Hides from the minds of others, allowing her better chance to use martial arts skills and strike a critical location. Occasionally causes instant KO.
(Boost) Psychic Defense: Reduces damage and shields allies from mental attacks.
(Xtreme) Psychic Onslaught: Rains psychic blades down on enemies, dealing massive mental damage by piercing into enemy minds, and stunning them.

Blade Assault: Triple psychic sword attack in quick succession where each hit inflicts a different damage type. Also strengthens grab smash.
Psychic Spin Strike: Uses her psychic sword in a spin attack that stuns and knocks back enemies.
Killer Lunge: Launches forward with her psychic sword, knocking back enemies where she lands and smashing her target.
Empath: Creates a radial blast of mental energy that causes enemies to either convert to allies, run in fear, or become stunned.
Revenge Blast: Fires an enlarged beam of psychic energy that will pierce through the minds of multiple enemies.
Butterfly Guardian: Summons a mental butterfly guardian entity that attacks enemies with psychic bolts for a time.
(Boost) Psychic Link: Links to the minds of her teammates, increasing attack damage and combo damage.
(Boost) Mental Focus: Uses her psychic powers to boost her own momentum, defense, and movement speed. She can also sense enemies on the mini-map.
(Xtreme) Raining Mayhem: Creates beams of psychic energy to strike down upon enemies.

Outsider - Mod recreation & coding, Revanche skins & HUDs, Skin re-edits (Psylocke Captain Britain, Revanche Disassembled no glow hand, Revanche New Psylocke, alt classic mannequin) some effects, loading screens, Revanche mannequin, etc.
Dihan - Stuff from original Psylocke mod
Marvelfan12345 - Stuff from original Revanche mod
UltraMegaMagnus - Psylocke Uncanny X-Force and Revanche Disassembled skins, altered mannequins
Adventureiromax - Psylocke Original, Lady Mandarin skins
Andersonbrazil - Psylocke Remix skin
MrKablamm0fish - Butterfly effects
????? - Psylocke classic HUD

None so far.


Takes me back to MvsC days she so good you never fail to bring out high quality content out of nowhere.

January 07, 2021, 10:47PM #2349 Last Edit: February 13, 2023, 03:12AM by Outsider
RONIN (Booster)

For a long while now, I've been hearing that Maya Lopez, a.k.a. :ronin: Ronin was in need of a booster. But, I wondered why... According to her herostat, she is a heavy striker with that katana -- yet people found her to be weak, at least by comparison. So, I looked around and found some things I can do to tweak her. Check out this small booster, and see what I did with the kunoichi.

UPDATE: Fixed her coding to work with the latest OCP's changed sounds. No more sound glitch.

Altered talents & powerstyle files:
-Cleaned up talent requirements.
-Her melee attacks now take blade damage.
-"Echo Effect" has been split off into three separate powers, now having a full 10-power set. (The Blade one was removed as she's a ninja, and it doesn't make sense for her to have a gun, nor does that mimic anything.)
-Now has an upgradeable grab smash.
-"Flying Nunchaku" can now charge up for more damage, which couldn't be done before.
-"Shining Shiruken" can throw even more knives, and has been correctly renamed to "Shining Shuriken."
-"Slice and Dice" is now called "Deflector" and can now also deflect projectiles during it.
-"Spine Teaser" is now her most damaging power, as it said so in the description yet took so little damage before.

Altered other features:
-Added a second loading screen as Echo.

Outsider - Coding fixes, loading screen, etc.

None so far.


January 11, 2021, 12:18AM #2350 Last Edit: May 18, 2024, 10:38PM by Outsider

Check out this mod! So this one is of Alex Summers, the plasma energy-powered mutant known as :havok: Havok. It was originally a booster, as I realized that both mods of him were outdated, and he's one of the better X-Men in their history. So, I decided to give him a near-complete overhaul, to try and make him as accurate to the comics as possible, and now he's a full mod and I bet you'll enjoy playing as him. Check him out.

UPDATE: Added X-Men skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Ability of Damage Type Resistance (has radiation immunity, and 50% resistance to energy & fire damage).
-5 hex-edited skins, 3 HUDs, icons, loading screen, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses official number #197.

1. Plasma Beam: Havok fires a forward blast of energy from his hands.
2. Headshots: Fires a series of plasma energy projectiles that will cause headaches, stunning them.
3. Energy Prism: Fires a beam from his chest that splits off, hitting multiple targets.
4. Ground Burst: Releases a dangerous burst of plasma on the ground, causing radial damage.
5. Plasma Discharge: Fires a constant wave of hot plasma energy to disintegrate enemies.
6. (Boost) Energized Combat: Adds energy damage to himself and allies for a time.
7. (Boost) Living Shield: Increases his defense and enhances his damage type resistance into immunities.
8. (Xtreme) Plasma Overload: Unleashes a lethal explosion of plasma energy on enemies.

Outsider - Mod recreation & coding, redone effects, sounds/voice, loading screen, etc.
Quentin Hex - effect texture from his Havok mod
UltraMegaMagnus - Updated skins except X-Men, power bolton, alternate mannequin
Hannah - X-Men skin & HUD, primary mannequin

None so far.


January 14, 2021, 04:44AM #2352 Last Edit: January 14, 2021, 06:51AM by Outsider
What's up, everyone. So, here's some news from the Crypt:

- We all know that talented skinner Andersonbrazil just released some new skins from his "Small Pack 21" that pertains to some of my mods. I will indeed perform some updates to my mods to accommodate these soon enough.

- Right now, I have resumed working on more MK voice files. I will release the new batch when I'm finished.

- Just a reminder that I can't take any requests. But, while Havok was indeed my last booster, I still have more mods being planned. Stay tuned. :king: (evil laugh)

Quote from: TheMK on January 01, 2021, 10:24PM
Very awesome! I love Predator!

I think it would be so badass if Predator became part of the Marvel universe! There's so many cool crossovers and stories they could do with that! Too bad that will probably never happen in the MCU... At least, I think it'd be very unlikely.

Yes, I doubt that Predator will show up in the MCU, but I do hope Marvel does him justice in the comics.

Quote from: TheMK on January 02, 2021, 02:01PM
Very nice work! Happy to see Black Bolt's power fully realized :)

It's been long enough, hasn't it?

Quote from: edward on January 06, 2021, 06:06PM
Takes me back to MvsC days she so good you never fail to bring out high quality content out of nowhere.

I very much appreciate that.

Quote from: BaconWizard17 on January 11, 2021, 11:12AM
He's a great character to end boosters on!

I thought so, too. Havok certainly needed it.

Wait the minute, Maya Lopez wielding a gun by default in this game might be taken from Marc Spector version of Ronin (Ultimate exclusive)
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

Everyone, the following mods have been updated.

:moonstar: Danielle Moonstar: Added hex-edited New X-Men & Valkyrior New skins & HUDs. Added new boltons & voice file. Herostat changed.
Ironheart: Fixed error with her Xtreme.
:magneto: Magneto (booster): Added new hex-edited Galactic skin & HUD. Herostat changed.
MODOK: Added three more hex-edited skins and package files. Fixed him so that he follows characters (but still gets stuck behind doors unless you advance further). Herostat changed.
Red Sonja: Added new Classic 2 skin. Herostat changed.
:ultron: Ultron: Added new MVC3 hex-edited skin & HUD. Herostat changed.

OK, that completes my round of updates. Now I can FINALLY get back to the fun stuff. What mod is coming next? Stay tuned to the Crypt. :king: (evil laugh)