
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Darth Vader

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Winner: Darth Vader

Darth Vader grabs a mic

Vader: Ares, you surprised me tonight that is for sure. Bringing Yoda out of the retirement home was a shock, but now i have to pick your opponent. Maybe i should do to you what you did to me? Bring in someone new? someone you know? Well i'm afraid i'm not going to do that. Remember last week when i said i was in the main event with someone who was hungry for their time to shine. Well Ares i faced him last week, tonight it's your turn. You go one on one with Scorpion in the main event.

Vader exits from the ring holding his arms up high in success. A Crowd heckler yells at him and Vader force chokes him down to the floor

With the ring now cleared our next contest is about to begin. Apollo Creed boxes his way down to the ring for the next match. Evil Ash comes out next to be his tag team partner for the night.

Ash Williams comes out next to cheers from the crowd and Sub-Zero follows right behind him to cheers of his own

Apollo Creed & Evil Ash vs Ash Williams & Sub-Zero


The match ends in a double countout when both teams brawl. Apollo Creed tries to escape but to his surprise Tigger rushes down to the ring, not forgetting what happened to him at Apollo Creed's hands. Tigger brawls with Creed while back in the ring Ash and Sub-Zero both take it to Evil Ash.

Nick Fury comes out to the ramp and orders the officials to get things under control

Fury: So it seems there are just a lot of people ticked off with one another around here. So One Night Stand needs some more matches and i've got some ideas. How about first we add Apollo Creed vs Tigger in a rematch. Then let's have Evil Ash take on Sub-Zero one one one again. That should help you all take care of this mess and if not don't worry there's another show next monday.

Fury walks backstage after his announcement and finds Adam standing by

Adam: Hello Mr. General Manager

Fury: Adam, do you remember how you won that championship belt?

Adam: In the Six-way match?

Fury: Yes, well up next that's how i'm going to determine your next challenger at One Night Stand.

Adam: I eagerly await to see who it's going to be.

Fury: Well then i'm going to round up the six competitors. First one is heading out right now.

Adam: Someone's going to be getting one hell of a match come sunday

Fury: Good luck

Fury walks off as we cut back to the arena.

Parallax comes down the ramp to boos from the crowd. He is the first man in this match.

Batman glides down to the ring next, the crowd is at first shocked but then begins cheering like mad, Batman has only been seen in the shadows and now he makes his debut.

Spike comes out to join them next as he is also in the match.

As the three men stare holes in one another the lights go out. The eerie organ sounds and the Phantom of the Opera comes down to the ring next.

Leonardo, the leader of the TMNT joins them in the ring next to make it five.

The last person arrives for the match on horseback. Death rides down to the ring with the rest of the competitors watching him very carefully.

The match is set and the ACME referee rings the bell

Parallax vs Batman vs Spike vs Phantom of the Opera vs Leonardo vs Death
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Death

The Horseman Death captures victory and rides off from the ring. He has a chance to bring championship gold back to his stable this sunday and he looks to capitalize on it.

Ares comes out to the ring next for the main event he grabs a mic

Ares: I am the God of War and the WWE Champion. It's a pretty sweet combination. However once again this Sunday i have to put my title on the line and this time it's against the man i beat to become the first champion. Darth Vader i hope you are ready to go to war again. I'm going to destroy you.

Ares let's down the mic as Scorpion enters the arena to the crowd's displeasure he is accompanied by Quan Chi now.

The ACME referee rings the bell

Ares vS Scorpion w/ Quan Chi
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Scorpion

The crowd is in total shock. Scorpion celebrates with Quan Chi! Scorpion has pinned the WWE Champion! Darth Vader looks on from the back realizing what this now means.

RAW goes off the air with Scorpion raising fire on the ring with Quan Chi applauding behind him laughing


Superstars Episode #2

Superstars starts off tonight with a huge bonus tag match. Tom makes his way down to the ring with his usual scowl about his face.

Candy Cane hops down to the ring to join him once again to be his partner. Another camera man bites the dust as Tom and Candy Cane high five in the ring.

Their opponents choose this week to make their entrance together as Jerry and Hulk come down to the ring for this huge tag rematch. Both teams feel there still is a score to be settled.

Tom & Candy Cane vs Hulk & Jerry
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Hulk and Jerry

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Well no point keeping you all waiting since our fouth player is probably still on break lol


Winner: Hulk & Jerry

After the match a brawl between all four breaks down until Nick Fury walks out on the stage.

Fury: It seems you four all clearly still have some issues to work out. Well One Night Stand may be full but we still have a match slot on the pre-show to fill. So how about we let the two who started this thing go at it one more time. Live before One Night Stand, it's Tom vs Jerry.

Tom and Jerry stare at one another from opposite sides of the ring but the two get into it some more. Hulk and Candy Cane pull their partners aside as Superstars goes off the air for the night. Superstars ends it's broadcast for the night


Worlds Wrestling Entertainment Presents:
One Night Stand

Theme: Til Death by Lord Infamous

WWE Championship Match:
Ares (c) vs Darth Vader

Intercontinental Championship:
Adam (c) vs Death

Hardcore Match:
Michael Myers vs Doctor Loomis

Doctor Doom vs Conan the Barbarian

Scrappy Doo vs Black Knight

Sub-Zero vs Evil Ash

Iron Man & War Machine vs Megatron & Starscream

Tigger vs Apollo Creed

Pre-Show Match:
Jerry vs Tom


One Night Stand Pre-Show 01

The arena opens up the fans are packed for this next PPV event. The Pre-show is set to begin.

Tom makes his way down to the ring with a scowl on his face.

Jerry comes out ready for yet another chance to go at it with his age old rival

Tom vs Jerry
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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