
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Raphael & Michelangelo

Mikey and Raph celebrate the win. Scooby and Shaggy hug the victors in a show of sportmanship. Thanking them for helping them out, Mystery Inc leave the ring and let Mikey and Raph enjoy the moment being on top of the world for the time being.

As the ring clears we prepare for the next match.

Doctor Loomis comes out first. He shows signs of the brawl he had with Michael Myers last night but he looks ready to go.

Conan the Barbarian comes out next another person who won a match last night and he also looks ready.

Doctor Loomis vs Conan the Barbarian
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Doctor Loomis

As Loomis gets the win Michael Myers rushes out through the crowd and jumps him. Conan is still down but to everyone's surprise, Fonz runs down the ramp and fends of Michael Myers.

Loomis and Fonz double team Michael and send him out. Loomis and Fonz exit the ring shaking hands for the moment.

The ring now cleared the next match is ready to go.

Black Knight, Tar Monster and Jaguaro make their way down to the ring. Black Knight grabs a mic

Knight: Nick Fury has done a great insult to us by not allowing my associates Tar Monster and Jaguaro the chance to be in the tag team chase but i guess we can not blame him for fully knowing how great a tag team they are, so i guess as of right now it's time they show just how great they are taking on another team that was slighted. Buffy..Spike, let's see how you two do against these monsters

Buffy and Spike make their way down the ramp

Spike: You know Buffy these guys have a lot of guts for things that apparently used to be costumes with grumpy old men inside them

Buffy: Spike don't insult the costumes turned real monsters by a God.

Spike: You are no fun.

The two climb into the ring and the bell is rang by the ACME referee

Tar Monster & Jaguaro w/ Black Knight vs Spike & Buffy
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Spike & Buffy

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Winner: Tar Monster & Jaguaro

The Monsters pick up the win tonight in this huge tag team match that had the crowd sold.

In the back Sub-Zero approaches Ash Williams

Ash: Tough luck last night man.

S-z: So what happens now?

Ash: I think it's time i faced my evil alter ego one more time.

S-Z: You've had my back i'll have yours.

Ash: Thanks man but i think i need to get this done on my own.

S-Z: I'll still be rooting for you all the way.

Ash: Once i kick his ass he'll meet my boomstick.

S-Z: I'll see you around.

Sub-Zero walks off as Ash laughs to himself for a moment.

We switch over to Lois Lane

Lois: My guet now, the new WWE Champion Darth Vader

Vader: Ahh it's nice to be the champ.

Lois: You did capture the belt last night but look what happened to the other guy who also won a belt last night.

Vader: What he does and what I do are two very different things Lois Lane.

Lois: So have any preference on who wins up next.

Vader: Not really, it's all the same. I've beaten both of them in the past.

Lois: Are you going to watch it intently?

Vader: I'm heading out there to watch right now

Darth Vader true to his word exits and heads out to the ring. He sits down at ring side.

Ares comes out first with his game face on.

Scorpion follows him out next with Quan Chi in his corner.

The ACME referee rings the bell, both men know they have title shots earned but now it all comes down to this match of who will get the bigger stage for the chance.

Ares vs Scorpion w/ Quan Chi
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Also thoght i will add a few minor notes here just for those of us reading that might not know a few things from the wrestling side of the story.

1.  When a champion loses their title, they are all given a rematch for them. (This will be honored nearly consistetly in the story)

2. Pinning a champion in a non-title match will often earn the other person a shot in the future for the title match

3. Exceptions will mostly be called what i term a "final feud", meaning the two sides will enter and there will be no more matches between the two until the end of the championship run, this would be acknowledged in the story itself since if a current champion enters into one of these matches and loses he will be forfeiting his rematch, but he entered it knowing if he/she won they wouldn't have to face that superstar again as long as they remained champion. However of course when someone new wins the belt, that superstar who lost can once again challenge for the title if he/she earns a chance.

This in general is all what you see in this match.

Ares as the former champion and he there fore has a rematch clause
Scorpion pinned Ares prior to his title match with Darth Vader, earning him a title shot as well.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Thanks for the notes, it's pretty interesting to see how it all works!

Scorpion w/ Quan Chi

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