Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 for PS4 and Xbox One

Started by Joosteh, June 17, 2016, 03:12PM

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Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on July 26, 2016, 02:34AM
X_X RAGE QUIT ALERT!! MUA1 ONLY!!/en-au/games/marvel-ultimate-alliance-bundle/cid=EP0002-CUSA04787_00-MARVELULTIBUNDLE

No contents who/which were exclusively for Xbox 360 DLC Gold Edition & PSP respectively

:) MUA2 however...

-v- yeah i know, we all know from beginning that the second game remaster may use VVisions version, meaning that n-space exclusives may not included, much like we all know that MUA1 will not include GBA exclusives due to being different gameplay, story script & character gameplay arts:
* MUA1:
** GBA was beat'em up instead of Action/RPG
** On 3D Action/RPG in all consoles, despite models on PS3/X360/PC and PSP/PS2/Xbox/Wii are a little bit different, the gameplay & story script is still the same
* MUA2: Adds another differences besides gameplay & story script, the character models between VVisions and n-space

:( I'd really wishes the series had something like way Capcom's RESE & DMCSE series, & SCIIHD had, if it weren't for a licensing issues for making the DLCs limited 8 years ago
Does it look like there have been graphics updates?

Quote from: Teancum on July 26, 2016, 07:07AM
I assumed MUA would still be the original version for each of the platforms. I'll be interested to see if it actually runs on a newer version of Alchemy or anything like that. If someone buys it, please PM me just the .exe and I'll look through it.

I'll only pick up MUA2 if modding gets cracked on it. I have it on 360 and while it's good, it's nowhere near good enough for me to buy again on a totally different platform. In so many ways it feels watered down from the original, but visually it's stunning.

I plan on grabbing the bundle so I'll send you the .exe

I'm also curious to see if it's the same version of Alchemy or if they updated it (doubt it).  More than likely they just added a couple random post processing effects, upscaled a couple textures, and called it a day.  I'm probably wasting my money buying MUA1 again, but I'm hoping it has an updated engine and at least higher resolution models/textures.  But I doubt it.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Quote from: BaconWizard17 on July 26, 2016, 07:27AM
I can't find it on either the steam store or the Xbox store.
Me neither. I can't find it on Steam either. Some outlets report that it'll be coming on the 28th for those platforms.

July 26, 2016, 08:46AM #63 Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 08:56AM by LarsAlexandersson

/_\ this is what happen for not including both 360 DLC GE & PSP exclusives. Causing a rage quits

BTW, like i said before, MUA1 GBA exclusives, like MUA2 n-space exclusives should not be mentioned there due to having a different gameplay, in-game character arts & story script.

Adding those exclusives into the main versions (MUA1's main 3D Action/RPG & MUA2's main VVisions respectively) might take too long a bit on developing, as long if it weren't for a licensing issue back 8 years ago.

Quote from: Teancum on July 26, 2016, 08:36AM
Me neither. I can't find it on Steam either. Some outlets report that it'll be coming on the 28th for those platforms.

Any link besides this?
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on July 26, 2016, 08:46AM

He even said *might*. Unless someone who has purchased the game on PS4 can verify there's no DLC, don't believe posts that say something might be missing.

I bet they're not included on PS4, but I don't know that's true.

From what I have read MUA1 does not include any of the DLC, though I suppose they could add it later. I don't see any reason for them to not release it.

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Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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July 26, 2016, 10:48AM #68 Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 10:52AM by LarsAlexandersson
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

Welp.  I just got down downloading both games and went to try MUA2 because I never played it before.  I'm at the intro and already getting pissed off with the game.  The native Xbox controller support is garbage.  Almost all of the buttons are wrong.  A is really X.  X is really Y.  Y is really A.  The D-pad doesn't work at all.  The start button is the right analogue stick.

I had this issue with the original MUA as well where the Xbox controls are all wonky and do not match what they are supposed to.  I use a Logitech F710 which emulates an Xbox controller, but with every single other game I've ever played the controls are perfectly fine so that leads me to believe whoever made the Xbox support was an idiot.

I'll have to find a way to fix it I guess.  I never got around to it with MUA1 and just used the standard gamepad controls instead of the Xbox.  I just would like to use Xbox emulation so I can see icons instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.  Pretty disappointed with it but whatever.  It is what it is.

Anyway, seems the DLC for MUA2 is included in the game.  I saw Psylocke, Carnage, and a few others I think that were DLC at the character select menu.

Folder structure is different than the original game though.  Everything is packed in .bin files now instead of the open format they had before.  Hopefully after opening up the .bin files they will contain the original normal files as before.  I'm hoping it's just a compressed archive of sorts.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Yeah same controller issues with MUA1 as it had at launch as well.  The Xbox buttons are all ass backwards.  Looks like it's direct input again...

The DLC for MUA1 is NOT included.  However, the console exclusive Colossus and Moon Knight ARE included.  But we already had them for PC before with mods, we literally just had to activate them.

The graphics options are even dumbed down from the original release.  You can't change individual options like shadows anymore.  It's literally "low" "medium" or "high".  I mean...  just wow.

The game honestly looks almost no different than it did with the original release.  I regret buying the bundle and only wish I got MUA2 because MUA1 is no better than the original release.  The only thing they remastered is false advertising and changing the character portraits a bit to have empty space around the hero faces instead of that old metal grate.

Overall I'm very disappointed.  I guess I expected too much.  I mean even the "Gold" editions of games or "Game of the Year" are only $20 with all DLC included.  This was either $30 with the bundle, or $40 alone and included nothing extra for a 10 year old game.  Fuck Activision and Marvel.  Seriously.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

What about game files in MUA1? is they are differs from the original?
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UPD since 30.11.2021
I'm ok and will be back to modding as soon as i can
I can gurantee what i will back with a lots of new ideas and finish old projects.
Right now i'm not mod and only posting posts thank you if you readed this!

Yeah.  MUA1 and MUA2 are all packed in .bin files now.  Packing and unpacking the .bins is just another step we didn't have to do before which means every change to something like a hero powerset requires packing and unpacking .bin files now.  As in, like all Textures are in 1 .bin, all Models are in 1 .bin, etc.  I can't begin to describe how stupid this is.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Feel free to post a .bin file over at where they have fun trying to reverse engineer files. Couldn't hurt.

Quote from: DJay Saint on July 26, 2016, 12:13PM
Yeah.  MUA1 and MUA2 are all packed in .bin files now.  Packing and unpacking the .bins is just another step we didn't have to do before which means every change to something like a hero powerset requires packing and unpacking .bin files now.  As in, like all Textures are in 1 .bin, all Models are in 1 .bin, etc.  I can't begin to describe how stupid this is.
I saw the MUA 2 files, didn't expect the .bin files in MUA 1, lame. I guess they know what we do here lol.