Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 for PS4 and Xbox One

Started by Joosteh, June 17, 2016, 03:12PM

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July 26, 2016, 05:05PM #90 Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 05:08PM by DJay Saint
Quote from: B.L.A.W on July 26, 2016, 04:43PM
I'm curious to know if there is a herostat within MUA1 (for starters) and if it has a roster limitation (or the .EXE)

The old .exe is 32kb.  The one for the "remastered" is 11.3mb.  Kind of a huge difference in size.  I'm assuming the herostat (if they still use it) is in the data.bin file but that file is only 1.55mb in size so it's kinda small but I guess that's the compression of .bin for you.

For giggles I tried dropping the new .exe in the old game install folder and I can't get that game to launch because it still keeps launching the steam version.  Command line arguments like -nosteam just to not have to launch Steam for it don't seem to make a difference, it just does what it wants.  I guess I could just copy the entirety of the old game in the Steam folder to see, but I don't feel like doing it right now.  I'll do it later.  I'm too tired to tinker around with it more, and I had my dad's funeral today so I'm not really in the mood for it either.

Also no file or save conflict with the new and old version of MUA.  So no worries there.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

@DJay Saint -- I would move the .bin files to a totally different part of your machine, then copy the old MUA files into the  Steam version's folder, just to ensure that it doesn't have a chance to load any bins.

Thanks for the quick reply! I hope you feel better soon.

Quote from: DJay Saint on July 26, 2016, 05:05PM
I'm too tired to tinker around with it more, and I had my dad's funeral today so I'm not really in the mood for it either.

You and your family have my condolences for your loss. May he rest in peace.

Quote from: Outsider on July 26, 2016, 06:40PM
You and your family have my condolences for your loss. May he rest in peace.
Wow, how did I miss that part of the post? My condolences, DJay Saint.

Quote from: DJay Saint on July 26, 2016, 05:05PM
The old .exe is 32kb.  The one for the "remastered" is 11.3mb.  Kind of a huge difference in size.  I'm assuming the herostat (if they still use it) is in the data.bin file but that file is only 1.55mb in size so it's kinda small but I guess that's the compression of .bin for you.

For giggles I tried dropping the new .exe in the old game install folder and I can't get that game to launch because it still keeps launching the steam version.  Command line arguments like -nosteam just to not have to launch Steam for it don't seem to make a difference, it just does what it wants.  I guess I could just copy the entirety of the old game in the Steam folder to see, but I don't feel like doing it right now.  I'll do it later.  I'm too tired to tinker around with it more, and I had my dad's funeral today so I'm not really in the mood for it either.

Also no file or save conflict with the new and old version of MUA.  So no worries there.

Aw, man.  Sorry for your loss.  My dad passed away back in January, so I definitely understand.  I'll be praying for you and your family

Quote from: DJay Saint on July 26, 2016, 05:05PM
I'm too tired to tinker around with it more, and I had my dad's funeral today so I'm not really in the mood for it either.

_/*_|*| / *salute with sadness*
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

Quote from: DJay Saint on July 26, 2016, 05:05PM
The old .exe is 32kb. The one for the "remastered" is 11.3mb. Kind of a huge difference in size. I'm assuming the herostat (if they still use it) is in the data.bin file but that file is only 1.55mb in size so it's kinda small but I guess that's the compression of .bin for you.

For giggles I tried dropping the new .exe in the old game install folder and I can't get that game to launch because it still keeps launching the steam version. Command line arguments like -nosteam just to not have to launch Steam for it don't seem to make a difference, it just does what it wants. I guess I could just copy the entirety of the old game in the Steam folder to see, but I don't feel like doing it right now. I'll do it later. I'm too tired to tinker around with it more, and I had my dad's funeral today so I'm not really in the mood for it either.

Also no file or save conflict with the new and old version of MUA. So no worries there.
I'm sorry to hear that man. I lost my cousin on the fifth and we decided the best thing to do was to spend time with family and friends,talk about all the memories and good times we had.It lifted everyone's spirit.I suggest you do the same,in the mean time I will put your family in my prayers

My condolences, I will pray for you and your family too.

July 26, 2016, 11:08PM #100 Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 12:11AM by LarsAlexandersson
I really wished there's a program that can mod BIN files like the mod program tools for DOA5LR: (on extras & updated tools)

Has anyone check if there something missing on characters' sounds? Storm, Thor & Colossus mostly?
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

I think, that it wiil be good idea, if anybody can upload one of this 'bin' files here.
Maybe Daemon Tools or  ePSXe program can help...
"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could."

July 27, 2016, 01:36AM #102 Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 01:39AM by LarsAlexandersson
-_- halt... isn't ePSxe for PS1. For bin, i would suggest you go to z-...


=) Hello. What's this on the new posts?
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

Tested Bms script with some samples (which provided Panzerdroid from zenhax) looks like .bin it's just compressed archive or something..
So,this is what i got after unpacking "subtitles.bin"

P.S XMLBCUI Works with these files fine :)
My releases:,9772.0.html

UPD since 30.11.2021
I'm ok and will be back to modding as soon as i can
I can gurantee what i will back with a lots of new ideas and finish old projects.
Right now i'm not mod and only posting posts thank you if you readed this!

July 27, 2016, 04:57AM #104 Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 05:00AM by superaceman34
Now I know nothing about modding but looking at the files from MUA 2 it seems fairly moddable if you can get through the .bin files. Each hero has their own herostat file that looks very similar to the first game to me.

e.g. XMLB characters {
   stats {
   aiforceranged = true ;
   ailevel = 1 ;
   autospend = dps_melee ;
   body = 7 ;
   canperformfusion = true ;
   characteranims = 07_captamerica ;
   charactername = Captain America ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 6 ;
   mind = 4 ;
   name = CaptainAmerica ;
   playable = true ;
   powerstyle = ps_captainamerica ;
   scriptlevel = 3 ;
   shoesize = 2 ;
   skin = 0701 ;
   skin_01_name = Ultimate ;
   skin_02 = 02 ;
   skin_02_name = Classic ;
   sounddir = captainamerica_bank ;
   strength = 7 ;
   team = hero ;
   vodir = captainamerica_bank_v ;
   vodiranti = captainamerica_bank_va ;
   vodirnanite = captainamerica_bank_vn ;
   vodirneutral = captainamerica_bank_vg ;
   vodirpro = captainamerica_bank_vp ;
      race {
      name = human ;

      race {
      name = male ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = captam_p1 ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = captam_p3 ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = block ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = melee_moves ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = hero_defense_rating ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = fightstyle_default ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = grab ;

      bolton {
      bolt = Bip01 L ForearmAttach01 ;
      model = models/weapons/captainamerica_shield ;
      slot = ebolton_weapon ;

      bolton {
      bolt = Bip01 L ForearmAttach01 ;
      model = models/weapons/captainamerica_alt_shield ;
      slot = ebolton_altweapon2 ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = shared_teamwork ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = hero_render ;

      fusionlink {
      name = SHARED_revive ;
      node = fusion_raised ;

      fusionlink {
      name = SHARED_raised ;
      node = fusion_revive ;

      fusionlink {
      name = SHARED_heal ;
      node = fusion_heal ;

      fusionlink {
      file = sharedfusion/sharedfusion_chargeproject ;
      name = ptaFirestar ;
      node = fusion_fusion_projectile ;

      fusionlink {
      file = sharedfusion/sharedfusion_chargeproject ;
      name = ptpMoltonMan ;
      node = fusion_fusion_projectile ;

      fusionlink {
      file = sharedfusion/sharedfusion_chargeproject ;
      name = nybMsMarvelAlly ;
      node = fusion_fusion_msmarvel_projectile ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = daredevil ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = deadpool ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = gambit ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiontr ;
      name = greengoblin ;
      node = fusion_target_range_nosprint ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_alleydown ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionAlleyDown ;
      name = hulk ;
      node = fusion_alley_down ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_FusionClothesline ;
      name = humantorch ;
      node = fusion_clothesline_start ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_FusionClothesline ;
      name = iceman ;
      node = fusion_clothesline_start_ice ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionASphere ;
      name = invisiblewoman ;
      node = fusion_attack_sphere ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_FusionClothesline ;
      name = ironman ;
      node = fusion_clothesline_start ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = ironfist ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionpaddleball ;
      name = jeangrey ;
      node = fusion_paddle_ball ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = lukecage ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = mrfantastic ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_FusionClothesline ;
      name = msmarvel ;
      node = fusion_clothesline_start ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_FusionClothesline ;
      name = nickfuryhero ;
      node = fusion_clothesline_start ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = penance ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionASphereSong ;
      name = songbird ;
      node = fusion_attack_sphere_song ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionpaddleball ;
      name = spiderman ;
      node = fusion_paddle_ball ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_FusionClothesline ;
      name = storm ;
      node = fusion_clothesline_start2 ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_alleydown ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionAlleyDown ;
      name = thing ;
      node = fusion_alley_down ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_FusionClothesline ;
      name = thor ;
      node = fusion_clothesline_start_thor ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionpaddleball ;
      name = venom ;
      node = fusion_paddle_ball ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = wolverine ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_alleydown ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionAlleyDown ;
      name = juggernaut ;
      node = fusion_alley_down ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusionASphere_Mag ;
      name = magneto ;
      node = fusion_attack_sphere_mag ;

      fusionlink {
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_FusionClothesline ;
      name = cablehero ;
      node = fusion_clothesline_start ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = carnage ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = blackpantherhero ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;

      fusionlink {
      controller_node = fusion_controller_idle_dc ;
      file = captainamerica/captainamerica_fusiondcharge ;
      name = psylocke ;
      node = fusion_dcharge ;



That's just the first I saw. As for a collective herostat I could just see a very basic one in charinfo.xmlb.