
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Apollo Creed

Apollo Creed gives Deadpool a knock out punch after the match and walks up the ramp feeling even more confident than before.


Judgment Day 01

The pyro goes off as the official Judgment Day PPV is now about to get under way.

The lights dim as Michael Myers makes his way down to the ring. Looking ever as evil as possible he waits in the ring.

Doctor Loomis comes out next and wastes little time in running down to the ring. The two rivals look at each other intently as the ACME referee rings the bell

Michael Myers vs Doctor Loomis
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Michael Myers

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Winner: Michael Myers

Michael Myers is the victor tonight and he takes out Loomis one more time before exiting up the ramp. Loomis is helped from the ring to clear it.

We see a recap of the Buffy vs Drusilla match from RAW as we prepare for the next match.

Drusilla heads down to the ring first ready for her moment of revenge.

Spike comes out a pop as he gets in the ring and knows tonight is the night to take care of Dru once and for all

Spike vs Drusilla
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Spike (Sorry I have missed a couple of matches lately.  I've been unusually busy.)
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927


MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Welcome back Fox. And it's no problem, since missing a match doesn't hurt your score, i just like to move it along according to the rules i set. And besides i already had an infraction with that when my computer was down lol. Either way welcome back and i'll have the result of this match up soon gang.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Winner: Spike

Spike put the match away and proved tonight that he was in fact better then Drusilla.

Dru exits the ring fast to the back and Spike celebrates up the ramp.

Backstage Lois Lane is standing by with Doctor Doom

Lois: Tonight is your night Doom.

Doom: I know Miss Lane, tonight i become WWE Champion.

Lois: Well tonight is your chance to.

Doom: And i shall capitalize.

Lois: Says the man who ate the fall last week on RAW.

Doom: Clearly not my fault.

Lois: How so?

Doom: I won't waste time trying to explain things to you. Prepare for my championship run interviews Miss Lane, they need to be of the highest caliber.

Doom walks off and we head out to the ring.

Two men on horseback head down to the ring. Famine and Pestilence hop off and get into the ring.

Scooby Doo and Shaggy head down to the ring next and they look a bit concerned about their opponents but Scooby and Shaggy down some Scooby Snacks and head into the ring as the ACME referee rings the bell

Famine & Pestilence vs Scooby Doo & Shaggy
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Famine and Pestilence

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Winner: Famine and Pestilence

The Horsemen ride off happy with their win. Scrappy Doo and Daphne rush out to help Shaggy and Scooby up after the match.

As the four of them are in the ring, there is a shock from the crowd as a man in armor comes down and stares down at them, It's the Black Knight!

Shaggy: Zoinks! Run!

Daphne: Shaggy what's wrong don't you remember the Black Knight was just Old Man Wickles in a costume.

Shaggy: Oh yeah, he can't scare us anymore.

Scooby: Reah!

Scooby gets up and tries to remove the mask off of the Black Knight but it doesn't come off

Scooby: Ruh-roh.

Dahak's voice beams off the speakers

Dahak: Not this time Scooby Doo! He's real!

Scooby: Real?

Knight: Real!

The Black Knight clothelines Scooby down as the rest of the gang grab him and take off from the ring leaving the Black Knight standing strong with Dahak's voice echoing an evil laugh throughout the arena.

We cut backstage to where we see Ares relaxing in his lockeroom. He's got to defend his championship tonight and he's not looking too concerned.

Back out in the arena, the Intercontinental Champion makes his way to the ring it's time for his title match. Adam waits in the ring.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz makes his way down to the ring next, he doesn't take his eyes off of Adam who looks happy to be in this match.

Perry the Platypus comes out next as he also looks ready for this match. The ACME referee grabs the belt and raises it up in the air between the three men as the bell rings


Adam vs Dr. Doofenshmirtz vs Perry the Platypus
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Dr. Doofenshmirtz

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