
Enigma's Skin Releases

Started by Enigma, November 24, 2021, 08:08PM

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I updated the following skins:
Forge XML Ultimate Skin
Forge XML1 Ultimate Alternate Skin
Forge Earth-95165 Skin
Forge Classic Skin
Forge Classic Alternate Skin
Forge Modern Skin
Forge Modern Alternate Skin
Morph X-Treme Gear Skin

January 22, 2024, 06:48PM #136 Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 01:57PM by Enigma
:guardian:Guardian XML2 Classic Skin v2.0 :guardian:


**This is my version of Guardian's XML2 Classic skin.
*The costume has had a lot of minor variants over the years in the comics, so I've picked the ones that I thought worked best and looked best.
*I've given him yellow eyes, made a white stripe on his back that's the same size as the one on his front, and made the inside parts of his legs white.
*I've also fixed a lot of other various issues with the model and texture, including the issue with the bottoms of his feet having placeholder wireframe textures.
*I've made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions, as well as a yellow Cel Shaded version, since he's sometimes depicted with a yellow glow around him in the comics.
*For his XML2 conversation hud, hemlot AI Upscaled and Denoised it, then I fixed a lot of various issues with it and added the yellow eyes.
*I made a MUA1 hud using the same art from his XML1 hud.
*I also made a 3D head and character select portrait.
*I've done versions hex edited for his XML2 and MUA1 character numbers.

*BaconWizard17: foot bottom texture from his Cyclops 90s skin which I recolored, feedback, troubleshooting, skeleton template, screenshot template
*hemlot: AI Upscaling and Denoising his XML2 conversation hud.

-Added an alternate version with yellow Cel Shading.

:guardian:Guardian Antiguard Skin v1.0 :guardian:


**This is my version of Guardian's Antiguard skin, which was a sort of zombie version of him that was used briefly in the 1980s Alpha Flight comic series.
*I've given him light blue eyes, made a white stripe on his back that's the same size as the one on his front, and made the inside parts of his legs white.
*I've also fixed a lot of other various issues with the model and texture, including the issue with the bottoms of his feet having placeholder wireframe textures.
*For his XML2 conversation hud, hemlot AI Upscaled and Denoised it, then I fixed a lot of various issues with it, recolored it and added light blue eyes.
*I made a MUA1 hud using the same art from his XML1 hud.
*I also made a 3D head and character select portrait.
*I've done versions hex edited for his XML2 and MUA1 character numbers.

*BaconWizard17: foot bottom texture from his Cyclops 90s skin which I recolored, feedback, troubleshooting, skeleton template, screenshot template
*hemlot: AI Upscaling and Denoising his XML2 conversation hud.

:silvers:Silver Surfer Dark Surfer Skin v1.0 :silvers:


***This is my skin of Silver Surfer as the Dark Surfer from Marvel Super Hero Squad. I've used my version of his MUA1 Prototype Original skin, recolored it, then made and added black environment maps to it, then added an Infinity Gauntlet I made to it, then made and added gold environment maps to that.
**The rest is the same as my Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original skin:
*The Silver Surfer's PS2 skin is in higher quality in the MUA1 Prototype and also has a reflective environment map on it. It's also a different design from the MUA1 PC version. I've made my own version of this by fixing all issues with the model and skin texture.
*The Silver Surfer's MUA1 official hud depicts this skin, not the PC version. I've made a version of it that fixes an issue. I also made a XML2 hud and character select portrait and recolored them all to match the skin.
*I made a 3D head.
*His MUA1 Prototype surfboard is also higher quality than the PS2 version and has the same reflective environment maps. I've fixed all issues with the texture and recolored it to black.

*BaconWizard17: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working, idea for skin, screenshot template
*Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working

January 28, 2024, 09:10PM #139 Last Edit: February 09, 2024, 09:22PM by Enigma
:silvers:Silver Surfer Infinity Gauntlet Skin v1.0 :silvers:


***This is my skin of Silver Surfer wearing the Infinity Gauntlet from What If Volume 2 #49. I've used my version of his MUA1 Prototype Original skin, added an Infinity Gauntlet I made to it, then made and added gold environment maps to that.
**The rest is the same as my Silver Surfer MUA1 Prototype Original skin:
*The Silver Surfer's PS2 skin is in higher quality in the MUA1 Prototype and also has a reflective environment map on it. It's also a different design from the MUA1 PC version. I've made my own version of this by fixing all issues with the model and skin texture.
*The Silver Surfer's MUA1 official hud depicts this skin, not the PC version. I've made a version of it that fixes an issue. I also made a XML2 hud, character select portrait, and 3D head.
*His MUA1 Prototype surfboard is also higher quality than the PS2 version and has the same reflective environment maps. I've fixed all issues with the texture.

*BaconWizard17: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working, feedback, screenshot template
*Enchlore: figuring out how to get the environment mapping working

I updated the following skins:
Human Torch MUA1 Flame On Skin
Human Torch Marvel Nemesis Dark Skin
Human Torch Flame On Silver Age Skin

:cyclops: Cyclops XML2 Ultimate Cutscene Skin v1.0 :cyclops:


**XML2's concept art gallery features a render sheet of Cyclops's cutscene model, which matches his in-game default skin. But the actual model used in XML2's opening and closing cutscenes doesn't match those. Instead, Cyclops's gloves and the straps on his boots are gray instead of yellow. Interestingly, this is very similar to an unused variant of Cyclops from early XML1 screenshots, which BaconWizard17 recreated as his Cyclops Ulimate XML1 Alternate Skin. I've made a skin to match the XML2  cutscene version.
*I combined BaconWizard17's Cyclops Ultimate XML2 skin texture with parts from his Cyclops Ultimate XML1 Alt texture. I then put this texture on BaconWizard17's Cyclops Ultimate XML2 skin model and 3D head model.
*I've used BaconWizard17's Cyclops Ultimate XML2 huds (MUA1 style, MUA1 villain style, and his improved version of Cyclops's default XML2 hud) and character select portrait because there are no differences in the parts of the skin those show.

*copycat: letting me know the cutscene model is different and what it looks like.
*BaconWizard17: Cyclops Ultimate XML1 Alternate and Ultimate XML2 textures, models, 3D head model, huds, character select portrait; screenshot template

I updated the following skins:
Beast X-Treme Gear Alternate Skin
Captain Britain Unused MUA1 Ultimate
Hulk Unused MUA1 Classic Green Alternate Skin
Iceman MUA1 Classic
Luke Cage MUA1 90s
Luke Cage MUA1 New Avengers
Luke Cage MUA2
Senator Kelly MUA1
Shocker MUA1 Ultra

March 08, 2024, 06:52PM #143 Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 01:54PM by Enigma
Arachne MUA1 Original Skin v2.0

Preview 1:
Preview 2:

**Spider-Woman's MUA1 Arachne's skin is pretty inaccurate to Raven's own color concept art, which looks exactly like she does in the comics.
*I've modified her texture to look as close to this as possible as well as to fix various issues with it and the model.
*I've also tried to make her costume as close in color to Spider-Man's Black Suit, since the colors of it were the inspiration for it.
*I've also removed the webwings because she doesn't have them in the comics or on the concept art.
*I've also used the concept art to make new huds and a character select portrait.
*I've Cel Shaded her in blue because this costume typically has blue highlights in the comics.
*I've also done an alternate version Cel Shaded in black.
*For XML2, I've hex edited for her mod.
*For MUA1, I've included versions hex edited for Spider-Woman and also Outsider's Arachne mod.

*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template

-Fixed an issue with the skins.

:fantastic: Mister Fantastic MUA1 Ultimate Younger Skin v1.0 :fantastic:


**This is my version of Mister Fantastic's MUA1 Ultimate Younger skin. I've fixed many issues with the original texture and model, including replacing the broken chest symbol part of the model with the much better version from the unused MUA1 Labcoat Ultimate skin.
*I've also given him a new and better skeleton.
*I've made a completely new MUA1-style hud because there isn't an official hud that looks anything like this skin. I've also made a XML2-style hud.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions and a character select portrait.
*I made new versions of his big fist boltons. I fixed issues with the models and made a new texture.
*Please note this skin has no separate arm skin files. My Mister Fantastic mod doesn't use them for technical reasons.

*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template

:fantastic: Mister Fantastic MUA1 Ultimate Older Skin v1.0 :fantastic:


**This is my version of Mister Fantastic's MUA1 Ultimate Older skin. I've fixed many issues with the original texture and model, including replacing the broken chest symbol part of the model with the much better version from the unused MUA1 Labcoat Ultimate skin.
*I've also given him a new and better skeleton.
*By default, there isn't a PS2 version of this skin, so I've created one.
*I've made a completely new MUA1-style hud because there isn't an official hud that looks anything like this skin. I've also made a XML2-style hud.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions and a character select portrait.
*I made new versions of his big fist boltons. I fixed issues with the models and made a new texture.
*Please note this skin has no separate arm skin files. My Mister Fantastic mod doesn't use them for technical reasons.

*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template

:fantastic: Mister Fantastic MUA1 Ultimate Dark Skin v1.0 :fantastic:


**This is my version of Mister Fantastic's MUA1 Ultimate Dark skin. I've fixed many issues with the original texture and model, including replacing the broken chest symbol part of the model with the much better version from the unused MUA1 Labcoat Ultimate skin.
*I've also given him a new and better skeleton.
*I've completely recreated this skin's texture from scratch by recoloring and modifying my version of his Ultimate Older skin texture. The PC version of this skin has orange and red eyes, which I've added here. I've also completely redone his hair, since it doesn't look anything like the Ultimate skin textures and the official Dark hud and especially lacks the widow's peak. I've also given the hair temples that are a different color gray from the rest of the hair, like the official Dark hud has. The only parts of the default Dark texture I used were parts of the face and chest symbol, which I fixed many issues with.
*I've made a completely new MUA1-style hud because its official hud's quality isn't that great, and it has some issues with accuracy that I couldn't really fix in a way I was happy with. Since I'll need to give every other skin of his custom huds, I went ahead and replaced it anyway. I felt it was more consistent that way anyway.
-I've done a version with a blue outline, like most MUA1-style huds have, and a version with a green outline, like the official hud has. I've also made a XML2-style hud.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions and a character select portrait.
*I made big fist boltons for this skin, as it didn't have any before. I fixed issues with the models and made the new texture.
*Please note this skin has no separate arm skin files. My Mister Fantastic mod doesn't use them for technical reasons.

*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template

:fantastic: Mister Fantastic MUA1 Original Skin v1.0 :fantastic:


**This is my version of Mister Fantastic's MUA1 Original skin. I've fixed many issues with the original texture and model, including replacing the broken chest symbol part of the model with the much better version from the unused MUA1 Labcoat Ultimate skin.
*I've also given him a new and better skeleton.
*I've also recolored it to look more like it does in the comics.
*I've made a completely new MUA1-style hud because there isn't an official hud that looks anything like this skin. I've also made a XML2-style hud.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions and a character select portrait.
*I made new versions of his big fist boltons. I fixed issues with the models and made a new texture.
*Please note this skin has no separate arm skin files. My Mister Fantastic mod doesn't use them for technical reasons.

*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template

:fantastic: Mister Fantastic MUA1 Classic Skins v1.0 :fantastic:


**These are my versions of Mister Fantastic's MUA1 Classic skin. I've fixed many issues with the original texture and model, including replacing the broken chest symbol part of the model with the much better version from the unused MUA1 Labcoat Ultimate skin.
*I've also given him a new and better skeleton.
*I've recreated this entire texture myself (except for the foot bottoms) by recoloring and modifying my fixed verion of his MUA1 Original skin texture.
*This costume has been inconsistently colored in the comics over the years. It's most recent use was on action figures, where it's been depicted as being blue and white sometimes and black and white other times, so I've done versions of both.
*I've made a completely new MUA1-style hud because there isn't an official hud that looks anything like this skin. I've also made a XML2-style hud.
*I made Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions and a character select portrait.
-For the black and white version, I've done black Cel Shaded and blue Cel Shaded versions.
*I made new versions of his big fist boltons. I fixed issues with the models and made a new texture.
*Please note this skin has no separate arm skin files. My Mister Fantastic mod doesn't use them for technical reasons.

*BaconWizard17: skeleton template, screenshot template

I updated the following skins:
Corsair MUA1 Classic
Corsair's Cutlass Bolton
Corsair's Revolver Bolton
Lady Sif Unused MUA1 Prototype Skin
Magik XML1 Civilian Skin