
UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUEST

Started by UltraMegaMagnus, February 16, 2018, 03:13PM

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July 18, 2019, 02:02PM #30 Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 12:24AM by UltraMegaMagnus
Removed first two pack with an updated link with PNG8 texture 256, they will not work on PSP & PS2 for the most part, they are too high poly and have multiple texture. I won't remove outline myself, as converting models is super time consuming already, but you can remove outline via Alchemy 2.5 and remove the mesh with 01 append.

Hey ultra, when you get the chance would you mind reuploading the X-Men evolution Main Menu mod? The link seems to be down. Also, I noticed in one of the pics of the converted skins that FF Jean Grey had a hud but i'm not sure if it was never put in the first place or if it's just missing from the pack. Thank you for all the great work you do.  :phoenix:

July 30, 2019, 04:09AM #32 Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 04:16AM by UltraMegaMagnus
Quote from: nando915 on July 29, 2019, 08:05PM
Hey ultra, when you get the chance would you mind reuploading the X-Men evolution Main Menu mod? The link seems to be down. Also, I noticed in one of the pics of the converted skins that FF Jean Grey had a hud but i'm not sure if it was never put in the first place or if it's just missing from the pack. Thank you for all the great work you do.  :phoenix:

I forgot to add the 3D head for Jean, thx for the notice, for the portrait hud for conversation and team select, I removed them to update them when I can. I'd like to update the portrait of playable characters with higher resolution portrait with Future Fight and Battle Line portraits.

Iron Hammer (without hammer lol) + Jean Grey FF with 3D Head

I updated the link for X-Men Evolution Main menu music+added Dark Phoenix gap alternative.

No se si hablas español, pero porsi las dudas escribiré este mensaje en ambos idiomas ._.

Te escribo porque "BaconWizard17" me te recomendó para que te preguntara sobre como modificar los skin/ pieles. Intenté enviarte un mp, pero me dice que esta bloqueado, de verdad perdón por hacer mi consulta por acá u.u

Lo que deseo saber es como puedo modificar los movimientos de un pj, y como cambiarle piezas o accesorios de un skin a otro. Se que se puede porque "nodoubt_jr" lo hacía en sus mods. Lo que no se es como hacerlo, o que programas usar.

Si me pudieras dar algo de guía en esto, de verdad te agradecería enormemente y.y

PD: Tus mods son demasiado geniales!!!!! D:


I don't know if you speak Spanish, but Porsi doubts I will write this message in both languages . _.

I write because "BaconWizard17" I recommend you to ask you about how to modify the skin. I tried to send you an mp, but it tells me it's blocked, I'm really sorry for doing my consult over here u.u

What I want to know is how I can modify the movements of a Pj, and how to change parts or accessories from one skin to another. I know you can because "nodoubt_jr" did it in your mods. What you don't know is how to do it, or what programs to use.

If you could give me some guidance on this, I would really appreciate it very much and.

August 05, 2019, 02:09AM #34 Last Edit: August 05, 2019, 10:32AM by UltraMegaMagnus
no problem, there is a tutorial here for powers swapping, I'm not experienced enough in this area to help :,4937.0.html

For accessory skins, it depends, if the accessory is a skinsegment (you can check in the herostat skinsegment), you need to convert the skin from scratch to add accessory to the skin.
The second method is using bolton for accessories, you will need to put the coding of bolton to the powerstyle file engb  of of your character with the model location I think.

I also do not speak spanish or portuguesh.

Added Hawkeye Classic Wii :
credits jayglass for the texture.!YrAyQKLY!R3I6l7nofrD_3Rpol0K2hwASKDDG678qgnA8JlQUx1w

So, the rest of PSP exclusives (safe for Super Skrull) will be released in Wii model style.

I'm not whether someone might plan working on converting n-space MUA2 models from Wii or PS2 to work
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

August 06, 2019, 11:00AM #37 Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 11:34AM by UltraMegaMagnus
Converted models : Hawkeye Wii Ultimate, Stomr Strike Force, Cyclops MUA 2 Wii
thx jayglass for the texture.!VjoW0Q5Q!giDPPkt1hF2BevOiY7BumueWgIw_RBaciuiPO1DdStA

I'm going to stop Hawkeye, his skinsegement and outline are driving me crazy.

I would recommend using cyclops mua2 psp on gamecube,psp and wii

Hi Magnus, using you Jean Grey atm, just to let you know, in the character screen there's a problem with her shoulders, when she flyes, like they shrunk, didn't notice it on game, just saying.

Love your work, cheers!

August 09, 2019, 08:15AM #40 Last Edit: August 09, 2019, 08:47AM by UltraMegaMagnus
Quote from: Kaneko on August 09, 2019, 06:42AM
Hi Magnus, using you Jean Grey atm, just to let you know, in the character screen there's a problem with her shoulders, when she flyes, like they shrunk, didn't notice it on game, just saying.

Love your work, cheers!

I see the problem, I think I placed the clavicle bone too low or spine2 too high, I'll try to update it when I get the chance. Might be the model itself, not sure.

Thanks. I love that we finally have all the Hawkeye models available for consoles.

August 21, 2019, 11:52AM #44 Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 12:01PM by UltraMegaMagnus
added :
Luke Cage & Psylocke MUA 2 WII
Edit : There is a bad vertex weight in each thigh for Psylocke, I might or might not update it lol