Most disappointing Characters

Started by jonchang, January 03, 2008, 10:51PM

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Colossus for me. His only good move was his charge Siberian Express. He is far too slow, and all his attacks deal physical damage. His Xtreme boost Unbreakable did double his damage and make him invincible, but when facing physical resistant enemies, what other options does he have? His damage dealt is less than other tanks than that of even Toad.

Colossus was my favorite tank in the game. Definetly one of my favorites. I found the Brotherhood to be pretty boring to use with the exception of Scarlet Witch. I particularly found Magneto to be underpowered

Deadpool was kinda 1-dimensional to me... More like only 1 good offensive move, Rupturing Jab. He was also too slow.

I agree about Colossus midnight, he was like a crappy Juggernaut.

Magneto has Shrapnel Sentry, and spamming that all day with Mental Vortex or Probability Syphon up was pretty good damage. With Polarized Shield, he can have up to 75% chance to block or something?

magneto was underpowered
and many of ther guys were similar in power sets. very dissappointing but somehow they pulled it off to where i still enjoyed the game...weird. but very very dissappointing =(

Colossus and Jean.

Roguey, Chuck and my number #1 guy Cyke weren't exactly powerhouses either.

Quote from: luminary on June 28, 2008, 11:19PM
magneto was underpowered
and many of ther guys were similar in power sets. very dissappointing but somehow they pulled it off to where i still enjoyed the game...weird. but very very dissappointing =(

Wasn't Shrapnel Sentry the sickest skill in the game?  Only thing that can rival is Bobby with his overpowered item.  Not to mention he was a defensive monster.

But, yes, pretty much all of Mags' other offensive skills were bad.

IMO, the most disappointing character was Jean.
I was so used to her being this extreme powerhouse in the first game and then they completely took away any hopes of her being likable in this.
Another problem with Jean is the fact that they gave her Phoenix abilities (which pretty much sucked like her) and they all did mental damage.
I'm pretty sure the Phoenix Force is energy. I'm not sure it actually qualifies as fire, but that still would have been better than all mental. Professor X has mental, physical and energy attacks. COME ON!!!
And will they ever just call her Phoenix. She's listed between Nightcrawler and Professor X in the game.

Ok. Now that my Jean rant is over. I didn't care for IronMan (Get out of the X-Men games and get your own)

I just find Professor X so boring.
I didn't much care for Deadpool. Extremely annoying.

ScarletWitch could have been more than all hex bolts. Both hers and Jean's Xtremes kind of bugged me that they converted enemies. I felt it took away from the attack.

Many others were just ok. I think if they had actually taken a while longer to make the game (Screw the deadlines, delay the hell out of it like all these musicians do with albums) they could have improved some of the characters and overall gameplay.

Another disappointing character. Or characters are many enemies.
It's kind of dumb when these mutants with amazing powers can't harm an enemy but tapping certain buttons in sequence does the trick.
And what happened to the good old days when a boss fight never consisted of minions and puzzles to defeat them. How about there's the boss, let's kick his @$$.

And the cheese. MY GOD! the cheese. "Chill out!" "Stay frosty!" and the bosses practically telling you how to defeat them. "You haven't destroy all of the braintrust yet". No kidding!!!
Did they get tips from watching the old Batman series??

I really felt like it had no replayability due to the fact that the 3 unlockables sucked beyond words.

That's all for now. That wasn't too long, was it? XD

True he was... but i must agree... i would have like specific X-MEN chars...

Deadpool, even though not an X-MEN does fit the game... but Ironman? He's cool, but i was really dissapointed too :(

So, i agree with Mega...

Ironically, now that i am playing MUA... i think it needs more X-MEN XD (thanks God for mods!)


July 08, 2008, 06:59PM #8 Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 10:24PM by ramen
Hey iron man as a secret, I don't see what your complaining about. Most of the important x-men where in the game, mind as well put someone no one thought would be in there.

I think the most disappointed one was Magneto! He should have been stronger.
Also Colossus but his defends where pretty good. as for the others

Cyclops could have been better maybe bouncing from walls optic blast.
Jean was good I though except with Phoenix powers being mental i mean wtf.
Wolverine there is no complains about this guy he kicks ass.
Storm her powers she learns later are weaker then her blizzard and big tornado
gambit i think his first boost is the best one of hes boosters
scarletwitch this girl good powers i like super boost fire ring and the box one
iceman I think hes a little over power miss his old ice slide from xml
toad no complains, hes average or beter than i would think of toad
juggernaut this guy, way beter tank then colossus
proffesorx good but i think he was not complete right kind of boring too.
deadpool i like him hes cool, plus another teleporter
rogue great sidekick, although i don't see why she should be slow
sunfire also great nice line up of powers
sabertooth clone of wolverine not good enough
pyro same as sabertooth plus cant fly and his bat trick o.k need more tricks
bishop this guy needs more hp and power if you like far shooters hes your guy
nightcrawler no complains hes really good.

Quote from: ramen on July 08, 2008, 06:59PM
Hey iron man as a secret, I don't see what your complaining about. Most of the important x-men where in the game, mind as well put someone no one thought would be in there.

I agree about putting someone no one thought would be in it, but it still could have been an X-Men character. Havok would have been nice seeing as how they pretty much screwed him over in both games. Mystique would have been amazing.

I honestly didn't care that the "important" characters were in the game. I've said it before, I would like a game done where some of the obvious characters are actually taken prisoner and you get to play as other X-Men.

Colossus was my favorite tank, but I know juggernaut was stronger which annoye me only for the fact that he was better because of his ATTACK SPEED PASSIVE. Which annoyed me because Juggernaut it supposed to be slow, and Colossus has boosted agility and speed in his armoured fom in the comics reguardless of the fact he turns into in all reality, it would have made mroe sense if colossus had the extra attack speed boost....also, his armour move was way too would block like one punch and then be gone.

My favorite, but most dissapointing character >.<


were yall playing a different game?  lol

i loved jean and rogue, they were always on my team

scarlet witch needed a couple more strong/damaging attacks  all of her moves did the same thing
storm just wasnt very strong either
rogue moved way too slow
nightcrawler sucked
colossus had nothing special, only the siberian express move
magneto was completely pointless
cyclops' wide blast thing was way too weak
take iron man out, and i thought deadpool was not very good either
gambit needed something as well

August 03, 2008, 09:16PM #12 Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 09:19PM by colossusjames
Colossus' buffs were amazing...and made him really good to use for being strong against so many types of atatcks.

Also, Nightcrawler I feel was a "cheat" character. I can play through the game and never die with just him, even against bosses, and it's not even hard.

Just primarily level up his focus and speed, and let hi stregth level itself up slowly. Also, put a little into his body, but not too often, like maybe on point every eight you get. Keep his sped highest, but his focus VERY high as well, below it. Around level tweny they both shol be around seventy.

Also, keep his teleport attack at one point(the ONE hit teleport power.) and with energy potions and how quickly he kill enemies, you can constantly teleport witout running out of energy with that one move. If you raise his critical hit, his teleport mastery, and his evasion then he never gets hit and always kills.

Now if you want to be REALLY cheap, NEVER level his one hit teleport attack, and keep levelin his multi-hit teleport attack. It will cost NO energy....then keep raising strength and speed so he has high accuracy, evasion and strength.

EDIT: Sorry for straying off topic....

i also foudn jean dissapointing....her moves were all weaker than the other characters except for her auto-target psi attack and even then her psionic attacks didn't get criticals like everyone else. Her passives didn't follow her character well, and


August 04, 2008, 11:58PM #13 Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 12:03AM by warmachine300
Jean was excellent in legends 2. It knowing how to use her properly. Mental guardian was her best attack. The only thing I hated was thhe fact they took away her Telekentic Shield and replaced them with stupid passives like 'Calming presence'. That was completely wrong. Telekinetic sheld is a Jean trademark. Storm, Professer X, Magneto and Sunfire were clearly the BEST game. storm imparticular was atually stronger than ALL the melee fighters put together. STATIC CHARGE was a one hit killer when maxed out & combined with her lighning fury. As for Magneto, Shranel Sentry and his Shield combined with his dodge attack made him literally invunerable. Magnetic grasp was his best move though. Only need to put one point on it and the affects are mamoth. Don't get me even started on the excellence of 'Crushing Ego'. Powerful move. And even beter combined with damage and mental items. Sunfires shield was great to but it his fire knife thrust attack which really makes him a treat to use.

Rogue was most dissapointing for me. TOO SLOW!

Jean :phoenix: was good but could have been better, I think. Mental Guardian was her best attack With it she wins anyone at all in dangerroom.

Nightcralwer :nightcrawler: was cool too, I would've been killed in fight with Sugarman without him.

Storm :storm:, Magneto :magneto:, Sunfire :sunfire: and Iceman :iceman: were cool too.

But to the most dissapointing characters:

Professor X  :xavier: He was kinda' week and less superpowers than others.

Colossus :colossus: wasn't good at all, too slow.

Sabretooth :stooth: was just a copy of Wolverine. As well as Pyro  :pyro: Was just a copy of Sunfire without flight.

Cyclops :cyclops: was crappy
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