What is everyone's favorite team to play as?

Started by BliZZ, March 20, 2007, 04:29PM

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Everyone is happy for you...really...not joking...

My favorite team in the past was Mr. Fantastic, Silver Surfer, Moon Knight and Human Torch.  Now that I have discovered this mod site and have tried some of the new characters, I have to add Quicksilver and Angel to that group some how!  I also like Nightcrawler and Hawkeye.
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:


New X-Men

Surge/Hellion (rotation)

And now ladies and gentlemen the moment you've all been wating for!
Here they are!

1. The Merc with a mouth, your friendly neighborhood nuisance... The one, the only Deadpool! (With X-men Outfit! Yaay!)
2. The the lean mean sexy fighting machine! She-Hulk! (With Modern Costume! Raowr!)
3. The amazing icky alien wonder! Toxin! (With Carnage alt!  Whoo-hah!)
4. And last, but not least! Pretty yet scary, hot but deadly! X-23! (With her X-Force outfit! Are those eyes glowing?)

Please welcome...
The Poolastix!

I love those mods...but is it me, or is X a bit...tall?

BTW, my team? Keepin' it Casual:

Wolverine, only in his first outfit.

Luke Cage, in anything but his Powerman outfit.

Human Torch, in his third outfit.

Hulk, as Mr. Fixitt.

 :cyclops: Awesome ranged powers.
:xavier: His ability to revive heroes is helpful.
:archangel: He can fly and he is not playable in any other game.
:phoenix: She can freakin' lift things with her mind and completes the Original X-Men team.
My password for my skins and mods is marvel

when i had the game i played as blade deadpool elektra and wolverene

January 31, 2010, 11:41AM #127 Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 10:37AM by tymaca321
Epic awsomness

:blink:  :juggernaut: :shadowcat2: :archangel:

Welcome to Marvelmods, ddwow!  There's alot to explore.  Hopefully, something will entice you to get the game again.
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:


January 31, 2010, 02:51PM #130 Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 03:09PM by Pooltastic
Quote from: tymaca321 on January 31, 2010, 11:41AM
Epic awsomness

:blink: :blob: :shadowcat2: :archangel:

wait why did you use blob's smilie for juggernaut?

I was wondering the same thing
My password for my skins and mods is marvel

XD sorry, Couldnt find jugs smile so 1 2 3 XD

My favorite team is Fire team)
Dark Phoenix
Fire star
Marvel girl

I have 2 favorite team:
Deadpool, Storm, Silver Surfer and Dr. Strange/Iceman
Emma Frost, Jean Grey/Hellion, Apocalypse/Fire star and Quicksilver/Surge

:deadpool: :storm: :silvers: :strange: :iceman: :emmafrost: :firestar: :apocalypse: :quicks: :surge: :phoenix: