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Started by marvelfan12345, July 31, 2009, 09:22AM

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Quote from: Scotimus on September 02, 2009, 12:56PM
Oh good lord are you kidding me? You do realize that at this point it simply appears you are being snarky because I proved that my original post was not BS. Perception is a powerful thing. I know I have a sense of humor, I'm guessing no one else does?

I have a great sense of humor, but that is the one thing I hold most sacred, and I don't appreciate jokes about it, even if you don't mind.  Anyways, it was enough for me to mention it - I'm not going to hold a grudge or anything.  I'm just saying keep it G-rated here.

Quote from: Scotimus on September 02, 2009, 01:07PM
That better?

Muchos betteros :P Great job on the pics of the covers though, but still a strange way to keep a secret, naming the three exclusives on the back :\

Every last character we have had since Deadpool and Juggs have been leaked included those two.

Quote from: BLaw on September 02, 2009, 01:37PM
Muchos betteros :P Great job on the pics of the covers though, but still a strange way to keep a secret, naming the three exclusives on the back :\

My thought is that they never really expected anyone that was active on the forums to be checking out the box. -OR- The marketing folks that designed the box art didnt talk to the devs running the website. Wouldnt be the first time.

This video has a newer and more complete character screen:

2 blurred characters, one of them is Iceman, and the other one should be the old flying blurr, and it's not Ms. Marvel.

Nova's starting to seem more likely...

I don't know why but the blur looks like Nova. Nice trailer especially the good comments on Thor, IW, and Jean who look great.

Could be.  I'm not really a fan of Nova, but I could see them being able to do some cool stuff with him and making him a favorite to play as.

Nova would be good. Someone, who wasn't a playable before (I mean officially or in DLC)

Has anyone seen this pic ? :
It was taken by one of the people that won the contest to visit VV and in the top left corner does anyone else think it looks like Nova ?

Quote from: Venom on September 04, 2009, 04:25AM
Has anyone seen this pic ? :
It was taken by one of the people that won the contest to visit VV and in the top left corner does anyone else think it looks like Nova ?

Fairly certain it's Ms marvel. If you zoom in a bit you can see the long blond hair and the lightning bolt on her chest. You can even see the red sash around her waist.

I hope we see this Yellowjacket-Goliath-battle in the game!
My mods:
My mods in progress:
No time for modding at the moment, sorry.

With Rogue's thread locked I'll post here. A zoomed pic of "Nova" shows a large amount of green.

Rogue's costume that she is going to wear next month has green in the same area.

We know Cyclops is an exclusive so who completes double date but Rogue. She makes sense as the secret character.

Quote from: Larcetin-32 on September 04, 2009, 09:34AM
I hope we see this Yellowjacket-Goliath-battle in the game!

Maybe it's just me, but that blur kind of looks like Yellowjacket...that would be sick.