Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Started by ragincajun, March 28, 2010, 10:16AM

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Game looks awesome! Is there now any information if there will be a pc version?
And for me it looks like the game has no open world? Thats too bad I really enjoyed in every Spiderman game that you can do it. I spend Hourse in just doing this.
Or am I totaly wrong ?

There will be PC version. And yes, the game will be more linear than Web of Shadows, but it will still openned enough to have the Spider-Man feel. I always check Wikipedia about stuff, so here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man:_Shattered_Dimensions :)

Thanks but in the Interviews the developer always say nothing about a PC version. And I think on the E3 they said no PC version. I´m Confused

I think maybe, because it won't really differ from the next-gen console version. Not a specialist in it, plus, I will buy for Xbox 360.

hm so we PC players have to wait again too bad.
But on Wiki they say something about High moon studios never heard of them maybe there is still a chance

High Moon Studios made the Transformers: War of Cybertron game for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Oh, and they won't make the PC version, but they will port it.

Well whats that? Hope its not some sort of the same Chocolate egg we got with Spiderman 2 for pc...

Well, the Spiderman 2 on PC was completely redone. Hopefully, they will port everything from either the PS3 or the Xbox 360 version.

Hope so too. Is there any official statement that the´ll port it or is it just an Wiki add? Because on their homepage I can´t find anything about it

Well normaly Gamespot isn´t lying. Looking forward for any news don´t wanna buy a PS3 :P

Yeah, especially, that an Xbox 360 is cheaper (except, if we count Online, than it's better with PS3)

Don't say that a console is better than an other because it's wrong

Did I say anything about being better? I said, that an Xbox 360 is cheaper, if we don't count online stuff. There's a big difference in price and in quality