The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Ares

Ares this time comes out on top of the match. Darth Vader stands up and claps knowing they will meet again on PPV, Scorpion however stares from afar. Vader is not dumb and knows Scorpion next week is also going to be a worthy challenger to his new WWE Championship. RAW goes off the air with this three-way face off


Superstars Episode #3

The next edition of Superstars opens up with a very hot crowd.

Yoda comes out to cheers. He hops into the ring and the crowd is ready for action.

Doctor Doom comes out looking very mad since he lost again on the last PPV. The referee rings the bell and this one gets under way

Yoda vs Doctor Doom
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom picks up the win and looks pleased as the crowd boos him. Doctor Doom has his hand raised in victory as Superstars goes off the air for the night

RAW Episode #12

RAW kicks off for another week.

After the fireworks clear the new Intercontinental Champion Adam makes his way down to the ring looking for action.

War and Death of the 4 Horsemen ride down to the ring. War climbs into the ring as Death stays at ringside for the match.

The ACME referee ring the bell and the match gets started

Adam vs War w/ Death
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

War and Death

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Winner: War

War and Death jump Adam after the match. Death grabs the belt and shoves it in the face of Adam. The two ride off with Adam lying

Backstage we go to Lois Lane

Lois: My guests at this time, Scorpion and QUan Chi.

Quan Chi: Allow me to handle this Scorpion

Lois: So is he ready?

Quan Chi: Of course he is, tonight is his biggest night so far in the company.

Scorpion: When i have the belt Sub-Zero will be lead to me like a lamb to the slaughter

Quan Chi: Yes Yes, anyway trust me when i say the fans will see the better competitor win tonight.

Lois: Well nice talking to you...gentlemen?

Quan Chi: C'mon Scorpion let's get ready.

We head back to the ring, Parallax makes his way down to the ring

Deadpool comes out next, he mouths something to the camera that we can not see and then he climbs into the ring for the match

Parallax vs Deadpool
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Parallax

Parallax is the winner but before he can celebrate Raiden appears on the tron

Raiden: Oh Parallax, you have picked up another win.

Parallax: What do you want now?

Raiden: How about i ask you for another match between the two of us at Vengeance

Parallax: So you want another chance to embarrass yourself?

Raiden: The one who will be embarrassed is you Parallax.

Parallax: It's your ending Raiden, i'll see your challenge. See you Sunday

Parallax drops the mic and heads off from the ring

Iron Man and War Machine are shown on their way out to the ring, we follow them out. Iron Man grabs a mic

Iron Man: Megatron we told you to listen to what we have to say.

War Machine: So listen!

Iron Man: Now we talked to Nick Fury and he agreed with our case. Megatron you and me have been dealing with each other for a while and you always seem to dodge what the fans really want to see. Megatron vs Iron Man one on one. Well at Vengeance that match is finally going to happen.

Megatron and Starscream comes out

Megatron: How did this match get made without me being told.

Iron Man: I think everyone knows because you would complain your way out of it.

Megatron: Now see here.

Iron Man: Either way it's happening be there.

Iron Man chucks the microphone at Megatron. Megatron doesn't look pleased but Starscream seems not to care at all about the situation

The ring clears as we get ready for the next qualifying match for the WWE Tag Team Championship Match.

Pinky and the Brain make their way down to the ring first.

Perry the Platypus and Dr. Doofenshmirtz come out together this week both not fully trusting one another yet in this new found tag team

Famine and Pestilence ride down to the ring to complete the match as the ACME referee rings the bell

Pinky & Brain vs Perry the Platypus & Dr. Doofenshmirtz vs Famine & Pestilence
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Famine & Pestilence

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