
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Apollo Creed & Ermac

The match ends with Creed and Ermac winning with Apollo Creed keeping Buffy out for a ringout by hitting her head into the steel stairs.

Ermac and Creed both exit from the ring celebrating their win. Spike and Buffy stay in the ring for a few moments after as a message displays on the tron. A warning that next week a mystery ends. They figure this clearly has to do with the mysterious figure

Once the ring clears from that fallout, Ares, the WWE Champion makes his way down to the ringside. He grabs a chair and then tosses it off into the crowd as he uses his powers to raise his own personal throne at ringside. He's hear to watch the main event.

Raiden comes out to the ring after the usual lightning bolt on the stage. He understands a win tonight could upstage Doctor Doom and get him on his own way to a WWE Championship match.

Doctor Doom follows it up making his own entrance. He never takes his eyes off Ares who is sitting ringisde with the WWE Championship.

The ACME referee notices both men are ready and rings the bell

Doctor Doom vs Raiden
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Doctor Doom

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Winner: Raiden

Raiden pulls out a victory but Doctor DOom is not one to give it gracefully. Doctor Doom grabs a steel chair and lays out Raiden.

Ares stands up from his throne and heads into the ring and eyeballs Doctor Doom before grabbing a mic

Ares: I'm not sure this win here was the fluke Doom. I think the real fluke was you winning the match last week.

Doom: Tonight doesn't matter, it will all be solved at Judgment Day when i take that WWE Championship from your waist. Because the fact that it is there is the biggest fluke of all.

Doom tosses the microphone on top of the downed Raiden and then proceeds to leave. Ares raising his belt in the air to the live crowd as RAW heads off the air for the night.


Raw Episode #7

RAW opens up with a recap of last week and the lightning bolt hits the stage. Raiden makes his way down to the ring with a serious look on his face

Raiden: Last week the whole world saw it. I pinned the #1 contender, and then being a bad sportsman Doom decided to take it out on me with a steel chair. Fury i suggest you come down here and do the right thing.

Someone hits the ring but it's not Nick Fury, it's Doctor Doom

Doom: Raiden please keep your weakened opinions to yourself.

Raiden: Big talk from last week's loser.

Doom: Remind me again who left the ring standing last week?

Raiden: But who had their hand raises after the bell?

Doom: You try to agitate me but i shall not bite.

Doom and Raiden look to be ready to get into it but Nick Fury heads down to the ring to break it up

Fury: Alright can it you two. I saw the match last week and i have come to a conclusion. Yes Raiden you pinned the #1 contender but let me remind you that you already had a chance to be in Doom's spot in the Fatal Fourway the week before. You couldn't get it done then and because of that it's Ares vs Doctor Doom one on one at Judgment Day.

Doom: Now maybe he will shut up.

Fury: However i have decided that because you did get the win i would give you a different kind of opportunity.

Raiden: And what would that be?

Fury: Tonight in the main event you are going one one one with Ares in a non-title match. Here's the deal, you beat him tonight you earn that title match, and i'll come down to the ring right after and tell you exactly when you get your title shot. You lose and you are back out of the line. Deal?

Raiden: Well then looks like i got my work cut out for me tonight.

Fury: Good luck.

Doom: You'll need it.

The three each take their turns exiting form the ring. Raiden has a huge match to get ready for later tonight.

As the ring clear Ash Williams makes his way down to the ring.

Ash: Alright folks it's time for some real action. The King is back in the ring and Fury let's see who you've picked for me to face tonight.

Ash stands in wait as Autolycus comes out making his in-ring debut as Ash's opponent.

Ash: Wait you again?

Autolycus: Hey buddy you talk a big game, let's see if you can back it up.

Ash: Hey that's something i would say.

Autolycus: Well your not facing you, your facing Autolycus, the prince of thieves.

Ash: This is getting weird let's just fight.

Autolycus: Fine with me.

Ash Williams vs Autolycus
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

I'll update this later today. Have an assignment due today, so then i can edit this. Story file was all safe and backed up.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Winner: Autolycus

Autolycus gets the win following Evil Ash's distraction. Evil Ash heads up the ramp happily mocking Ash who lies in the ring embarrassed by once again being the loser.

Backstage Mystery Inc is in their locker room

Shaggy: He took over the screen it was terrifying.

Scooby: Reah rerrifying!

Daphne: Well i haven't seen Dahak around tonight so i guess that's one thing we don't have to deal with.

Shaggy: Are their others?

Scrappy: You didn't get told?

Shaggy: Told what Scrappy?

Scrappy: Your booked in a match with one of the 4 Horseman tonight, Death.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Who made that brilliant decision.

Daphne: The GM.

Shaggy: Oh great.

A knock comes to the door

Scooby: Rome rin?

Daphne: He means come in.

Scooby and Shaggy are scared to see all four of the horsemen enter the room

Scrappy: Can we help you.

Death: We've got a match tonight

Shaggy: Like i've been told.

Death: I've asked for a small agreement.

Scrappy: Go on.

Death: One on one. None of your friends at ringside, none of mine.

Shaggy: You guys aren't friends with Dahak are you?

Pestilence: We associate with no one but ourselves.

Shaggy: Well good, i'm fine with the agreement.

Death: Well then see you later.

The Horseman exit the lockeroom as Scooby pats Shaggy on the back as he shivers at the thought that he has a match with that guy later tonight.

Back out in the arena the next match is preparing to get started.

Jerry makes his way to the ring and he is joined by Hulk. The two are set for tag team action.

Tom makes his way down and he looks mad. He motions to the curtain for his partner to make their presence known, it's Candy Cane! Candy Cane and Tom hit the ring and the match prepares to get started.

Jerry & Hulk vs Tom & Candy Cane
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Jerry and Hulk

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

The gang has all returned haha. I'll update this again soon. New schedule and everything is screwing my usual plan up lol.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way