
Storm Uncanny Booster (Cohollow)

Started by Cohollow, November 08, 2019, 11:18PM

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November 08, 2019, 11:18PM Last Edit: July 17, 2020, 02:55PM by Cohollow
:storm:   Storm   :storm:

"Lightning deliver this place from darkness!" Now introducing the true master of the elements. Storm has incredible control over the field with powers that disrupt, and debuff enemies over large areas. With improved team buffs and powers with a wide range of affects, Storm makes for multiple fantastic support builds. Now featuring the leadership ability and many new ways to spread damage, Storm is a highly effective part of any team in nearly any situation!

Add this file to reduce the skill count of shared skills like mutant master, and to add the striker passive that i will be adding to some characters!
Shared Talents:,10916.msg199255.html#msg199255



Chain Lightning Lightning shoots from Storms hands, chaining from enemy to enemy.
(Press And Hold)
Changes - Is now the starting attack
             - Now has full manual targeting

Funnels Two small wind funnels move outward stunning enemies.
Changes - Bug Fix (No longer fizzles out)
             - Increased casting speed
             - funnels have increased movement

Electric Arcs Electric arcs rush along the ground, damaging enemies on contact.
Changes - New Ability

Tornado(Whirlwind) Creates a powerful vortex, lifting and throwing objects and enemies.
Changes - Bug Fix (No longer fizzles out)
             - Increased casting speed
             - Slightly improved radius

Lightning Strikes Calls down lightning bolts to strike enemies. Drains batteries.
Changes - Now calls multiple lighting strikes
             - Strikes multiple nearby targets.

Blizzard Creates a blizzard above Storm that damages and slows nearby enemies.
Changes -  New Ability

Static Charge Charges enemies within range, increasing all damage taken for a time.
Changes - Reduced damage increase


RAGING TEMPEST Xtreme radial lightning and wind attack.
Changes - Now does 2 hits at half damage
             - Does wind and lightning damage

WILL OF THE GODDESS Makes all party members invulnerable for a time, and increases max EP.
Changes - None


Whirlwind Armor Strong winds surrounds storm, absorbing elemental damage, radiation damage, and energy damage, and damaging enemies on contact.
Changes - Reduces incoming damage by a set amount
             - Lasts for as long as is stated

Static Touch Increases attack rating, and adds electricity damage to all melee attacks for the entire team.
Changes -  New Ability


Climate Control Storms mastery of the elements increases defense and elemental resistance.
Changes - New Ability

Wind Mastery Increases damage, and critical chance with Wind attacks.
Changes - None

Lightning Mastery Increases damage, and critical chance with lightning attacks.
Changes - None

Leadership Increases combo XP bonus and chance of criticals for entire team
Changes - New Ability

Flight Allows flying and improves mastery over it.

Mutant Mastery Increases EP regeneration rate.

Other Features

- Many minor changes to abilities that are not listed such as damage, EP cost, added sounds, improved effects, etc
- Features additional skins made by BaconWizard17 and Teancum
- Starts with a point in flight
- All passives require 3 less skill points


- Skins -

be sure to check out BaconWizard17's great work here:,9904.0.html

be sure to check out Teancum's great work here:,10642.0.html

- Hud Heads -

be sure to check out BaconWizard17's great work here:,9904.0.html

be sure to check out Teancum's great work here:,10642.0.html

Big thanks to many community members for continued assistance and support!

August 30, 2020, 09:24AM #3 Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 09:32AM by zhugedai12
Newbie here, just tried this mod and everything seems to show up in game just fine except for the Leadership ability, that's the only thing missing. The herostat file shows it with the correct syntax so I'm at a loss of what went wrong. Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.

Quote from: zhugedai12 on August 30, 2020, 09:24AM
Newbie here, just tried this mod and everything seems to show up in game just fine except for the Leadership ability, that's the only thing missing. The herostat file shows it with the correct syntax so I'm at a loss of what went wrong. Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.

Hi, and welcome! Have you tried starting a new save file? When installing a new mods or boosters that have new features added, the game requires starting a new game in order to refresh the issue.

Yes, I was using a new save file.

There are only 2 things i can think of that result in leadership and only leadership missing from Storm. Leadership is added to the character via the herostat. this means ether-

1. The herostat from my booster was not added to the games herostat. You need to decompile the games herostat (found in the data folder), replace storms existing herostat entry with the one provided in the booster and then recompile the herostat.

2. You did not start a new game after applying changes

Those are the only things i know of that would cause this.

I like the look of this mod. Unfortunately is was removed from download. Can it be reuploaded?

Quote from: marvelldc15 on January 15, 2024, 04:25AM
I like the look of this mod. Unfortunately is was removed from download. Can it be reuploaded?

I have everything of Cohollow's backed up in my public community archives. Check there.