
Ceamonks890's Character Mods

Started by Ceamonks890, October 31, 2020, 05:24AM

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April 29, 2024, 10:35PM #495 Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 11:29PM by Ceamonks890

Originally a capable but retired electrical engineer who maintained a role as a ham radio operator on the side, Robert Hunter would attract attention from a group of renegade Kree scientists who monitored radio transmissions.

The Kree scientists specifically choosing Robert to act as an agent for their Earth-based alien criminal organization known as the 'Lunatic Legion', he was granted great power via advanced genetic experiments, taking up the codename of 'Nitro the Exploding Man' from then on, newly possessing the ability to explode as a blast of energy and reform himself at will from a gaseous state without harming himself.

Getting himself involved in battles with various Earth-based superheroes over time in-between seemingly random crimes (being partially responsible for the eventual death of the original Captain Marvel to cancer), Nitro would be soon hired by the Kingpin alongside Jack O'Lantern to cause a distraction on the streets of New York while the Hand fulfilled their latest twisted attempt to revive the demonic Beast.

Blissfully unaware of the events to come, Nitro would be visibly horrified when he encountered plenty of formidable, unfamiliar individuals brought on board by SHIELD against Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil for unrelated matters...

-2 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of healing factor and 50% chance of resurrection
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of Travis Willingham's voice for Talon from League of Legends
-Uses assigned number #137 (will clash with Vance Astro, Justice and Crash Bandicoot in mannequin).

1. Explosive Kick: Nitro charges up one of his hands for a powerful attack, unleashing a mini explosion upon an unlucky enemy as physical damage is dealt.
2. Divebomb: Charging up his arms beforehand, Nitro leaps into the air and performs a divebomb, exploding and dealing physical damage with a 50% chance of instant kill!
3. (Debuff) Death Wish: Nitro lets out a knowing evil laugh before enemies, silently threatening to blow up and kill them if they don't get out of his way, causing nearby foes to run away in fear.
4. (Boost) Sentient Gas: Nitro explodes as he becomes completely intangible. Press Jump while idle to become tangible once more!
5. (Xtreme) Exploding Man: Nitro unleashes his full power, exploding and dealing major physical damage to surrounding enemies before reforming his body once more.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Custom Nitro Classic skin, mannequin

Download link:

Cool :) Was actually attempting him once but then figured I'd quit since his only power is blowing up lol. Creative moveset :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

May 14, 2024, 06:53AM #497 Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 02:40AM by Ceamonks890

Originating from the BioShock franchise, the Big Daddy comes from an alternate reality set in the 1960s, being just one of many interchangeable twisted experiments done under the morally bankrupt Andrew Ryan's watch in his hopes to create a utopia under the sea where isolated members of global society could prosper without necessarily following the unsaid rules they had been raised under on the surface.

Originally human beings with their own aspirations and dreams, the victims that would be unwillingly transformed into Big Daddies had their skin and organs horrifically grafted into a large, armored diving suit to serve as maintenance workers for continued upkeep of 'Rapture' as they were assigned genetically altered 'Little Sisters' to protect that would draw material known as 'ADAM' from the corpses of enhanced individuals who had imbued themselves with power-granting 'plasmids' and allow in theory, Rapture to continually prosper.

However one fateful day, the promising city of Rapture would fall into complete anarchy and chaos as the many regular citizens lost themselves to the incredible power they wielded and the Big Daddies & Little Sisters left to their own devices as they frequently fought off the deranged humans which came across their paths.

But for this particular Big Daddy, their enhancements were far more invasive than most (granting them the same experimental Plasmids early on as a test to see if it was safe to implement in the soon to be doomed general Rapture populace), proving itself a major thorn in anyone's side when threatened.

Loyally following its Little Sister as always while instinctively prepared to fight off any deranged human stupid enough to get close to it or its Little Sister, the Big Daddy's attention would be drawn to a mysterious dimensional tear being generated in Rapture's city center by its equally dutiful Little Sister.

Encouraged by its Little Sister to follow her through, the Big Daddy unquestionably proceeded onward as its monstrous guardian, the tear quickly closing itself behind them as they found themselves in a more comparatively plain base under the sea, viewing an incredible underwater city which looked more naturally built than the city of Rapture had ever been.

Silently admiring the sight, their collective attention would be drawn to the sounds of unfamiliar visitors either dressed in colorful human costumes or an assortment of humanoid creatures (of which they could only look back at them in complete horror at what they just saw before them).

The Big Daddy letting out an intimidating roar as it prepared to fight for the safety of its Little Sister, their minds would be strangely calmed and made more docile by the presence of a mysterious magician calling themselves 'Doctor Voodoo' by his associates (who used his incredible powers to learn what he could about them and where they originally came from in the multiverse).

Visibly horrified at the inhumane treatments that the Big Daddy and Little Sister had been put through via reading their jumbled minds and sharing his findings with his allies behind him, Doctor Voodoo did what he could to reassure them that neither he nor his many allies wished to harm either the Little Sister or the Big Daddy and only wished to save all of existence from complete peril.

Feeling a genuine sense of trust and respect that they hadn't felt in a long time, the Big Daddy and Little Sister silently acknowledged that they understood the mysterious magician's motives and with great caution, followed the various superpowered individuals to a hatch which led to the deep sea city of this world called 'Atlantis.'

Diving under with Doctor Voodoo and his 'ultimate alliance' while the Little Sister was protected by an invisible but impenetrable magical forcefield to keep her alive underwater, the Big Daddy would soon focus its monstrous power on brainwashed Atlanteans which reminded it of the many horrors of Rapture.

Readying its driller arm, the Big Daddy prepared to lunge at these surprisingly durable threats...

-7 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, 50% resistance to physical and cold damage types, immunity to stuns, knockback, grabs & finishers
-5 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived sounds from the BioShock games for the Big Daddy and audio from Juliet Landau for the Little Sister respectively.
-Uses assigned number #167 (will clash with Magik and Nightwatch in mannequin).

Block + Jump (Scout): The Big Daddy uses a cunning Plasmid power to briefly project a 'ghost' that scouts ahead and reveals nearby enemies on the map, increasing overall resistances for entire team.
Block + Action (Electro Bolt): The Big Daddy uses a handy Plasmid power to generate jolts of electricity and deal electric damage to any targeted foes in its path, stunning them. Unlocked at Level 5.
Block + Light Attack (Incinerate!): The Big Daddy uses an efficient Plasmid power to generate an outward blast of flames, dealing fire damage to all enemies across a specific radius. Unlocked at Level 10.
Block + Heavy Attack (Gravity Well): The Big Daddy uses an incredibly dangerous Plasmid ability, generating a gravitational singularity which pulls surrounding enemies into it before they're swiftly blown backward from the strength of the dissipating singularity, dealing heavy physical damage. Unlocked at Level 20.

1. ADAM Gatherer: The Big Daddy carefully aims its Little Sister at a nearby target as she proceeds to stab them with her ADAM extracting syringe, restoring health back for the Big Daddy and its allies if a target is successfully struck.
2. Enraged Frenzy: The Big Daddy enters an enraged state of mind, charging forward and dealing physical damage to anything in its way.
3. Insect Swarm: The Big Daddy utilizes one of the Plasmid powers it was genetically enhanced with, generating a swarm of insects which float around the Big Daddy and attack any threats which come near it, dealing physical damage.
4. Telekinesis: The Big Daddy utilizes one of the Plasmid powers it was genetically enhanced with, lifting an unlucky enemy or an object off the ground before flinging them away with telekinetic abilities, dealing physical damage.
5. Winter Blast: The Big Daddy utilizes one of the Plasmid powers it was genetically enhanced with, generating a projectile of cold and flings it at enemies, freezing them solid briefly and slowing them down as cold damage is dealt.
6. Sonic Boom: The Big Daddy utilizes one of the Plasmid powers it was genetically enhanced with, generating a powerful burst of air in front of it, sending surrounding enemies flying high into the air as they're constantly dealt physical damage while trapped in the strong gusts.
7. Cyclone Trap: The Big Daddy utilizes one of the Plasmid powers it was genetically enhanced with, placing a trap on the ground which spawns a damaging mini-tornado that flings any enemy stupid enough to get close into the air.
8. (Boost) Hypnotize: The Big Daddy utilizes one of the Plasmid powers it was genetically enhanced with, hypnotizing nearby targets to turn on their own allies temporarily.
9. (Boost) Summon Eleanor: The Big Daddy utilizes an incredibly useful Plasmid to temporarily spawn a Big Sister named Eleanor Lamb to assist it in combat temporarily.
10. (Xtreme) Rapture's Legacy: Inspired by its Level 3 Super in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, the Big Daddy inexplicably floods the entire level temporarily with water as surrounding enemies drown while the Big Daddy's allies are protected either by magic, natural abilities or active nanites in their bodies from the events of Atlantis, increasing overall speed and damage for entire team.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Erik Lensherr- Original Aquaman Xtreme coding
Escanor610- Converted Big Daddy and Big Sister models, mannequin, Little Sister projectile bolton

Download link:

May 17, 2024, 07:33AM #498 Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 03:39AM by Ceamonks890

Eric Draven was once the lead singer and guitarist of the band Hangman's Joke in Detroit, engaged to the love of his life, Shelly Webster.

The two of them were actively involved in trying to improve their crime-ridden local community, including looking out for Sarah, a girl neglected by her drug-addicted mother.

Eric and Shelly were to be wed on Halloween, only for this to be tragically cut short the night before, on Detroit's infamous annual Devil's Night.
Four thugs opposed to Shelly's activism broke into their apartment and attacked her.

Eric arrived too late to stop them, incapacitated by Tin Tin's throwing knife and forced to watch helplessly as they raped her and left her for dead, only to shoot him and throw him out the window to his death.

However, this was not the end of Eric's story.

Exactly one year later, mysterious supernatural forces surrounding a crow centered on Eric's grave, bringing him back from the dead.

Initially lost and without memory, he soon recalled the circumstances of his life and death, determined to get revenge and learning he could heal from any wound he received.

With this power and his bloodlust, he visited each of his killers one by one and exacted tenfold revenge, giving them torturously slow deaths that they completely deserved.

Before he could rest with Shelly again, he had one last bloodsoaked task in saving Sarah and Sergeant Albrecht from Top Dollar, the crime boss in charge of his killers.

Now, Eric finds himself unexpectedly pulled away from his peaceful rest with Shelly by circumstances threatening the entire multiverse, as well as life and death itself.

Learning that the works of Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil would threaten Sarah and Albrecht, Eric prepared to protect them once again.

However, he also learned that if Doctor Doom succeeded, he would also harness the power of the crow, separating Eric and Shelly forever.

Enraged far more than he ever had been by his killers, Eric prepares to visit Doctor Doom with a fate that will outdo his namesake...

-3 powers, 4 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of healing factor and 100% chance of resurrection
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of the late Brandon Lee's voice from the 1994 Crow film
-Uses assigned number #209 (will clash with playable X-Men Toad and Morph in mannequin).

1. Playing With Knives: Eric retrieves multiple knives once wielded by Tin Tin, throwing them at numerous enemies simultaneously.
2. Dead Bang: Eric retrieves two pistols and shoots as long as the button is held down.
3. Avian Avenger: Eric leaps forth, attacking a single enemy and brutally beating their face in.
4. (Boost) Bird's Eye View: The Crow flies overhead to do reconnaissance, using its psychic optical connection with Eric to reveal enemies positions on the mini map while reducing energy cost for entire team.
5. (Debuff) Vengeful Laughter: Eric releases a highly intimidating laugh, lowering enemies' strength and defenses.
6. (Boost) Knight Watchman: Eric temporarily wields a sword he stole from Top Dollar in melee combat.
7. (Boost) Shelly's Love: Remembering the kindness Shelly always extended to him and others, Eric briefly manages to share his healing abilities with his teammates, restoring them to full health and reviving any fallen members.
8. (Xtreme) 30 Hours of Pain: Eric unleashes his psychic connection to Shelly's pain, causing all enemies on screen to experience her long, slow death in the hospital.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation
Arachknight- General mod assets and ideas, bio
Escanor610- Custom The Crow Classic skin, mannequin
Outsider- Original Solid Snake Xtreme coding

Download link:

May 18, 2024, 04:06AM #499 Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 11:02PM by Ceamonks890

What can one say about Nicolas Cage?

Over the entirety of human history and the entirety of acting on the silver screen, there hasn't been another quite like him.

Public reaction to his movie career has been divisive, with some finding him among the worst actors ever, others considering him one of the best.

Regardless, one thing that can be agreed upon is that Cage always fills his roles with eccentricity and intensity, always having the dial turned up to 11 no matter what the movie or the part is.

As a result, when he's bad, he's hilarious, and when he's good, he's really good.

But the next part he has to play is much larger than in any movie he's ever been in before...

DISCLAIMER: This mod uses several voice clips of uncensored swear words. If you're someone who takes offense to the use of such language, than please don't download this mod.

-4 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-4 hex-edited skins, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of Nicolas Cage's voice from many of his films.
-Uses assigned number #168 (will clash with playable Swordsman, Gun Girls 1 and Oya in mannequin).

SECRET MOVE (Block + Jump)- Have Nic Cage do his iconic dance from the movie Face/Off. Advise to only use when not in combat!

1. Castor's Cannons: Reprising his role as Sean Archer/Castor Troy from Face/Off, Cage fires his twin golden guns with power, accuracy, and attitude until the button is released.
2. Swing Dancing: Reprising his role as Spider-Man Noir from Into The Spider-Verse, Cage webs an enemy close to him and swings him in circles, hitting other enemies until he throws him away.
3. Rocket Man: Reprising his role as Dr. Stanley Goodspeed from The Rock, Cage fires a rocket launcher as the rocket knocks down enemies and explodes upon contact, dealing radial fire damage.
4. Drive Angry: Reprising his role as Ghost Rider, Cage steers and drives a flaming motorcycle until the button is released, mowing down enemies and dealing fire damage.
5. (Boost) National Treasure: Reprising his role as Benjamin Gates, Cage reveals enemy positions on the mini map while discovering SHIELD credits and an item with a chance of finding a rare item.
6. (Boost) Punch Energy Drink: Reprising his role as The Janitor from Willy's Wonderland, Cage drinks a can of "a fistful of caffeine for your kisser", temporarily giving him increased speed, strength, and damage resistance.
7. (Boost) Vampire's Kiss: Reprising his role as Dracula from Renfield, Cage bites a nearby enemy in the neck while restoring his own health back to full. Successfully bitten enemies are made into his thralls, who will fight on Cage's behalf until they die.
8. (Xtreme) Now Switch to Kryptonite: Reprising his role as Superman from Tim Burton's scrapped Superman Lives film, an enraged Cage unleashes Kryptonian heat vision in a full circle before turning skyward.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation
ak2yny & Julio Cabral- Ripped Ghost Rider Marvel Heroes MMO dance animation
Arachknight- General mod assets & ideas, bio
Captain JZ America- Converted custom Nic Cage Superman model
Escanor610- Converted Nic Cage Dead by Daylight model, mannequin, dance animation, Spider-Man Noir Strike Force skin
Julio Cabral- Custom Nic Cage Ghost Rider 2007 movie skin
voldemort117 (Grand Theft Auto modding community)- Original creator of Nic Cage Superman skin

Download link:

May 24, 2024, 05:03PM #500 Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 03:54AM by Ceamonks890

Originating from an alternate reality where 43 women of varying ages inexplicably gave birth simultaneously on October 1st, 1989 (despite possessing no prior signs), the seven chosen children by eccentric billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves, would start to develop distinct superpowers.

Trained into being a superhero team with often rigorous and unsympathetic results by their adoptive stepfather, the 'Umbrella Academy' would gradually fall apart as they either disappeared, died tragically or aged into bitter adults who went out to live their own lives.

Eventually brought back together in the event of Reginald Hargreeves' death as the long missing 'Five' travelled back in time to prevent a future apocalyptic event from wiping out all of humanity, the Umbrella Academy gradually narrowed down the underlying cause to their brother, Viktor, who began to finally unleash their long-repressed power of formidable sound and energy manipulation upon the world after a traumatic event involving secret psychopath Leonard Peabody.

The deeply traumatised Victor managing to unleash a potent energy blast despite the academy's best efforts that destroyed the Earth's moon and initiate the apocalypse as prophesied, Five ultimately took a chance and used his enhanced control over time travel to send the Umbrella Academy back to the era of the 1960s (unintentionally splitting across different parts of the timeline).

Unfortunately, what Five could not have foreseen is that as a byproduct of travelling further back in time with Viktor and the others, this would cause the apocalypse to occur far sooner in the timeline than originally intended (causing him to quickly track down his lost family members over the course of a few days and prevent the apocalypse from happening anew).

Managing to organise a deal with his former power-hungry female employer within the timeline authority group, Temps Commission, known only as 'The Handler' after assassinating all of the Commission's board of directors, Five would acquire one of the Commission's portable time machines disguised as seemingly normal black briefcases, intending to use it to travel back to the present day with the other Umbrella Academy family members and in theory, stop the apocalypse from happening completely.

But while this plan would fail due to the Handler manipulating affairs behind the scenes in the proper messy continuity of the Umbrella Academy's original universe, Five and the others would instead succeed by the skin of their teeth at getting to the meetup location as the Commission's forces tracked them down, just as the briefcase activated and sent them back to their desired destination in the timestream.

However, events would still not play out entirely as desired by the Umbrella Academy, instead finding themselves in the basement of a mystical house which felt ripped straight out of a comic book.

Five sneakily approaching the doors while the others cautiously followed behind him as they prepared for anything on the other side, forcing the door open and entering combat stances, shocked to recognise all sorts of familiar faces which were entirely fictional in their universe, staring back at them in complete confusion.

'Woah, woah, is that the actual Batman over there,' Diego pointed out in a whispering voice. 'And the Hulk? Spider-Man? Superman...' replied Luther. 'Five, what the hell is going on? Where are we? This clearly isn't our timeline.'

'Don't you think I can see that you moron', Five spouted out in frustration. 'If there's anything we should have learned from messing around with the timestream, its that travelling to the proper destination is always going to be a little finicky.'

'Ah,' a British-accented man in classical attire commented. 'So you seven must be the famous Umbrella Academy that's been mucking around through time and making a real mess of things.'

'You know who we are?' Allison responded.

'And can you actually see me?' the disembodied ghost of Ben said in eager anticipation, despite no-one else in the Academy but Klaus hearing him in that moment.

'For many special people here, not exactly. But me, ha... the events I've seen you lot doing during my own time travelling ventures in the TARDIS... truly impressive, especially from you Five. And yes Benjamin, we can all hear and see you thanks to a spell cast by our resident and dimensionally-displaced magicians of this reality over there. Hello, I'm the Doctor.'

'The Doctor... as in that eccentric old guy from those reruns Dad often watched on TV?' Klaus absent-mindedly expressed. 'Oh man, this is every nerd's wet dream come to life.'

Five and the Doctor ignoring Klaus's expected 'charming' commentary while many other individuals present facepalmed, physically cringed or stared uncomfortably for a moment in silence, the Umbrella Academy would learn that the Doctor's alien race of 'Time Lords' knew full well about the Umbrella Academy's comparatively local threat in the Temps Commission from across the multiverse, finding their capability for travelling through time humorously limited but quaint compared to their own, leaving them to their simple-minded goals so long as the rest of the multiverse was left untouched by them, lest they fear their own wrath.

All brought up to speed, Viktor definitively said with certainty, 'So where do we start at stopping these 'Masters of Evil' and finding a way for everyone to return home to their original dimensions without severe consequences?'

'Well young Viktor,' Doctor Strange stated with assurance. 'All of our problems should be resolved in theory if we use the Orb of Teleportation over there and resolve this matter for good at Latveria. But first of all...'

Preparing a vast series of spells to cast with other magically-gifted members of SHIELD's impressively vast strike team upon the members of the Umbrella Academy (which granted them durable protection from some of the more unpredictably powerful yet dangerous individuals among the strike team's ranks), alongside rendering Ben fully visible in a more permanent capacity through the eyes of Five, Luther, Diego, Allison & Viktor for the first time in many years, everyone's attention would be alerted to an attack by the Hand being enacted out on the streets of New York outside.

Most of the Umbrella Academy thrilled at the chance to do some more long-term good and enjoy their time on Earth-7150 while it lasted despite Five's objections (fighting alongside many individuals they had only ever idolised reading about or watching as children), the Umbrella Academy would venture outside and prepare to beat the snot out of deluded ninjas...

DISCLAIMER: This mod uses frequent uncensored swear words in many of the voice clips. So if you're someone who takes offense to the use of such language, than please don't download this mod.

-6 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Ability of teleportation
-7 skins, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of Aidan Gallagher, Tom Hopper, David CastaƱeda, Robert Sheehan, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Elliot Page & Justin H. Min's voices from the Umbrella Academy Netflix TV series
-Uses assigned number #88 (will clash with playable Skrull Commando, Ang Lee's Hulk, Daimon Hellstrom and Mortal Kombat's Noob Saibot in mannequin).

1. Tactical Reaction: Five teleports quickly between enemies, dealing physical damage as they're left stunned briefly by the unexpected strikes.
2. Kraken Misdirection: Five teleports in Diego who mentally directs his knives in a manner akin to guided missiles, dealing bleed damage to any successfully struck targets before Five teleports back into the fight.
3. Spaceboy Brute: Five teleports in Luther who proceeds to make use of his greatly enhanced gorilla body to pound the ground repeatedly, dealing physical damage to surrounding enemies across a specific radius before Five teleports back into the fight.
4. Seance Afterlife: Five teleports in Klaus who channels his power over necromancy to generate a potent radial attack, dealing special damage to surrounding enemies.
5. White Violin Blast: Five teleports in Viktor who unleashes a powerful blue-coloured energy blast which pulls surrounding enemies in before pushing them forward as energy damage is dealt to surrounding enemies, before Five teleports back into the fight.
6. Unspeakable Horror: Five teleports away as Ben unleashes a barrage of ghostly, eldritch tentacles upon neaby targets, dealing physical damage before Five teleports back into the fight.
7. (Debuff) I Heard A Rumor: Five teleports in Allison who proceeds to use her vocal reality manipulation power to forcibly turn enemies against their own allies and fight for Five and the others, so long as they remain close by and don't leave the current map.
8. (Boost) Commission Assassin: Making micro jumps in time, the world seemingly slows down for everyone but Five and his allies (as they react to events much more quickly).
9. (Xtreme) Whatever It Takes: Five teleports between enemies at impressive speeds, dealing heavy physical damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Custom Umbrella Academy skins, mannequins

Download link:

May 25, 2024, 06:35AM #501 Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 04:22AM by Ceamonks890

Harvey Dent was born to a poor family in Gotham City.

Raised in an abusive household, his father would flip a coin whenever he wanted to punish him and beat him if it came up heads.

In his adulthood, Harvey was given the coin, learning it came up heads every time.

Struggling with severe mental and emotional health issues as a result of his upbringing, but nevertheless full of moral character and good intentions, Harvey became a politician, eventually becoming Gotham City's incorruptible District Attorney.

His Herculean task of cleaning up Gotham's organized crime as well as widespread corruption throughout the politicians and police departments was difficult, but he wasn't alone.

He had the help of idealist cop James Gordon, his rich best friend from childhood, Bruce Wayne, and Gotham's dark, mysterious vigilante, Batman.

When the combined efforts of these men threatened to finally end the long-suffering stranglehold that the corrupt cops and criminal gangs held on Gotham City, their enemies got desperate.

Seeing Dent as the best and strongest of them all, the thugs conspired to undermine Harvey's fragile sanity and make an attempt on his life, which resulted in half of his face being burned off.

Driven insane by his stress and injuries, Harvey Dent became the deranged criminal mastermind Two-Face, becoming an agent of order and chaos, making all of his decisions with the flip of his double headed coin, which was now scarred on one side to represent bad choices.

Over time, Two-Face became one of Batman's most mentally and emotionally challenging enemies, because of their longshared history and friendship, and the constant reminder that there was still good in him, the crux of his entire modus operandi.

Repeated attempts were made after thwarting and arresting him to have him rehabilitated in Arkham Asylum, using a combination of therapy and facial reconstructive surgery, only for events to cause Dent to relapse again and again.

Perhaps his darkest and most shameful incident came after being successfully reformed for some time, trained under Batman and temporarily defending Gotham in his absence, only for an Arkham Asylum rival, Great White Shark, to drive him to scar himself and become Two-Face again.

After this has happened so many times, Two-Face has become tired of his endlessly repeating cycle.

Wanting so desperately to earn forgiveness and redemption, yet believing he was incapable of ever deserving or achieving it, he began to contemplate a final resort.

He would enact a plan to purge Gotham's corrupt elements and reward its innocents, and then take his own life.

Before he could put this plan into action however, a rip in the multiverse took him to a strange new world that was all at once familiar and yet not at the same time.

Recognizing heroes and villains from his own world who were equally confused, caught in a battle between good and evil apparently spanning the multiverse, Two-Face reevaluated his choices.

It may not have been what he planned for with Gotham, but this large battle would serve the same purpose; it would just take some adjustments.

Steeling himself, Two-Face flipped his coin, looked at the result, and made his next decision...

-5 powers, 4 boosts and an Xtreme
-4 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of the late Richard Moll's voice from Batman The Animated Series
-Uses assigned number #170 (will clash with playable Hulk and Outsider Bruce Banner in mannequin).

1. Twin Shooter: Two-Face retrieves a pair of handguns, firing at enemies so long as the button is held down.
2. Measure Once, Cut Twice: Two-Face retrieves a pair of knives on his person, throwing them at nearby targets and dealing physical damage.
3. Spray And Pray: Two-Face retrieves his two submachine guns, blasting away and dealing physical damage to surrounding enemies.
4. Two Booms: Two-Face lobs a pair of grenades in front of him diagonally outwards in both directions, causing two explosions soon afterwards.
5. Facelift: Two-Face splashes a vial of green acid onto the ground before him, the same material that ate half of his face, causing burn damage to whoever is struck.
6. (Boost) Closing Argument: Two-Face uses his skills as a district attorney to convince his team to fight harder, temporarily boosting the team's strength, speed, and defenses.
7. (Boost) Seeing Double: Two-Face calls in a henchman disguised to look exactly like him to fight in combat temporarily, confusing enemies.
8. (Boost) Secondary Elements: Two-Face remembers his training from Batman and hones in on elements of the environment, revealing enemy positions on the minimap while reducing energy cost.
9. (Boost) Carrot And Stick: Two-Face uses blackmail and bribery to get several nearby enemies to fight for his side temporarily.
10. (Xtreme) Double Down: Two-Face leaps into the air with a pair of submachine guns, spinning around and gunning down all enemies in the vicinity.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation
Arachknight- General mod assets and ideas, bio
Guiguis_12- All other skins, mannequin
Zignutus- Custom Two-Face Post-Crisis skin

Download link:

May 29, 2024, 02:04AM #502 Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 02:36AM by Ceamonks890

A highly advanced android created by a sub-species of the Inhumans known only as the 'Bird People', the double-headed android known as the Bi-Beast was granted a vast knowledge of warfare and culture which was shared across both heads to varying degrees.

But despite the incredible insight and expertise of their creators, the Bird People would eventually die out and the Bi-Beast left alone to their own devices in the abandoned, floating city of Aerie for many years.

Detecting an unfamiliar floating craft nearby on the city's advanced sensors, the Bi-Beast proceeded to get on an ancient but functional Aerie hovercraft and investigate, blissfully unaware of how much the world had changed as they soon encountered members of a group calling themselves 'The Masters of Evil'.

-3 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might and immunity to finishers and being knocked down or grabbed
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Oliver Smith's voice for Ulfar & Tim Bick's voice for Rogue Trader Heretic Male from Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader for the top and bottom Bi-Beast heads respectively
-Uses assigned number #85 (will clash with playable Titannus, Vindicator, Mortal Kombat's Rain and Kazuya Mishima in mannequin).

1. Broken Bones: Bi-Beast grabs an unlucky enemy and crushes them in a brutal bear hug, dealing physical damage.
2. Vicious Outburst: Bi-Beast lets out a violent blast of energy from its person, dealing physical damage to surrounding targets.
3. Aerie Blaster: Bi-Beast pulls out an advanced energy rifle and fires away, dealing energy damage so long as button is held down.
4. (Boost) Top Skull: The two heads mutually agreeing to working together more violently, Bi-Beast's overall movement speed and defence is increased temporarily.
5. (Boost) Bottom Skull: The two heads mutually agreeing to working together more rationally, Bi-Beast is able to use their powers without energy cost temporarily while increasing their overall damage.
6. (Xtreme) Aerie Artillery: Bi-Beast activates remote-controlled Bird People weaponry, causing laser blasts to be rained down and deal heavy energy damage to surrounding targets.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, loading screen, icons etc
Waggens7uP- Converted Bi-Beast Hulk 2008 movie game model, HUD, mannequin

Download link:

June 01, 2024, 03:45AM #503 Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 05:19AM by Ceamonks890

Created as a unique byproduct of an accident at a nuclear power plant involving terrorists attempting to shut down the electricity for New York City, the psionically charged electromagnetic being of humanoid form that would later be known as Zzzax began to incinerate anyone that stood in its way.

Acquiring a human intelligence from absorbing the electro-psionic fields naturally generated by the brains of organic lifeforms, Zzzax got stronger and smarter with every victim it successfully defeated.

Consequently beginning a campaign of needless slaughter and destruction to increase its intelligence further, Zzzax could only be temporarily stopped time and time again by many of the heroes which naturally inhabited Earth-7150 (most commonly the Hulk, who was discovered to have a natural immunity to the creature's absorption capabilities).

Having had its essence expertly contained and stored at SHIELD's Omega Base recently for secure study on its inherent capabilities by scientists, the Masters of Evil's activities would recklessly free Zzzax from containment unknowingly after an activated Gamma Bomb went off and greatly damaged the labs supporting its containment.

Absorbing a surprisingly dominating mind from a resentful unnamed scientist who was unlucky to get caught in the crossfire, Zzzax quickly learned through absorbing invading AIM soldiers' brains of Doctor Doom's secret plans for increased power involving all of reality.

Desiring some of that mysterious power for itself, Zzzax prepared to hunt down the location of Doctor Doom, soon encountering both familiar and unfamiliar beings on the Omega Base who were searching for clues themselves as to the Masters of Evil's next collective move...

-3 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, flight, 100% chance of resurrection, immunity to mind control and immunity to physical, mental, electricity and radiation damage types
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of Michael Bell's voice from the 90s Hulk cartoon
-Uses assigned number #130 (will clash with playable Arcade, Chase Stein and RoboCop in mannequin).

1. Shocking Blasts: Zzzax throws multiple generated projectiles of electricity at enemies, dealing electric damage to struck threats.
2. Violent Overload: Zzzax releases a lethal radial blast of electricity that deals electric damage to all enemies across a specific radius.
3. Lightning Storm: Zzzax calls down bolts of lightning upon enemies, chaining to more victims at once with rapid tapping as they level up.
4. (Debuff) Fried Tomato: Zzzax generates a bolt of lightning which specifically attacks enemies' central nervous systems, damaging and stunning them temporarily.
5. (Boost) Juice Break: Zzzax absorbs a portion of an enemy's lifeforce, temporarily increasing his max health, energy, damage and combat speed.
6. (Xtreme) Blowing Fuses: Zzzax unleashes a highly damaging blast of lightning upon surrounding enemies, dealing electricity damage whilst stunning surviving threats.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, loading screen, icons etc
Waggens7uP- Converted Zzzax Avengers Initiative mobile game model, HUD, mannequin

Download link:

Cool mods :) Creative as well!
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

June 25, 2024, 05:45AM #505 Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 01:25AM by Ceamonks890

Originating from the divergent timeline of cult classic one-off Evil Dead game, Regeneration, Sam was originally a simple, trash-talking criminal prior to being arrested and admitted to Sunny Meadows Asylum for the Criminally Insane as a byproduct of his extreme diagnosed case of attention deficit disorder.

Unwillingly used as part of the twisted Doctor Reinheart's experiments with the newly discovered Necronomicon Ex-Mortis to raise individuals back from the dead without being possessed by a Kandarian Spirit, Sam would be the only successful subject before the deadites were newly unleashed upon the world once more.

Running into Ash Williams (who had also been admitted under false claims of insanity for his little-known actions during the events of the original two Evil Dead films), the two would forge a shaky alliance as they were guided by the disembodied spirit of long dead Professor Knowby on their journey, in order to set things right and send the deadites back where they came from.

The two cocky but often dim-witted heroes facing off against all sorts of deadite abominations while closing various portals accidentally opened as a result of Doctor Reinheart's reckless actions, Ash and Sam would eventually find themselves accidentally sucked into the home dimension of the Deadites while closing one of the last portals on Earth, fighting their way through the remaining active deadite forces before finally facing off against Doctor Reinheart himself (the mad doctor having mutated himself as he willingly allowed the power of the deadites to go to his head).

Ultimately defeating and killing the mad doctor together for good after a tense battle while Ash was tragically forced to kill his kidnapped lawyer, Sally, in rage (after she became irreversibly possessed by the deadites in one last cruel joke at Ash's expense), Sam & Ash would find themselves sucked into a portal which had grown far too formidable in its dimensional pull to close, soon knowing no more.

And while this is usually the open-ended conclusion for Sam's story akin to franchise tradition (with the Ash he knew implied to have been sent back to the past within the middle ages era and play out the events of Army of Darkness anew), Sam would unknowingly be pulled to a vastly different and more grand universe known as Earth-7150, where superheroes and supervillains were commonplace.

Waking up and briefly admiring the stylish digs that he found himself in with distinct magical vibes, Sam would be initially overjoyed to see Ash once more among the impressive strike force, but was saddened to learn that he didn't remember him or even know what he was talking about (soon learning from resident heroes of this strange world that the Ash before him was from a divergent timeline where he never went to the asylum and engaged in vastly different adventures).

Still managing to engage in smug back and forths with this new Ash regardless before setting out on a team mission, Sam decided to take this new lease on life in his stride and prepared to do what he could in order to preserve all of existence...

DISCLAIMER: This mod uses many voice clips with uncensored swear words and references to more adult material. If you're someone who takes offense to the use of such material, than please don't download this mod.

-3 powers, 1 boost and an Xtreme
-Ability of 100% chance of resurrection & immunity to radiation damage
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Ted Raimi's voice from Evil Dead: Regeneration
-Uses assigned number #192 (will clash with Jubilee and Night Nurse in mannequin).

1. Spirit Stun: Sam fires a demonic-powered projectile, dealing energy damage to struck targets upon contact as they're stunned briefly.
2. Fiery Runt: Sam intentionally sets himself aflame, dashing forward and dealing fire damage to any threats in his way.
3. Meant to Do That: Sam says some magic words, accidentally generating a dimensional portal that pulls enemies in before spitting them back out as physical damage is dealt to surrounding enemies.
4. (Debuff) Smart Mouth: Taking cues from his time with Ash, Sam says a random taunt in the direction of enemies, enraging them as they focus their attacks on him, reducing their overall defence.
5. (Xtreme) Punt Overload: Sam charges himself with Deadite energy and explodes with the strength of a massive bomb, before spawning back through a magic portal good as new, dealing heavy special damage to surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Converted Sam Evil Dead Regeneration model, mannequin

Download link:

June 29, 2024, 03:32AM #506 Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 04:31AM by Ceamonks890

For the vast majority of Peter Parkers in the Marvel side of the multiverse, Uncle Ben consistently served as the inspirational father figure that the young man desperately needed in his life, his true parents having been killed after a failed spy mission against a Red Skull copycat.

But while Peter would naively place his uncle on a pedestal as a good man who did no wrong (having played an unknowing part in his death by allowing a common burglar to escape with stolen wrestling money as a side-effect of his newly gained spider-powers going to his head), the truth was that Ben Parker had been every bit as flawed as anyone else.

On Earth-3145, this sentiment would ring the most true as the Uncle Ben of this reality, ended up being the one to receive the fateful radioactive spider bite at the science demonstration of Midtown High, rather than his nephew as he accompanied him on the school trip.

Deciding to use his new powers to help others (ignoring Peter's suggestion to go into show business), disaster would tragically occur over the next few months as this world's version of Norman Osborn would uncover the older Spider-Man's true identity, killing Peter and his wife May Parker in revenge for constant thwarting of his plans.

Wracked with a combined sense of grief and guilt, Ben would retire from active heroics and eventually hide in a secret bunker after being contacted by his world's version of Ezekiel Sims, intended to keep him safe from the reach of Morlun and the interdimensional 'Inheritors' insatiable hunger as his world ultimately became an uninhabitable wasteland (due to a botched nuclear blackmail plot by his world's version of Doctor Octopus).

Believing himself foolish to ever think that his actions had made a meaningful difference, Ben would be pulled back from the grip of isolation-imposed despair, as he started to hear disembodied voices stating seemingly disjointed things among one another.

Thinking he had finally gone crazy from isolation, Ben was relieved to see a mysterious dimensional tear in the middle of his living area next door as the cause of the mysterious voices he was hearing.

Seeing various different costumed and extravagantly-dressed heroes state various potent quotes as images within the tear changed (ranging from individuals dressed in bat, super and red-colored attire to more out-there time-travelling 'doctors', giant 'transforming' robots and speedy 'blue-blurred' animals among others), one particular costumed hero stood out to Ben as another Spider-Man unmasked themselves and revealed to be an older version of his late nephew.

Hearing this alternate Peter state the tried and true quote that he and his late brother, Richard Parker, used to say all the time, Ben shed some tears and wondered if this mysterious tear actually led to a different world.

Dressing up in his old Spider-Man costume anew, Ben figured anywhere else was better than remaining in this global wasteland with diminishing supplies day-by-day, running towards the tear with a rebellious shout as he soon knew no more...

-4 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, healing factor and Web-Swinging
-2 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of the late Ed Asner's voice from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon
-Uses assigned number #112 (will clash with Okoye, Amadeus Cho, Supergirl and Saien in mannequin).

1. Web Bullets: Ben shoots projectiles of impact webbing from the web-shooters originally created by the late Peter Parker of his universe, dealing physical damage over time.
2. Red Room Bite: Utilizing salvaged tech from his original universe, Ben fires electrostatic blasts from hidden arm sections on his costume, dealing electric damage to struck targets.
3. Stark Assault: Utilizing salvaged tech from his original universe, Ben unleashes a radial shockwave of energy, generating energy damage across a vast radius.
4. Don't Know my Own Strength: Ben uses his impressive level of super-strength, throwing a giant rock at an unlucky target, knocking them to the ground as physical damage is dealt.
5. (Boost) Great Power: Refusing to give up, Ben's overall damage and defence is increased temporarily.
6. (Boost) Spider-Agility: Ben's overall evasion and momentum is increased temporarily.
7. (Boost) Spider-Sense: You all know what this does...
8. (Xtreme) Great Responsibility: Ben moves between enemies at impressive speeds, kicking them hard in the face with his stretched-out legs as physical damage is dealt.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Custom Ben Parker Earth-3145 skin & converted TASM2 movie game Uncle Ben model, mannequin

Download link:

June 30, 2024, 01:40AM #507 Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 01:43AM by Ceamonks890

Originally a captain of the Xandarian explorer ship known as the Way-Opener, Gabriel Lan led a galactic mission for Xandar to seek out and establish peaceful relationships with as many alien civilizations as possible (consistently filled with a joyful love and appreciation for outer space).

Soon returning from a seven-year tour across the cosmos, Gabriel was close to his home solar system before being unexpectedly whisked away by a teleportation beam before Galactus, the World-Devourer.

Desiring a new herald to replace the defective Silver Surfer and deeming Gabriel as an appropriate candidate, Gabriel readily accepted Galactus's offer of vast power and unlimited travel, transformed into the cosmic-powered being known as 'Air-Walker'.

Willingly putting his previous life behind him in its entirety, Air-Walker served Galactus faithfully for many years and came to befriend the devourer of worlds, as many long hours would pass listening to Galactus's many tales of the wonders and mysteries of the universe at large.

However, this mutual working relationship would tragically come to a premature end as Air-Walker was shot down by an alien race known as the Ovoids, a highly advanced civilization who feared Galactus and had forged weaponry designed to kill him off for good.

Too weak from hunger to retaliate and save his herald, Galactus would be forced to flee from that sector of space and left Air-Walker behind.
Badly wounded but alive, Air-Walker could only watch on helplessly as his master fled and seemingly believed him dead.

But this would not be the end for the original Air-Walker as while Galactus would later go on to construct a spot-on but less passionate robotic replica of Gabriel Lan in primary Marvel canon, this would not be the case for Earth-7150 as Air-Walker suddenly found himself falling through a sudden dimensional tear in time and space, flung several years into the future.

Finding himself having arrived in a strange but fascinating realm on Asgard called Valhalla, Air-Walker would use his reserve cosmic energies to fly safely to nearby land and passed out before the sudden surprise of many beings mostly originating from the planet known as Earth, as his wounds were quickly tended to...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might and flight
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of James Arnold Taylor's voice for Silver Surfer from Marvel Heroes
-Uses assigned number #113 (will clash with Danielle Moonstar, Agent 13, Hawkman and Shrek in mannequin).

1. Concussive Blowback: Air-Walker uses his vast cosmic power to unleash a potent blast of force, knocking struck foes to the ground as physical damage is dealt. Charge attack for max damage!
2. Magnetic Nuisance: Air-Walker uses his cosmic power to generate magnetism-styled effects, grabbing an enemy from a fair distance away and knocking them to the side, dealing physical damage.
3. Cosmic Flame: Air-Walker generates potent blue flames underneath the feet of enemies, sending them flying upward as fire damage is dealt.
4. Bow of Gabriel: Air-Walker draws out the powerful weapon given to him by Galactus, carefully positioning himself before firing a potent energy beam at a target, dealing energy damage.
5. Aerokinetic Travel: Air-Walker flies from enemy to enemy at incredible speeds, dealing physical damage to struck threats.
6. (Boost) Cosmic Enlightenment: Thanks to his time under Galactus as a herald, Air-Walker's overall evasion and critical hit chances are increased temporarily.
7. (Boost) Loyal Herald: Air-Walker pushes himself further, using his inherent cosmic energy to augment his overall strength and durability while reducing overall energy cost.
8. (Xtreme) Galactic Overload: Air-Walker unleashes his full cosmic might, flying upward while generating a blast of purple cosmic energy which rains back down and hits all on-screen targets, dealing heavy damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Converted Air-Walker Contest of Champions model, bow bolton, mannequin
nickjustint- Repurposed Silver Surfer Marvel Heroes voice files

Download link:

June 30, 2024, 09:59PM #508 Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 12:29AM by Ceamonks890

Being the most prolific person to assume the Prowler identity in modern day Marvel, Aaron Davis started his younger years as an expert burglar and career criminal (often proving difficult for the police to catch, as he got away with hundreds of dollars a heist).

His brother Jefferson on the other hand, greatly despised the line of work he found himself forced into and would soon cut ties with Aaron, eventually falling in love and settling down to have a family with a nurse named Rio Morales, after having his legal surname changed accordingly.

Many years would pass before Jefferson's son, Miles, at 15 years of age, would get bitten by a genetically altered spider and gain powers similar to the prolific superhero known as Spider-Man, who would soon learn of his existence and properly trained Miles in the role of a crimefighter.

Watching from afar and soon learning Miles' secret identity himself as the younger Spider-Man, Aaron Davis used his criminal connections to track down one of the old bases for the vigilante known as the Prowler and stole one of Hobie Brown's old suits, determined to manipulate Miles for his own ends.

But Miles was no fool and slowly learned of his uncle's true motivations over the course of several weeks out on patrol with Aaron, as the two's strained relationship ultimately came to a head as they were forced into conflict.

Defeated and humiliated by both Miles and Peter Parker (who had been kept in the loop the entire time and arrived to assist Miles in the nick of time), Aaron would be left for the police to pick up as the two webslingers departed from the scene.

However, Aaron soon realized during his time in prison that he had been given an opportunity to start over with his family and instead of acting upon it, squandered everything for another big financial score that blew up in his face.

Now expressing great regret for his prior actions towards Miles and Jefferson, Aaron hoped that he could one day set things right.

Several months later, Aaron would be granted such an opportunity and was given an ultimatum from a mysterious woman known as Maria Hill, choosing to either assist SHIELD in a matter of global security and get his bail and sentence cleared or continue to remain in prison to live out the rest of his sentence.

Choosing to go with the first option, Aaron would be freed from Ryker's Island by SHIELD and was brought onto the vast omniversal strike force at Stark Tower, his Prowler suit provided to him once more while the other Prowler, Hobie Brown, looked on at him in knowing judgement, unsure of what to make from this newcomer who had originally stolen his old gear and codename for himself.

Acknowledging Hobie Brown's glare but saying nothing in return, Aaron prepared to make amends no matter what it took as he headed in the direction of a familiar face...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-2 hex-edited skin, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of William-Christopher Stephens' voice for Jax from Mortal Kombat 11
-Uses assigned number #115 (will clash with Gamora, Frank Drake, Lord Drakkon and Firestorm in mannequin).

1. Energy Strike: Aaron generates an energy charge on one of his suit's gauntlets, punching an enemy hard as physical damage is dealt.
2. Disruptive Blasts: Aaron fires green energy blasts from hidden blasters on his gauntlets, dealing energy damage to struck targets.
3. Davis Beatdown: Aaron uses his expertise in martial arts to perform a strong three hit kick combo on enemies, dealing physical damage.
4. Remote Mines: Aaron throws four EMP mines at enemies which violently explode in seconds, dealing electric damage as struck foes are left stunned.
5. Reflexive Lunge: Aaron leaps to a nearby enemy, tackling them to the ground before stabbing them multiple times with his gauntlet's claws, dealing physical damage.
6. (Boost) Plan of Attack: Aaron activates a hidden button on his suit, generating a convincing hologram that is able to hit enemies surprisingly hard for a time.
7. (Boost) Cloaking Stealth: Aaron activates a hidden feature on his suit, becoming completely invisible for a time as critical hit damage chances are increased.
8. (Xtreme) Second Chance: Aaron activates the claws within his gauntlets and slashes multiple targets at once with great determination, dealing heavy radial damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Waggens7uP- Aaron Davis Prowler Insomniac Games & Fortnite skins, HUDs, mannequins

Download link:

July 11, 2024, 03:28AM #509 Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 04:37PM by Ceamonks890

Throughout the Evil Dead franchise, there has usually been a variant of Ash Williams who develops into a reluctant hero destined to save humanity and send the Deadites packing back to their original hellish dimension time and time again.

But with every encounter against humanity's chosen one, the Deadites have found themselves forced to adapt to Ash's tactics in a number of small but subtle ways, the most infamous of which being the creation of a psychopathic doppelganger creatively named Evil Ash during a misadventure of Ash's as a result of being accidentally sent back in time to the era of the middle ages.

The newly armored Evil Ash chosen to lead the army of Deadites and take the Necronomicon back from the humans to unleash vast anarchy across the world as an extension of the Kandarian Demon's will (which would have vast repercussions if he succeeded), the Deadite leader would traditionally be defeated and slaughtered by the real Ash Williams inadvertently after a great battle between knights and Deadites for the future of all life on the planet.

However in this divergent timeline, the events of Army of Darkness wouldn't play out entirely as expected (Ash's bad luck coming back to bite him at a really undesired time as his evil clone narrowly escaped before he could be jettisoned off from a catapult with exploding gunpowder), Ash fighting the Deadite leader off for a time before he found himself fatally stabbed, dooming all of humanity with the unexpected death of its destined hero.

As the brave knights and wizards gradually perished before the overwhelming might of Evil Ash and the deadites, the humanity of this Earth's reality would perish and constantly expand the unstoppable forces of the deadites over the course of several years, to the point the timestream became irreversibly altered and the timeline the true Ash Williams had originally come from, entirely wiped as a byproduct of temporal paradoxes.

This world now nothing more than a wasteland entirely ruled by Deadite-infected corpses of man and beast alike, Evil Ash would sit upon his makeshift throne in smug satisfaction (savoring the time he had with the ladies before sadistically desiring more conquest anew).

Alerted by his loyal soldiers to a mysterious dimensional tear which seemingly led to a different world where humanity still prospered, Evil Ash ordered his loyal minions to follow him through to this strange new world and conquer yet another universe for the glory of the deadites.

Arriving on the other side in a fantastical land which looked fit for the gods, Evil Ash and his travelling deadite forces could only remain gleefully excited for so long before they were interrupted by a timely throat clear and turned to see a ton of heroes, villains, animals and humanoid creatures standing right behind them (not exactly pleased to see them).

Spying his 'goody two-shoes' counterpart somehow alive once more among the new enemy ranks alongside a traitorous Deadite hybrid and three young unfamiliar humans who claimed to be on Ash's side as the 'Ghost Beaters', Evil Ash became initially fearful before remembering that he could just corrupt anybody at will now with the vast power of the Necronomicon at his command.

Unexpectedly however, Evil Ash's efforts wouldn't work on these beings no matter how many times he tried, eventually leading him to lash out in frustration.

'Aghhh! Why can't I convert you to the Deadite hordes?!' Evil Ash shouted. 'No one can resist the will of the Kandarian Demon!'

'Well, here's the explanation dumbass,' the real Ash said confidently. 'Me and my many new friends...frenemies... well, so many of us from across the vast eh... 'multiverse', have arrived here for one reason or another including yours truly and with that, vast amounts of knowledge on limitless power and enchantments at our collective fingertips, which protect all of us from you and the Deadites' influence among other things.'

Evil Ash visibly not amused by this unexpected development, the true Ash would continue, 'So listen here Skelly. Whether you like it or not, we've all been brought to this timeline in order to preserve existence as a concept which unfortunately includes whatever cesspit of a world you crawled in from. So if you want to return home and maintain whatever control you have there, I'm afraid you've got no choice but to help us stop Doctor... what's his name again American Flag?'

'Doom.' Captain America whispered.

'Doom. Right, him and his vast group calling themselves the 'Masters of Evil', otherwise you'll eventually cease to exist forever like the rest of us if that compensating dictator isn't stopped sooner rather than later.' Ash concluded.

'That so?' Evil Ash retorted. 'And what's stopping me and my army from hightailing it back.... Oh dammit...'

'Yeah, you really didn't think that far ahead did ya?' the short Deadite hybrid said. 'Those portals and tears are one way only bucko, fading in and out as quickly as they appear.'

'Ughh... fine,' Evil Ash stated in open frustration. 'But do not think this little detour makes us even Ash or changes anything, least of all when I killed you in my original timeline. If I did it once, I can do it again.'

'Keep telling yourself that poser,' Ash stated dismissively. 'Where I come from, I did the exact same thing to you and this time, I've got plenty of extra help on hand to bring you and your little friends down nice and quick. Remember that before you think you can just casually walk onto my turf and scare me with such piss-weak threats. Capeesh?'

Too irritated to engage in further back and forths, Evil Ash merely ordered his forces to follow them as they set off to free certain 'Asgardians' from their imprisonment...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might and leadership
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Bruce Campbell's voice from the always online Evil Dead game
-Uses assigned number #100 (will clash with Deathlok, Stan Lee and Naruto in mannequin).

Special Move (Infernal Invigoration): Whenever Evil Ash grabs and holds an enemy with his free hand, he will drain their vitality to restore his own health.

1. Mortal Slayer: Evil Ash performs a forward slash at enemies with his sword, dealing physical damage.
2. Cycle of Reincarnation: Evil Ash performs a spin attack with his sword, causing physical damage to all enemies across a specific distance.
3. Crude but Effective: Evil Ash pulls out a crossbow and fires several darts at once, dealing physical damage to struck targets.
4. Schlocky Cliche: As a nod to the lesser known Army of Darkness comics, Evil Ash generates fireballs from his hand, dealing fire damage constantly while launching enemies into the air, so long as button continues to be held down.
5. Burning Insides: As a nod to Army of Darkness, Evil Ash breathes fire upon surrounding enemies, setting them alight as fire damage is dealt.
6. (Boost) Unseen Threat: As a nod to the lesser known Army of Darkness comics, Evil Ash shapeshifts into a seemingly common enemy, blending in among the ranks temporarily.
7. (Debuff) Mind Games: Evil Ash terrifies enemies in a darkly comedic fashion, causing surrounding enemies to flee in fear of being turned into a Deadite.
8. (Xtreme) Bad Ash: Using his control over his universe's copy of the Necronomicon, Evil Ash forcibly turns all nearby enemies into Deadites permanently (so long as you remain on the current map).

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Converted Evil Ash Army of Darkness skin, HUD, mannequin

Download link: