
Expanded Game (EXG) v1.3

Started by Outsider, December 31, 2022, 09:58PM

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February 03, 2023, 11:11AM #15 Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 12:26PM by Outsider
First of all, huge compliments and thanks for everything you accomplished for this game. I' have experienced a problem in the first act, precisely during "The Barracks", the mission is corrupted because I can't access to the shield point and when I arrive at the boss fight against winter soldier and radioactive man they are invincible. When they die they do the animations with the orbs and I can collect the items but they never really die and I can't progress.

Quote from: Jury on February 03, 2023, 11:11AM
First of all, huge compliments and thanks for everything you accomplished for this game. I' have experienced a problem in the first act, precisely during "The Barracks", the mission is corrupted because I can't access to the shield point and when I arrive at the boss fight against winter soldier and radioactive man they are invincible. When they die they do the animations with the orbs and I can collect the items but they never really die and I can't progress.

They are invincible? I haven't witnessed that personally, nor has that ever been reported. When did this happen -- the first time you meet them where Radioactive Man says "Now you are trapped?" Or at the actual boss fight later? And, are you using any other game-changing mods that could be conflicting with the EXG? (Such as anything that adds more villains or alters the gameplay)

I have noticed the SHIELD access point not working at the Barracks too, but that was before the EXG was added. I may have an idea on how to fix that.
(NOTE: Your post will say it was edited by me, but I accidently hit the wrong button is all.)*

It's the first encounter with them...I kill them and the animation start, I get orbs and ring but they will stil fight and never die. More probably I have some mods that conflict as you said but I can't really remember since I didn't play for a long time. Is there a way to install on a fresh iso without losing all my characters and skins I installed? Thx for the help

Quote from: Jury on February 06, 2023, 02:18PM
It's the first encounter with them...I kill them and the animation start, I get orbs and ring but they will stil fight and never die. More probably I have some mods that conflict as you said but I can't really remember since I didn't play for a long time. Is there a way to install on a fresh iso without losing all my characters and skins I installed? Thx for the help

Reinstall the game, save it somewhere as a back-up to avoid cases like this in the future, or you can use Mod Organizer 2 which some consider a safer route, install the latest OCP, then a Roster Hack (optional), then the EXG. The best way to do this is to follow the Mod Installation Guide, located here:,10809.0.html

You may have to reinstall the characters, but your actors folder are where your skins are, so you don't need to reinstall them -- just move them over to the new actors folder. Avoid other game-changing mods unless they say that it's EXG-Compatible. For example, I believe the "more enemies" mod is not compatible.

Everyone, the EXG has been updated to 1.2!!! Here are the changes:

- Updated version to 1.2
- Fixed Lizard's entry in the "npcstatrealism" engb file.
- AI teammates now battle Dark Iron Man in Doomstark Lab.
- Added a new boss fight in Castle Doom!
- Fixed the selling price of items dropped from new bosses.
- Fixed sounds in the Murder Midway section of Murderworld.
- Aligned objectives and conversations with those of OCP 2.4.
- Improved quality of objective icons.
- Changed a couple of EXG scripts in the hopes of eliminating the Hulk door glitch that some suffer from when rushing through conversations.
- Redone the fencing and invisible barriers around the Manhattan Skyline stage of New York City to prevent enemies from falling off the rooftops and somehow not dying.

I haven't heard any issues related to the EXG in a couple of weeks now, so this may be the last update for the foreseeable future. Though I don't want to jinx myself. :laugh:

Everyone, the EXG has been updated. No, thankfully no real errors on my part -- just improvements. The stages that had blacked-out details have been fixed up. From the Latverian Warship and the X-Men HQ, to Asteroid M. Trust me, you'll notice the improvements right away. Also fixed a conversation and a spelling error in a mission objective.

Hi Outsider im not sure if im doing something wrong but when i fight the hulk after i beat him he disappears, nothing happens and im stuck in the room so i skip the fight with him. In murder world when i go to the tent to fight jean she never appears and i cant progress through the game. Just wondering if you might have an idea of what might be going on. Thank you and I appreciate everything you do for MUA.

Quote from: Marco123Gutierrez on June 08, 2023, 08:26PM
Hi Outsider im not sure if im doing something wrong but when i fight the hulk after i beat him he disappears, nothing happens and im stuck in the room so i skip the fight with him. In murder world when i go to the tent to fight jean she never appears and i cant progress through the game. Just wondering if you might have an idea of what might be going on. Thank you and I appreciate everything you do for MUA.

First, thank you for the kind words. As for your situation, I'm not certain what's going on in your game as I haven't heard of nothing happening after Hulk is defeated -- perhaps a game limit has been reached with the characters you chose. I would say check to make sure you have the latest EXG (if you don't, please install again, as it has been updated a few times), then start a new game but use the extraction point to go to Hulk's area to test again. (Same thing for Murderworld. Don't use any saved games.) If you still have these issues, you can join our Discord and tell us this problem in our "Help!" section, as there are many people there who can troubleshoot the problem and provide solutions a lot quicker than here.

July 06, 2023, 05:07PM #23 Last Edit: July 06, 2023, 05:25PM by trimega
I want to thank you very much for EXG.

There are big questions in life; things i never expected to be answered:

Why is there something rather than nothing?
Am I truly sentient?
Do I prefer XML2 or MUA1?

the EXG (in conjunction with the 50 char roster) has provided me at least 1 answer.

I'm kidding, but I'm also entirely serious.
this is more important to me than is healthy or reasonable.


by the way (if anyone reads this and can shed light):

I read everything posted about EXG and used the info to make sure I went through all of its content. Everything worked for me. All areas and convos, the Magneto fight was great, everything I can't remeber at the moment except 1 thing (not sure if it's not working for me or I just can't see what to do).

When I get to "Latveria' I clear the ship, move on to the base, clear eveything, collect the card from one enemy (what happened on 3 attempts) and then nothing. I can't seem to use the card for anything or leave the base area. no big deal to use the Extract point to move onto to castle doom, but I am sure you included a 'natural' connection from one to the other. am I doing something wrong? did I overlook something?

In any case, I love what EXG does and offers and won't ever be able to give you proper thanks.

Quote from: trimega on July 06, 2023, 05:07PM
When I get to "Latveria' I clear the ship, move on to the base, clear eveything, collect the card from one enemy (what happened on 3 attempts) and then nothing. I can't seem to use the card for anything or leave the base area. no big deal to use the Extract point to move onto to castle doom, but I am sure you included a 'natural' connection from one to the other. am I doing something wrong? did I overlook something?

Thank you for the kind words about the EXG. I truly appreciate that. It was very hard work to create, but totally worth it.

As for your issue, once you've acquired the access card, you go to this door...

That's the secret door. Once you have the card, it should say to open it when you get close enough to it. From there, continue on.

If that doesn't work for you, let me know, but it should work as it's been tested many times by trusted members here.

July 10, 2023, 12:14PM #25 Last Edit: July 10, 2023, 12:19PM by trimega
thank you for responding.

door totally works; I assume I just didn't get close enough on my initial try (did a perimeter search but got convinced it was another spot and wasn't working). I think I had frustration-induced blindness.

I recently occured to me that "Outsider" is credited with EXG, the 50+ roster, and most of the char mods I use...In the realm of things that truly don't matter,* I owe you a great deal.

*All video-games and video-game-related efforts exist in said realm.

I don't know why I play MUA once every couple years (or why it is comforting to contemplate), but you have deeply enhanced the experience...maybe I play for the same reason somebody like you chooses to put extensive time and effort into improving it...

Maybe you made the content and I appreciated it for the same reason the Cat tells Alice,

"Oh, you can't help that; we're all mad here" said the Cat.
"I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat,
"or you wouldn't have come here."

...I'm gonna get an oversized tattoo across my lower abdomen that reads "MUA Life"

July 22, 2023, 09:44AM #26 Last Edit: July 22, 2023, 11:50AM by spidermatt
If  :electro: Electro was a boss character in your EXG Mod, what level would he be in?

And for  :wolverine: Wolverine in Iron Man Lab and Warriors' Hall, can you replace 0301 with 0305 in the npcstat, just like you replaced  :iceman: Iceman's 0801 with 0810. And can you replace the Doombots (13501) in Murderworld with the actual Doom Sentries (7001, 7002, 7003, 7004)?

And for music, can you change these for me please?:

New York levels (ambience and action) -
Astral Plane levels (combat) -
Latveria level 2 (combat) -

Also for Loading Screens:
Stark Tower - Unused Stark Tower Artwork from Enigma's MUA1 Bonus Official Loading Screens
Level 3 (Omega Base) -  :hulk_icon: MUA Hulk Loading Screen
SHIELD Outpost - Atlantis art from Blizz's  :namor: Namor Mod (found in textures and loading)
Castle Doom or Big Top (Murderworld) -  :phoenix: XML2 Dark Phoenix Loading Screen
Egypt (Time Warp) -  :apocalypse: XML2 Apocalypse Loading Screen from Emigma's Bonus Official Loading Screens
Asteroid M (Time Warp) -  :magneto: XML2 Magneto Loading Screen from Enigma's Bonus Official Loading Screens

Welcome to the forum, spidermatt.

You're asking for quite a lot there, aren't you? Judging by what you've asked for, I have to assume that you're the same person as "MarvelousMatt" over at YouTube who has made videos asking for the exact same things. I'll address each of them.

Quote from: spidermatt on July 22, 2023, 09:44AM
If  :electro: Electro was a boss character in your EXG Mod, what level would he be in?

This being a hypothetical question, I would place :electro: Electro somewhere in the New York City mission, because he's a Spider-Man villain. However, there's already two bosses there who's connected to the story.

Quote from: spidermatt on July 22, 2023, 09:44AM
And for  :wolverine: Wolverine in Iron Man Lab and Warriors' Hall, can you replace 0301 with 0305 in the npcstat, just like you replaced  :iceman: Iceman's 0801 with 0810. And can you replace the Doombots (13501) in Murderworld with the actual Doom Sentries (7001, 7002, 7003, 7004)?

Changing Iceman's skin made sense because he's laying on a couch at the Sanctum Santorum, so he wouldn't be in ice form there. Changing Wolverine's skin, however, wouldn't make sense because his T-shirt & jeans is what he wears in every cutscene and every briefing of the game. As for the Doombots into Doom Sentries, I'm afraid I cannot because Murderworld is VERY sensitive. Adding or changing things in that mission can break the game. It was very difficult for me just to add that extra stage to it, which is why I added nothing else to that mission.

Quote from: spidermatt on July 22, 2023, 09:44AM
And for music, can you change these for me please?:

New York levels (ambience and action) -
Astral Plane levels (combat) -
Latveria level 2 (combat) -

OK, with those requests, you're likely wondering why I didn't pick each and every music track from X-Men Legends 1 and 2 to match those stages when I created the EXG. The reason is because... This isn't X-Men Legends. This is Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I didn't want to add ALL of the XML1 tracks because then it would feel like you're playing XML1 and not MUA. That wasn't the goal. The music of the stage changes the feel of the stage, so while I did choose some XML tracks for nostalgia, I didn't want to choose all of them. Plus, some music I chose such as the combat stage for the Astral Plane better matched the darker, horrific environment. Latveria? Keep in mind that you're in Latveria, not the Sentinel Factory, so different music, different feel. You see what I'm saying? In short, it was an artistic choice.

Quote from: spidermatt on July 22, 2023, 09:44AM

Also for Loading Screens:
Stark Tower - Unused Stark Tower Artwork from Enigma's MUA1 Bonus Official Loading Screens
Level 3 (Omega Base) -  :hulk_icon: MUA Hulk Loading Screen
SHIELD Outpost - Atlantis art from Blizz's  :namor: Namor Mod (found in textures and loading)
Castle Doom or Big Top (Murderworld) -  :phoenix: XML2 Dark Phoenix Loading Screen
Egypt (Time Warp) -  :apocalypse: XML2 Apocalypse Loading Screen from Emigma's Bonus Official Loading Screens
Asteroid M (Time Warp) -  :magneto: XML2 Magneto Loading Screen from Enigma's Bonus Official Loading Screens

OK, my reason for loading screens is also an artistic choice. In the Omega Base, you're fighting Hulk, but he's not really an enemy, you know? (Plus, they don't know that Banner's turned into the Hulk yet, so adding that loading screen ruins the need to talk to Reed Richards.
I'm not going to add that Dark Phoenix loading screen because you're not fighting the Dark Phoenix, you're fighting a mind-controlled Jean Grey -- big difference. Arcade wouldn't be able to control the Dark Phoenix... no one can. Dark Phoenix is powerful enough to be the final boss! Thankfully, that's not who you're facing in Murderworld.
And just so you're aware, if you add too many loading screens for bosses, you know what happens? You won't see the loading screens for your playable roster because they're being blocked.
As for not adding Apocalypse and Magneto loading screens, again, this is not XML1 or XML2. I chose that portal loading screen I made because I'm telling a story that you're trapped in a time warp. Have you noticed that the portal loading screen are the exact same colors as the portal found in Doomstark Tower? It's the same portal. That loading screen shows the player going inside and traveling through that portal back in time. So, to change that to Apocalypse & Magneto loading screens takes away from the story I'm telling.

Whew! Alright, I think I covered everything. The Expanded Game (EXG) mod I made is further telling and expanding the story for Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and not just adding stuff for gameplay. I wanted to expand MUA, not merge it with XML1 or XML2. I hope you understand the artistic expression I created with this EXG, are enjoying it, and are not too disappointed that I can't fulfill your many requests. Storytelling is very important to me, and I can't sacrifice my vision.

July 23, 2023, 05:52AM #28 Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 08:04AM by spidermatt
I understand. And you're doing a really good job at modding. If you want to do a Negative Zone mission and/or any other mission from my video to expand your storytelling and add the Doom Bots (7001, 7002, 7003, 7004) in the Latveria mission instead, I'd enjoy that. If not, it's okay. Just keep doing you. And I did edit  :wolverine: NPC Wolverine where he's wearing a jacket like in the briefings. But can I ask a big favor of you?

Can you fix the  :blackwidow: Naught Widow objective from the Vahalla hub for me? I already completed it, but it says it's incompleted and it doesn't make any sense.

Also for boosters:

Can you make a  :capbrit: Captain Britain Booster (he needs a voice and should have skins related to ones made by SpaceJase), a  :cball: Cannonball booster (he should have his XML2 voice), a  :longshot: Longshot booster (he should have his own voice and not Captain America's), and a  :xman: X-Man Booster (he should be in fighting position and not standing still all the time like how you fixed  :punisher_logo: the Punisher). I'd appreciate that. Thank you.

July 23, 2023, 07:51AM #29 Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 08:47AM by Outsider
Quote from: spidermatt on July 23, 2023, 05:52AM
I understand. And you're doing a really good job at modding. If you want to do a Negative Zone mission to expand your storytelling and/or add the Doom Bots (7001, 7002, 7003, 7004) in the Latveria mission instead, I'd enjoy that. If not, it's okay. Just keep doing you. And I did edit  :wolverine: NPC Wolverine where he's wearing a jacket like in the briefings. But can I ask a big favor of you?

Can you fix the  :blackwidow: Naught Widow objective for me? I already completed it, but it says it's incompleted and it doesn't make any sense.

Also for boosters:

Can you make a  :capbrit: Captain Britain Booster (he needs a voice and should have skins related to ones made by SpaceJase), a  :cball: Cannonball booster (he should have his XML2 voice), a  :longshot: Longshot booster (he should have his own voice and not Captain America's), and a  :xman: X-Man Booster (he should be in fighting position and not standing still all the time like how you fixed  :punisher_logo: the Punisher). I'd appreciate that. Thank you.

I thank you for the compliment. As for your booster requests, unfortunately I'm far too busy with a project I'm working on, as well as real life stuff. You're in luck as far as Captain Britain and Longshot goes, though. There is a modder that is working on a booster for those two. I won't mention who it is, but just know that those two requests are in the process of getting fulfilled, last I heard.

So since you're new here, you may not be aware of this, but all requests are posted in the Big Mod Request Thread, which you can go to here:,4082.0.html
There, you can request mods, boosters, skins -- whatever you wish. You can post pictures or links to any references you'd like as well. (For example, people won't know who this "SpaceJase" is, so you can post a link to his/her work.)
However, please keep in mind that there's no guarantee that a modder or skinner will accept the request. And be warned that you can only request them ONCE. Posting requests multiple times in other threads, such as this one, is considered spam, which is against the rules and if continued, will result in a penalty. You don't want that, so be careful.

Finally, what is this Black Widow objective you speak of? If the EXG added this objective, then respond here in regards to ONLY that, and I'll look into it. If this is an Official Characters Pack (OCP) issue, then I'll mention it to the necessary people.

EDIT: OK, so you're referring to the "Naughty Widow" objective at Valhalla, as I saw you edited your post. So, that objective is Weasel-related and will only be completed if you've given Weasel the correct password, which is "Ivan Petrovitch." If it's incomplete, then it's likely you gave him "Dr. Ines," which is wrong. If you gave him the right password and it still says incomplete, let me know.