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The eldest son of Odin and known as the God of War on Asgard, Tyr was renowned for his indomitable sense of courage in the face of many a battle.

But when the original Fenris Wolf began to pose a threat so great towards the gods of Asgard with its inability to remain bound in chains for long, dwarves from the realm of Nidavellir were hired and paid to build a magical ribbon named Gleipnir constructed from unexpected substances, which would reliably keep the foul beast trapped forever.

Attempting to trick the original Fenris Wolf into being tied up (under the guise of an innocent game), the wolf would immediately see through the ruse and decided to play one last cruel joke on the gods, only willingly accepting to be bound if one of the gods put a hand in its mouth, just to be sure Gleipnir lived up to the high expectations of dwarf craftsmanship.

Tyr recklessly taking on this task, his overconfidence would ultimately be his undoing as the Fenris Wolf would bite down and eat Tyr's left hand once it knew for sure it was trapped.

Becoming increasingly resentful as a myth revolving around his incident with the original Fenris Wolf known as 'Leavings of the Wolf' began to spread itself across the realms of Asgard, the birth of then newcomer Thor as Asgard's God of Thunder and eventual new main defender of Asgard, proved to be the last straw for Tyr.

Distancing himself from his home realm, Tyr often found himself an aimless drifter without a purpose across the Nine Realms (sometimes even attempting to rebel against the All-Father Odin himself out of jealousy towards Thor), Tyr's presence from then on began to be seen as a sign that conflict wasn't far behind.

Deciding to try and selfishly engage in another attack against Thor one day, Tyr would quickly learn that his younger brother was currently on Midgard and aiding the mortals against all sorts of beings with hearts and desires as cold as ice.

His attention was soon drawn to commotion nearby just outside the city gates (as hulkish brutes with strange devices on their heads rampaged through the city... with his foster brother, Loki, being the one behind this attack).

Joining Balder and Heimdall in the coming battle (willing to put personal family matters aside for the sake of Asgard), the formidable Asgardian warriors soon found themselves as outmatched against these creatures as the loyal guards formally posted at the gates had been, quickly captured and imprisoned by Loki, Enchantress, Executioner and their various other morally bankrupt allies from Midgard.

Much time would pass by as Tyr found himself suspended from a chain across boiling lava, constantly ridiculed and taunted by a 'Lizard' and a 'Scorpion', beginning to lose hope that he ever would be freed.

However, fate offered Tyr a second chance as he saw Thor and three costumed mortals forcing themselves into the room he was imprisoned in and facing off against the twisted villains, defeating them expertly before soon deactivating the trap and freeing him from his bounds.

Appreciative for the rescue and apologising to both Thor and the mortals who had saved him (having previously expressed open disdain for mortal beings who seemed weak and fearful before a god such as himself alongside holding an unhealthy grudge towards Thor for so long), Tyr commented that it was now mortals and his younger brother who were the ones rescuing Asgard from enslavement by the hands of the Masters of Evil.

Considering them courageous and worthy of his respect, Thor approached Tyr and reached out a hand to Tyr's right (shaking hands honorably with one another for the first time, definitively putting an end to their past grudges).

Planning to venture off and see what can be done to save Asgard, Tyr stated to the heroes before his magically-generated departure, to let him know when his help is required from them (willing to fight in battle and stop the plans this 'Masters of Evil' group were concocting), prepared to repay a great debt for what was done on this day...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, healing factor, immunity to radiation damage
-3 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Brian Sommer's voice for Tryndamere from League of Legends
-Uses assigned number #99 (will clash with Dark Phoenix, Carol Danvers' Captain Marvel & Mega Man X in mannequin).

-A mannequin

1. Formidable Slices: Tyr briefly pulls out an Asgardian sword and performs several strikes with it, dealing physical damage.
2. Rumbling Slam: Tyr briefly pulls out an Asgardian mace and slams it hard into the ground, knocking struck foes to the ground as physical damage is dealt.
3. Pierced Gut: Tyr throws an Asgardian spear at a nearby target, dealing physical damage as they're knocked to the ground from the blow.
4. Bashing Projectile: Tyr pulls out an Asgardian shield and rushes forward, damaging any enemies in his way as physical damage is dealt.
5. Asgardian Will: Tyr performs a spinning attack with his soul blade, dealing special damage to struck targets.
6. (Boost) Thrill for Battle: Tyr increases his overall attack speed temporarily, in accordance with his excitement for the coming battle.
7. (Boost) God of War: Tyr's overall damage output is increased further while his general energy cost is reduced temporarily.
8. (Xtreme) Soul of a Warrior: Tyr uses his unique ability to manifest his soul where his left hand used to be, generating a potent blast of energy as he stabs the ground via his generated soul blade that deals heavy special damage to surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD for Statue skin, loading screen, icons etc
Enchlore- Marvel Duel skin, HUD
Enigma- Custom MUA1-styled Tyr statue skin
Markloto- Reverse-engineered Psylocke Psi-Blade bolton for Tyr Soul Blade
Raven Software- MUA1 Tyr skin, HUD

Download link:
Let's Fah-king go

The Deadpool and Wolverine Pack is finally here!
Fight through Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil with these two buddies.

I would like to thank ak2yny for the help in porting the Wolverine Model.
My friends, Spider-Rap and Ronin for help in texturing these


I forgot my old account's password so I'm starting anew in this forum.

Anyway here's where you can enjoy my modded stuff in this game!

Enjoy  :spiderman:
Mod Releases and Conversions / Re: Hannah's Mod Thread
Last post by Hannah - July 26, 2024, 01:01AM

Ruby Rose

The youngest member of Team RWBY. Ruby hails from an alternate world called Remnant where humanity relies on a mineral called "dust" to power their machines and are unable to advance past the atmosphere. On this world, a ruthless witch named Salem plots to take over the world with her army of demonic "Grimm". Ruby is one of many students from the Huntsmen Academy known as Beacon. A school dedicated to training people to combat the Grimm and keep humanity safe.

Ruby would become the youngest student to attend Beacon where she would be chosen to lead her own team of 4 Huntresses just like her mother, Summer Rose did before her. Ruby's team would consist of the heiress Weiss Schnee, a faunus trying to forge a new life called Blake Belladonna and finally Ruby's own half sister Yang Xiao Long, a fiery diva who would do anything to keep Ruby safe.

Ruby and her team would face many trials, from the Fall of Beacon costing them their friends and school, to discovering of the existence of Salem and 4 magical relics, to finally meeting the Justice League in a battle against a universe hopping Kilg%re. So naturally when the big blue boy scout opened a portal to yet another new universe, Ruby and her team would jump in without hesitation. Her body and weapons shifting to accommodate the rules that this new universe holds, allowing her to use her silver eyes on non grimm enemies and making it so her dust projectiles would work outside her own world.

Ruby herself felt like an all new woman following her time in the Ever After. For the first time in her life, she feels like she's in charge of her fate. That she's guiding her own way, inspiring her own fairy tales just as her mother had done prior. Plus she's not doing it alone, with Weiss, Blake and Yang by her side, she knows that no evil can stand in their way. Plus being best pals with Superman certainly doesn't hurt her odds.

NOTE: This is version 1.0 of the mod. I intend to update this in the near future with more accurate animations and more costumes once all members of team RWBY are done.

4 Hex-Edited Skins
1 Mannequins
Voice Files using Lindsey Jones' audio from both "RWBY Grimm Eclipse" and "Blazblue: Cross-tag battle"
2 Load Screens

Uses number 143 meaning that she will clash with Lex Luthor, Primal (Marvel) and Nico Minoru in the mannequin.


It's also a gun! (Power)-Transform Crescent Rose into a sniper to shoot enemies from range.

Crescent Carve (Power)- Slash enemies in front of you with Crescent Rose's oversized Scythe blade.

Speed (Power)- Dash between different enemies at mach speed.

Yang's Favorite (Power)- Jump up into the air and shoot down fire dust at those who dare stand in your way.

Slash n' Dash (Power)- Spin in a circle swinging Crescent Rose  at anyone who gets in your way.

Red Like Roses (Boost)-Increase your speed and attack speed for a limited time.

Indomitable Spirit (Debuff)- Activate Ruby's silver eyes to stun enemies in place for a limited time.

Crescendo Forte (Xtreme)- Spin Crescent Rose around to cleave enemies right off their feet.

Tunes (Boost) By pressing guard + block play one of 5 iconic songs from the RWBY franchise, all themed around Ruby herself.

Petal Burst (Passive)- Due to her semblance, Ruby is naturally way faster than most other characters.

This mod uses 5 minutes of audio from the RWBY soundtrack made by Jeff and Casey Lee Williams. Additionally uses the track "Capabilities Unseen" by Void_Chords and L for the Ice Queendom Anime.

Total list of songs are : "This Will Be the Day" "Guide My Way", "Red Like Roses Part II" (Blazblue remix), "Capabilities Unseen", and "Checkmate"

Mod Link Download:

ProfEscanor: Mod creation, Voice Files, Skins, Coding, Effects, HUDs,Boltons
SuperMaster10: Guidance and Coding Advice,
Ceamonks890: Help with Voice File fixes and Coding Advice.
The Outsider: Music Script
Updated version of my Recently released fixed & updated Mannequins for MUA1 OCP is up. Now includes Storm, & both Ultimate Sabretooth & Classic Captain Marvel.
Misc. Modifications / Atlantis Swimming Removed
Last post by Rampage - July 24, 2024, 09:18PM
The vast majority of players in MUA1 seem to agree that Atlantis is the worst level in the game for various reasons, mainly because of the slow and sluggish swimming animations that play whenever the player moves around. This mod removes those animations from the player, AI players, and Attuma/Tiger Shark boss fight.

Download/Latest Files -

This character is for mature audiences ONLY and features gore, violence, blood and swearing. Now that's the usual warning for mature-rated characters like this but this one is a little different:
This mod, by default, comes with a NSFW (Not Safe for Work) skin and a mannequin featuring NUDITY on top of the already existing BLOOD and GORE on the skin. His third loadscreen also features said NUDITY.
And the xtra skin "Dead Starkweather" and its following HUD features some extra GORE.
So, as a result, if you're not in the age range for this mod, playing with your family or simply don't want to see it, then don't download and play it, you have been warned.
HOWEVER, if you want to play it without seeing Piggy's business: a version of both the skin and mannequin without the nudity have been included as an xtra, in this case you can also simply delete his third Loadscreen (textures > loading > 21203), be careful with loadscreen clashes so you don't accidentally leave it behind or delete someone else's!
Obviously the squeaky clean version is used the screenshot. As for Dead Starkweather...simply not install him if you don't want him. Did I make myself clear? Good. Let's get into the mod

It was a dark cold night, just like any other...up in the attic of a certain director's mansion...
There he was once again, grotesque naked insane homicidal former star, Piggsy...all chained up to the wall and on his knees... waiting here, in his least, as far as he's concerned...

Suddenly, came in two men, covered in black suits and masks head to toe, to bring Piggsy his food which has been wonderfully "prepared" from the remains of the "actors" that he once shared screentime with in said movies...
Not caring, hearing, or perhaps simply not acknowleding the men's insults...Piggsy just devoured his food without hesitation. The disgusted men mocked him and soon seems like they had their hands full with another job tonight...

Not long has passed and now Piggsy was standing and violently shaking his chains, trying to get free and squealing like the pig he is. Suddenly, the chain snapped and Piggsy freed himself!
Taking a glance at the on-looking camera, Piggsy squealed with his arms in the air! Then he walked off and got a hold of his chainsaw...leaving his home and doing the only thing he knew!...

He roamed around the courtyard area, roaring, squealing, tearing, ramming and chopping up anyone who dared come his way! "Piggsy is angry! AHHNNNGGRRRY!" He yelled out loud! Only thing close to his volume was his roaring dull-bladed chainsaw.
Leaving a trail of blood, guts and corpses of more armed men behind him. Piggsy just aimlessly wandered and pierced his way through. He didn't stop for anyone, nor anything...not even the...
The big blue portal that opened right ahead of him!

Piggsy stepped through without hesitation...before it even registered to him...he was in a different wasn't the courtyard anymore...yet the place felt similar...
Now on a stormy place that seemed to be floating above the ground...he soon saw...meat! More fresh meat! Terrified and surpried, the people who came face to face with him were simply asking themselves just what the hell he was!
Piggsy squealed and his chainsaw started roaring again, slowly walking forward them...deciding to not take a chance, they quickly started their assault! Piggsy's angry and his night just has started! So he revved up his chainsaw and charged right at them! He only had one thing to say!:

- 3 Powers, 2 Boosts and an Execution.
- 3 hex-edited skins, 3 HUDs, 3 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Hunter Platin's voice from Manhunt.
- SQUEAKY clean alternate skin and mannequin. And 2 xtra skins with matching HUDs.
- 2 breakout voice lines for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #212 (clashes with Gambit & Iris Yuma on mannequin & loadscreens)

They are named and worded differently here to simply avoid crude words and risky references.

1. Guts & G'ory: Piggsy, the ever-lovable star, tears the suckers apart with his DULL painful chainsaw! This classic is now available to all enemies with the press of a button! As a bonus feature, it also upgrades his gruesome Grab Smash! Now that's some GEWD entertainment!
2. Flying Pigs! - Pigs can fly! Pigs can fly! And so can YOU! In this picture, Piggsy swings his chainsaw right at these poor chumps, making everything fly away! What will land? A hand? A leg? Maybe even a head! Whatever the hell it is, this flick is 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
3. Throu da Grinder - Piggsy does what he does best, running and slashing! Right through these suckers, no less! The only thing louder than his maniacial noises is his MAD screeching chainsaw! Piggsy saw you and Piggsy puts the 'U' in abuse!
4. (Debuff) Sniff Sniff - Sniff never smelled gut-wrenching action like this before! Watch in awe as Piggsy sniffs out the fresh meat and catches those wandering losers off-guard! Piggsy will be covered in the stench of blood tonight!
5. (Boost) All Fed Up - Wanna know where the remains go after a movie is done? Piggsy will show you as he REVVVVS U^ his chainsaw and gathers all of his RAW strength! Knowing they'll just be chopped up for the next scene, these shmucks have no choice but to just run away in fear!

Piggy's Greatest Hits - See every scene you love of the inimitable Piggsy in this 6 hour compilation, exclusive to VALIANT VIDEO! Piggsy is %15 more violent to his victims and 15% more resistant to all attacks. On top of that, he's completely utterly ungrabbable!! Cut loose!

SKINS (21211-21213):
1. Piggsy
2. Lionel Starkweather
3. Binbag

- My second Manhunt mod! Now, Cash is not so lonely anymore....

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Bolton, Mannequin, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
dedtoot – Ripping Piggsy's Sounds and being an awesome fellow Manhunt fan
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System & Original Blood Effect Base from Skarlet
ak2yny – help with mixing one animation

UltraMegaMagnus - XML1 & MUA2 nSpace assets
Geisteskrakenchan (Garry's Mod) – Ripping Piggsy model, Starkweather model & chainsaw execution sounds
Weirdo Sonic (Dixmor Hospital / Manhunt Modding) – Putting the Dead Starkweather model together & the screenshot used for the HUD
miauz & ermaccer – Binbag skin & originally porting it for Manhunt, respectively
Kaori_Naim (L4D2 Modding) – Ripping chainsaw sounds
Sketch the Cow (Archive) – Manhunt PS2 Manual Scans
Manhunt Wiki – Piggsy renders
Rockstar Games - Creating Manhunt, Piggsy and many of the original assets

- Sometimes the chainsaw might despawn after "Throu da Grinder". Simply stop moving or do a different motion to get it back.
- It can also sometime despawn in hub worlds. Talking to someone will restore it.
- "Throu da Grinder" seems to stop damaging the last enemy standing after a while, not sure why.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Piggsy bored. Going home! Go to bed and SLEEEEEP!

Originating from the Evil Dead side of the multiverse, Pablo Simon Bolivar was merely your run-of-the-mill guy that worked in retail at ValueStop in Michigan.
Idolizing the older Ash Williams (who casually bragged about his many adventures against the world-ending Deadites in his prime), Pablo soon found himself pulled into yet another Deadite invasion alongside his co-worker Kelly Maxwell after Ash accidentally unleashed the Deadites upon the world once more.

Gradually coming to terms with his shaman heritage and new status quo as a constantly fluctuating, unwilling host for the dangerous power of the Necronomicon while travelling across the USA, Pablo grew into his own as a Deadite hunter and fighter, frequently proving himself an invaluable ally to his friends through thick and thin.

Having just witnessed Ash unexpectedly sacrifice himself and fulfill his destiny as humanity's chosen one (having used a tank round with the Kandarian Dagger taped on to definitively kill the Kandarian Demon itself once and for all seemingly at the cost of his own life), Pablo would look towards Kelly and wonder what would happen now with the Deadites leaderless (Ash's daughter Brandy seemingly lost in grief over the death of her father).

Doing what they could to strengthen humanity against the Deadites still roaming free across Earth in the months to come, Pablo & Kelly would find themselves under attack by an especially formidable batch of Deadites that began to quickly overwhelm them in numbers.

Loyal soldiers being swiftly slaughtered left and right before their eyes, Pablo and Kelly found themselves the only ones left standing, dangerously close to falling off a steep cliff to their doom.

But just as all seemed lost (the 'Ghost Beaters' finding themselves forced back by the strength of an unexpected demonic projectile), the two screamed before suddenly falling through a random dimensional tear together to parts unknown.

Pablo soon waking up and quickly checking Kelly was alright as he helped her up to her feet, they could only look around in amazement at their new surroundings as the mysterious 'Sanctum' gave off a reassuring sense of calm which reminded Pablo of his long deceased uncle, El Brujo somehow.

Quickly drawn from his thoughts by Kelly alerting them to potential threats arriving (as a blue-colored demon which possessed traits more reminiscent of vampires, a black-colored demon with glowing green eyes wrapped in an impractically-sized red cape and a human male with an intimidating trident who had a hellish symbol seemingly embedded in his chest), suddenly appeared in the room by varying supernatural means.

Their guns drawn, Pablo & Kelly were ready for anything before a familiar voice from the shadows told them to relax, implying they'd do more harm to themselves than the demonic-powered good guys in the room with them.

'Wait...' Pablo stated outloud. 'Is that you El Jefe?'

'Sorry kid, but that doesn't ring a bell. Name's Ash, housewares.'

'Don't you know who we are?' Kelly questioned. 'We kicked all sorts of Deadite ass together... We thought you were dead.'

'Sweetie,' a visibly younger-looking Ash said casually, as he stepped out into full view. 'Do you know how many times I've been told that I'd die by the hands of evil? Its pretty much become a cliche in my line of work.'

'Oh god, this cannot be happening. Have we been sent back in time before we ever met Ash?' Pablo said to Kelly. 'What about Brandy? And what's with... Wait, is that Spider-Man waving at us?'

'You uh... might want to sit down,' Ash commented as he pointed to some nearby couches with his normal hand. 'It's a long and convoluted mess of a story. Anyone got any popcorn?'

-2 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-4 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Ray Santiago's voice from the always online Evil Dead game
-Uses assigned number #89 (will clash with playable Skrull Deviant, Diamondback, the X-Men's M and the Prince of Persia in mannequin).

1. Revolving Shot: Pablo pulls out a revolver and repeatedly fires away, dealing physical damage to struck targets.
2. My Own Boomstick: Pablo pulls out a grenade launcher, continuously firing away and dealing fire damage to struck targets (so long as button is held down).
3. (Boost) Infernal Camouflage: Channeling power from the amulet on his person, Pablo suddenly renders himself and his allies completely invisible to all evil threats temporarily.
4. (Boost) Shamanic Protection: Channeling power from the amulet on his person, Pablo generates formidable defensive enchantments upon himself and his teammates, causing projectiles to bounce off them while damaging all attackers who come into range.
5. (Xtreme) Legacy of El Brujo: Channeling power from the amulet passed onto him by his late shaman uncle, Pablo generates formidable magical energy that deals heavy special damage to surrounding enemies, with a 50% chance of instant kill!

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUDs, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Converted Pablo skins from Evil Dead 2022 game
Hannah- Original ripping of Pablo models from Evil Dead 2022 game
tubularspacedude- Loopable police pistol animations for first power

Download link:
Tutorials / (MUA1) How to traverse and fig...
Last post by Ceamonks890 - July 23, 2024, 10:23PM
If you've ever played Marvel Ultimate Alliance, than you've no doubt experienced the Atlantis level (which utilises different attack and movement animations from the rest of the game). As a result, this naturally makes the swimming controls more sluggish than they should be.

Fortunately, there is an easy solution to make Atlantis play more akin to the rest of the game control wise. To achieve this, do the following:

1. Remove interact_swimming.igb and interact_swimming_4_07_captamerica.igb from your actors folder.
2. Remove interact_swimming.xmlb from data -> fightstyles.
3. Start a new game if you're playing on a pre-existing save.
4. Get to the Atlantis level either legitimately or via the extraction points all made accessible from the get-go by the Expanded Game Mod (EXG).
5. Have fun!

BUGS: Standard jumps/double jumps will take slightly longer for your playable characters to descend back to the ground (as a result of how these particular levels are coded). But characters who can fly or web-swing make this level easy to speed through (so have at least one of these character types on your team).

The bossfight against Attuma and Tiger Shark will also break if you do this, but they can still be defeated and progress further in the level regardless.